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Ungespeicherte Änderungen

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L(v) : L : v.Highcharts = L(v) })("undefined" !== typeof window ? window : this, function (v) { function L(a, b) { var c = "Highcharts error #" + a + ": www.highcharts.com/errors/" + a; if (b) throw Error(c); v.console && console.log(c) } function ba(a, b, c) { this.options = b; this.elem = a; this.prop = c } function A() { var a, b = arguments, c, d = {}, e = function (a, b) { var c, d; "object" !== typeof a && (a = {}); for (d in b) b.hasOwnProperty(d) && ((c = b[d]) && "object" === typeof c && "[object Array]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(c) && "renderTo" !== d && "number" !== typeof c.nodeType ? a[d] = e(a[d] || {}, c) : a[d] = b[d]); return a }; !0 === b[0] && (d = b[1], b = Array.prototype.slice.call(b, 2)); c = b.length; for (a = 0; a < c; a++) d = e(d, b[a]); return d } function F(a, b) { return parseInt(a, b || 10) } function ha(a) { return "string" === typeof a } function W(a) { return a && "object" === typeof a } function ia(a) { return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) } function r(a) { return "number" === typeof a } function p(a) { return na.log(a) / na.LN10 } function P(a) { return na.pow(10, a) } function M(a, b) { for (var c = a.length; c--;) if (a[c] === b) { a.splice(c, 1); break } } function u(a) { return a !== J && null !== a } function B(a, b, c) { var d, e; if (ha(b)) u(c) ? a.setAttribute(b, c) : a && a.getAttribute && (e = a.getAttribute(b)); else if (u(b) && W(b)) for (d in b) a.setAttribute(d, b[d]); return e } function S(a) { return ia(a) ? a : [a] } function oa(a, b, c) { if (b) return setTimeout(a, b, c); a.call(0, c) } function E(a, b) { Ha && !sa && b && b.opacity !== J && (b.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * b.opacity + ")"); O(a.style, b) } function ca(a, b, c, d, e) { a = V.createElement(a); b && O(a, b); e && E(a, {padding: 0, border: "none", margin: 0}); c && E(a, c); d && d.appendChild(a); return a } function C(a, b) { var c = function () { }; c.prototype = new a; O(c.prototype, b); return c } function n(a, b) { return Array((b || 2) + 1 - String(a).length).join(0) + a } function q(a, b) { return /%$/.test(a) ? b * parseFloat(a) / 100 : parseFloat(a) } function H(a) { return 6E4 * (eb && eb(a) || pb || 0) } function X(a, b) { for (var c = "{", d = !1, e, f, g, h, k, l = []; -1 !== (c = a.indexOf(c));) { e = a.slice(0, c); if (d) { f = e.split(":"); g = f.shift().split("."); k = g.length; e = b; for (h = 0; h < k; h++) e = e[g[h]]; f.length && (f = f.join(":"), g = /\.([0-9])/, h = la.lang, k = void 0, /f$/.test(f) ? (k = (k = f.match(g)) ? k[1] : -1, null !== e && (e = Q.numberFormat(e, k, h.decimalPoint, -1 < f.indexOf(",") ? h.thousandsSep : ""))) : e = Pa(f, e)) } l.push(e); a = a.slice(c + 1); c = (d = !d) ? "}" : "{" } l.push(a); return l.join("") } function N(a) { return na.pow(10, ea(na.log(a) / na.LN10)) } function ta(a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g = a; c = z(c, 1); f = a / c; b || (b = [1, 2, 2.5, 5, 10], !1 === d && (1 === c ? b = [1, 2, 5, 10] : .1 >= c && (b = [1 / c]))); for (d = 0; d < b.length && !(g = b[d], e && g * c >= a || !e && f <= (b[d] + (b[d + 1] || b[d])) / 2); d++) ; return g * c } function fb(a, b) { var c = a.length, d, e; for (e = 0; e < c; e++) a[e].safeI = e; a.sort(function (a, c) { d = b(a, c); return 0 === d ? a.safeI - c.safeI : d }); for (e = 0; e < c; e++) delete a[e].safeI } function D(a) { for (var b = a.length, c = a[0]; b--;) a[b] < c && (c = a[b]); return c } function Ia(a) { for (var b = a.length, c = a[0]; b--;) a[b] > c && (c = a[b]); return c } function Qa(a, b) { for (var c in a) a[c] && a[c] !== b && a[c].destroy && a[c].destroy(), delete a[c] } function gb(a) { hb || (hb = ca("div")); a && hb.appendChild(a); hb.innerHTML = "" } function ua(a, b) { return parseFloat(a.toPrecision(b || 14)) } function Ra(a, b) { b.renderer.globalAnimation = z(a, b.animation) } function Db() { var a = la.global, b = a.useUTC, c = b ? "getUTC" : "get", d = b ? "setUTC" : "set"; ya = a.Date || v.Date; pb = b && a.timezoneOffset; eb = b && a.getTimezoneOffset; ib = function (a, c, d, h, k, l) { var m; b ? (m = ya.UTC.apply(0, arguments), m += H(m)) : m = (new ya(a, c, z(d, 1), z(h, 0), z(k, 0), z(l, 0))).getTime(); return m }; qb = c + "Minutes"; rb = c + "Hours"; sb = c + "Day"; Ua = c + "Date"; Va = c + "Month"; Wa = c + "FullYear"; Eb = d + "Milliseconds"; Fb = d + "Seconds"; Gb = d + "Minutes"; Hb = d + "Hours"; tb = d + "Date"; ub = d + "Month"; vb = d + "FullYear" } function pa(a) { if (!(this instanceof pa)) return new pa(a); this.init(a) } function ja() { } function xa(a, b, c, d) { this.axis = a; this.pos = b; this.type = c || ""; this.isNew = !0; c || d || this.addLabel() } function Xa(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = a.chart.inverted; this.axis = a; this.isNegative = c; this.options = b; this.x = d; this.total = null; this.points = {}; this.stack = e; this.alignOptions = { align: b.align || (f ? c ? "left" : "right" : "center"), verticalAlign: b.verticalAlign || (f ? "middle" : c ? "bottom" : "top"), y: z(b.y, f ? 4 : c ? 14 : -6), x: z(b.x, f ? c ? -6 : 6 : 0) }; this.textAlign = b.textAlign || (f ? c ? "right" : "left" : "center") } function Ya(a, b, c) { this.init(a, b, c) } var J, V = v.document, na = Math, R = na.round, ea = na.floor, Ba = na.ceil, G = na.max, U = na.min, fa = na.abs, va = na.cos, Ca = na.sin, Da = na.PI, Ma = 2 * Da / 360, Ja = v.navigator && v.navigator.userAgent || "", Rb = v.opera, Ha = /(msie|trident|edge)/i.test(Ja) && !Rb, Ib = !Ha && /AppleWebKit/.test(Ja), Za = /Firefox/.test(Ja), Jb = /(Mobile|Android|Windows Phone)/.test(Ja), sa = V && V.createElementNS && !!V.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg").createSVGRect, Sb = Za && 4 > parseInt(Ja.split("Firefox/")[1], 10), za = V && !sa && !Ha && !!V.createElement("canvas").getContext, $a, Kb = {}, wb = 0, hb, la, Pa, Z, ka = function () { }, ra = [], ab = 0, Tb = /^[0-9]+$/, jb = ["plotTop", "marginRight", "marginBottom", "plotLeft"], ya, ib, pb, eb, qb, rb, sb, Ua, Va, Wa, Eb, Fb, Gb, Hb, tb, ub, vb, K = {}, Q; Q = v.Highcharts ? L(16, !0) : {win: v}; Q.seriesTypes = K; var Ka = [], La, Aa, t, Na, xb, Ea, ga, ma, da, Sa, Oa; ba.prototype = { dSetter: function () { var a = this.paths[0], b = this.paths[1], c = [], d = this.now, e = a.length, f; if (1 === d) c = this.toD; else if (e === b.length && 1 > d) for (; e--;) f = parseFloat(a[e]), c[e] = isNaN(f) ? a[e] : d * parseFloat(b[e] - f) + f; else c = b; this.elem.attr("d", c) }, update: function () { var a = this.elem, b = this.prop, c = this.now, d = this.options.step; if (this[b + "Setter"]) this[b + "Setter"](); else a.attr ? a.element && a.attr(b, c) : a.style[b] = c + this.unit; d && d.call(a, c, this) }, run: function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = function (a) { return e.stopped ? !1 : d.step(a) }, f; this.startTime = +new ya; this.start = a; this.end = b; this.unit = c; this.now = this.start; this.pos = 0; e.elem = this.elem; e() && 1 === Ka.push(e) && (e.timerId = setInterval(function () { for (f = 0; f < Ka.length; f++) Ka[f]() || Ka.splice(f--, 1); Ka.length || clearInterval(e.timerId) }, 13)) }, step: function (a) { var b = +new ya, c, d = this.options; c = this.elem; var e = d.complete, f = d.duration, g = d.curAnim, h; if (c.attr && !c.element) c = !1; else if (a || b >= f + this.startTime) { this.now = this.end; this.pos = 1; this.update(); a = g[this.prop] = !0; for (h in g) !0 !== g[h] && (a = !1); a && e && e.call(c); c = !1 } else this.pos = d.easing((b - this.startTime) / f), this.now = this.start + (this.end - this.start) * this.pos, this.update(), c = !0; return c }, initPath: function (a, b, c) { b = b || ""; var d = a.shift, e = -1 < b.indexOf("C"), f = e ? 7 : 3, g; b = b.split(" "); c = [].concat(c); var h, k, l = function (a) { for (g = a.length; g--;) "M" === a[g] && a.splice(g + 1, 0, a[g + 1], a[g + 2], a[g + 1], a[g + 2]) }; e && (l(b), l(c)); a.isArea && (h = b.splice(b.length - 6, 6), k = c.splice(c.length - 6, 6)); if (d <= c.length / f && b.length === c.length) for (; d--;) c = [].concat(c).splice(0, f).concat(c); a.shift = 0; if (b.length) for (a = c.length; b.length < a;) d = [].concat(b).splice(b.length - f, f), e && (d[f - 6] = d[f - 2], d[f - 5] = d[f - 1]), b = b.concat(d); h && (b = b.concat(h), c = c.concat(k)); return [b, c] } }; var O = Q.extend = function (a, b) { var c; a || (a = {}); for (c in b) a[c] = b[c]; return a }, z = Q.pick = function () { var a = arguments, b, c, d = a.length; for (b = 0; b < d; b++) if (c = a[b], c !== J && null !== c) return c }, qa = Q.wrap = function (a, b, c) { var d = a[b]; a[b] = function () { var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); a.unshift(d); return c.apply(this, a) } }; Pa = function (a, b, c) { if (!u(b) || isNaN(b)) return la.lang.invalidDate || ""; a = z(a, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); var d = new ya(b - H(b)), e, f = d[rb](), g = d[sb](), h = d[Ua](), k = d[Va](), l = d[Wa](), m = la.lang, w = m.weekdays, d = O({ a: w[g].substr(0, 3), A: w[g], d: n(h), e: h, w: g, b: m.shortMonths[k], B: m.months[k], m: n(k + 1), y: l.toString().substr(2, 2), Y: l, H: n(f), k: f, I: n(f % 12 || 12), l: f % 12 || 12, M: n(d[qb]()), p: 12 > f ? "AM" : "PM", P: 12 > f ? "am" : "pm", S: n(d.getSeconds()), L: n(R(b % 1E3), 3) }, Q.dateFormats); for (e in d) for (; -1 !== a.indexOf("%" + e);) a = a.replace("%" + e, "function" === typeof d[e] ? d[e](b) : d[e]); return c ? a.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1) : a }; Z = { millisecond: 1, second: 1E3, minute: 6E4, hour: 36E5, day: 864E5, week: 6048E5, month: 24192E5, year: 314496E5 }; Q.numberFormat = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = la.lang; a = +a || 0; var f = -1 === b ? Math.min((a.toString().split(".")[1] || "").length, 20) : isNaN(b = Math.abs(b)) ? 2 : b; b = void 0 === c ? e.decimalPoint : c; d = void 0 === d ? e.thousandsSep : d; e = 0 > a ? "-" : ""; c = String(F(a = fa(a).toFixed(f))); var g = 3 < c.length ? c.length % 3 : 0; return e + (g ? c.substr(0, g) + d : "") + c.substr(g).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + d) + (f ? b + fa(a - c).toFixed(f).slice(2) : "") }; Math.easeInOutSine = function (a) { return -.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * a) - 1) }; La = function (a, b) { var c = v.getComputedStyle(a, void 0); return c && F(c.getPropertyValue(b)) }; Aa = function (a, b) { return b.indexOf ? b.indexOf(a) : [].indexOf.call(b, a) }; Na = function (a, b) { return [].filter.call(a, b) }; Ea = function (a, b) { for (var c = [], d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) c[d] = b.call(a[d], a[d], d, a); return c }; xb = function (a) { var b = V.documentElement; a = a.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: a.top + (v.pageYOffset || b.scrollTop) - (b.clientTop || 0), left: a.left + (v.pageXOffset || b.scrollLeft) - (b.clientLeft || 0) } }; Oa = function (a) { for (var b = Ka.length; b--;) Ka[b].elem === a && (Ka[b].stopped = !0) }; t = function (a, b) { return Array.prototype.forEach.call(a, b) }; ga = function (a, b, c) { function d(b) { b.target = b.srcElement || v; c.call(a, b) } var e = a.hcEvents = a.hcEvents || {}; a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.attachEvent && (a.hcEventsIE || (a.hcEventsIE = {}), a.hcEventsIE[c.toString()] = d, a.attachEvent("on" + b, d)); e[b] || (e[b] = []); e[b].push(c) }; ma = function (a, b, c) { function d(b, c) { a.removeEventListener ? a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.attachEvent && (c = a.hcEventsIE[c.toString()], a.detachEvent("on" + b, c)) } function e() { var c, e; if (a.nodeName) for (e in b ? (c = {}, c[b] = !0) : c = g, c) if (g[e]) for (c = g[e].length; c--;) d(e, g[e][c]) } var f, g = a.hcEvents, h; g && (b ? (f = g[b] || [], c ? (h = Aa(c, f), -1 < h && (f.splice(h, 1), g[b] = f), d(b, c)) : (e(), g[b] = [])) : (e(), a.hcEvents = {})) }; da = function (a, b, c, d) { var e; e = a.hcEvents; var f, g, h, k; c = c || {}; if (V.createEvent && (a.dispatchEvent || a.fireEvent)) e = V.createEvent("Events"), e.initEvent(b, !0, !0), e.target = a, O(e, c), a.dispatchEvent ? a.dispatchEvent(e) : a.fireEvent(b, e); else if (e) for (e = e[b] || [], f = e.length, h = function () { c.defaultPrevented = !0 }, g = 0; g < f; g++) { k = e[g]; if (c.stopped) return; c.preventDefault = h; c.target = a; c.type || (c.type = b); !1 === k.call(a, c) && c.preventDefault() } d && !c.defaultPrevented && d(c) }; Sa = function (a, b, c) { var d, e = "", f, g, h; W(c) || (d = arguments, c = {duration: d[2], easing: d[3], complete: d[4]}); r(c.duration) || (c.duration = 400); c.easing = Math[c.easing] || Math.easeInOutSine; c.curAnim = A(b); for (h in b) g = new ba(a, c, h), f = null, "d" === h ? (g.paths = g.initPath(a, a.d, b.d), g.toD = b.d, d = 0, f = 1) : a.attr ? d = a.attr(h) : (d = parseFloat(La(a, h)) || 0, "opacity" !== h && (e = "px")), f || (f = b[h]), f.match && f.match("px") && (f = f.replace(/px/g, "")), g.run(d, f, e) }; v.jQuery && (v.jQuery.fn.highcharts = function () { var a = [].slice.call(arguments); if (this[0]) return a[0] ? (new (Q[ha(a[0]) ? a.shift() : "Chart"])(this[0], a[0], a[1]), this) : ra[B(this[0], "data-highcharts-chart")] }); V && !V.defaultView && (La = function (a, b) { var c; c = {width: "clientWidth", height: "clientHeight"}[b]; if (a.style[b]) return F(a.style[b]); "opacity" === b && (b = "filter"); if (c) return a.style.zoom = 1, a[c] - 2 * La(a, "padding"); c = a.currentStyle[b.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function (a, b) { return b.toUpperCase() })]; "filter" === b && (c = c.replace(/alpha\(opacity=([0-9]+)\)/, function (a, b) { return b / 100 })); return "" === c ? 1 : F(c) }); Array.prototype.forEach || (t = function (a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) if (!1 === b.call(a[c], a[c], c, a)) return c }); Array.prototype.indexOf || (Aa = function (a, b) { var c, d = 0; if (b) for (c = b.length; d < c; d++) if (b[d] === a) return d; return -1 }); Array.prototype.filter || (Na = function (a, b) { for (var c = [], d = 0, e = a.length; d < e; d++) b(a[d], d) && c.push(a[d]); return c }); Q.Fx = ba; Q.inArray = Aa; Q.each = t; Q.grep = Na; Q.offset = xb; Q.map = Ea; Q.addEvent = ga; Q.removeEvent = ma; Q.fireEvent = da; Q.animate = Sa; Q.stop = Oa; la = { colors: "#7cb5ec #434348 #90ed7d #f7a35c #8085e9 #f15c80 #e4d354 #2b908f #f45b5b #91e8e1".split(" "), symbols: ["circle", "diamond", "square", "triangle", "triangle-down"], lang: { loading: "Loading...", months: "January February March April May June July August September October November December".split(" "), shortMonths: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" "), weekdays: "Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday".split(" "), decimalPoint: ".", numericSymbols: "kMGTPE".split(""), resetZoom: "Reset zoom", resetZoomTitle: "Reset zoom level 1:1", thousandsSep: " " }, global: { useUTC: !0, canvasToolsURL: "http://code.highcharts.com@product.cdnpath@//Highstock 4.2.1/modules/canvas-tools.js", VMLRadialGradientURL: "http://code.highcharts.com@product.cdnpath@//Highstock 4.2.1/gfx/vml-radial-gradient.png" }, chart: { borderColor: "#4572A7", borderRadius: 0, defaultSeriesType: "line", ignoreHiddenSeries: !0, spacing: [10, 10, 15, 10], backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", plotBorderColor: "#C0C0C0", resetZoomButton: {theme: {zIndex: 20}, position: {align: "right", x: -10, y: 10}} }, title: {text: "Chart title", align: "center", margin: 15, style: {color: "#333333", fontSize: "18px"}}, subtitle: {text: "", align: "center", style: {color: "#555555"}}, plotOptions: { line: { allowPointSelect: !1, showCheckbox: !1, animation: {duration: 1E3}, events: {}, lineWidth: 2, marker: { lineWidth: 0, radius: 4, lineColor: "#FFFFFF", states: { hover: {enabled: !0, lineWidthPlus: 1, radiusPlus: 2}, select: {fillColor: "#FFFFFF", lineColor: "#000000", lineWidth: 2} } }, point: {events: {}}, dataLabels: { align: "center", formatter: function () { return null === this.y ? "" : Q.numberFormat(this.y, -1) }, style: { color: "contrast", fontSize: "11px", fontWeight: "bold", textShadow: "0 0 6px contrast, 0 0 3px contrast" }, verticalAlign: "bottom", x: 0, y: 0, padding: 5 }, cropThreshold: 300, pointRange: 0, softThreshold: !0, states: {hover: {lineWidthPlus: 1, marker: {}, halo: {size: 10, opacity: .25}}, select: {marker: {}}}, stickyTracking: !0, turboThreshold: 1E3 } }, labels: {style: {position: "absolute", color: "#3E576F"}}, legend: { enabled: !0, align: "center", layout: "horizontal", labelFormatter: function () { return this.name }, borderColor: "#909090", borderRadius: 0, navigation: {activeColor: "#274b6d", inactiveColor: "#CCC"}, shadow: !1, itemStyle: {color: "#333333", fontSize: "12px", fontWeight: "bold"}, itemHoverStyle: {color: "#000"}, itemHiddenStyle: {color: "#CCC"}, itemCheckboxStyle: {position: "absolute", width: "13px", height: "13px"}, symbolPadding: 5, verticalAlign: "bottom", x: 0, y: 0, title: {style: {fontWeight: "bold"}} }, loading: { labelStyle: {fontWeight: "bold", position: "relative", top: "45%"}, style: {position: "absolute", backgroundColor: "white", opacity: .5, textAlign: "center"} }, tooltip: { enabled: !0, animation: sa, backgroundColor: "rgba(249, 249, 249, .85)", borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 3, dateTimeLabelFormats: { millisecond: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S.%L", second: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M:%S", minute: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M", hour: "%A, %b %e, %H:%M", day: "%A, %b %e, %Y", week: "Week from %A, %b %e, %Y", month: "%B %Y", year: "%Y" }, footerFormat: "", headerFormat: '{point.key}
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(d = A(b), d.stops = [].concat(d.stops), t(this.stops, function (b, c) { d.stops[c] = [d.stops[c][0], b.get(a)] })) : d = c && !isNaN(c[0]) ? "rgb" === a || !a && 1 === c[3] ? "rgb(" + c[0] + "," + c[1] + "," + c[2] + ")" : "a" === a ? c[3] : "rgba(" + c.join(",") + ")" : b; return d }, brighten: function (a) { var b, c = this.rgba; if (this.stops) t(this.stops, function (b) { b.brighten(a) }); else if (r(a) && 0 !== a) for (b = 0; 3 > b; b++) c[b] += F(255 * a), 0 > c[b] && (c[b] = 0), 255 < c[b] && (c[b] = 255); return this }, setOpacity: function (a) { this.rgba[3] = a; return this } }; ja.prototype = { opacity: 1, textProps: "direction fontSize fontWeight fontFamily fontStyle color lineHeight width textDecoration textOverflow textShadow".split(" "), init: function (a, b) { this.element = "span" === b ? ca(b) : V.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", b); this.renderer = a }, animate: function (a, b, c) { b = z(b, this.renderer.globalAnimation, !0); Oa(this); b ? (b = A(b, {}), c && (b.complete = c), Sa(this, a, b)) : this.attr(a, null, c); return this }, colorGradient: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.renderer, e, f, g, h, k, l, m, w, y, x, T, I = [], z; a.linearGradient ? f = "linearGradient" : a.radialGradient && (f = "radialGradient"); if (f) { g = a[f]; k = d.gradients; m = a.stops; x = c.radialReference; ia(g) && (a[f] = g = {x1: g[0], y1: g[1], x2: g[2], y2: g[3], gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"}); "radialGradient" === f && x && !u(g.gradientUnits) && (h = g, g = A(g, d.getRadialAttr(x, h), {gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"})); for (T in g) "id" !== T && I.push(T, g[T]); for (T in m) I.push(m[T]); I = I.join(","); k[I] ? x = k[I].attr("id") : (g.id = x = "highcharts-" + wb++, k[I] = l = d.createElement(f).attr(g).add(d.defs), l.radAttr = h, l.stops = [], t(m, function (a) { 0 === a[1].indexOf("rgba") ? (e = pa(a[1]), w = e.get("rgb"), y = e.get("a")) : (w = a[1], y = 1); a = d.createElement("stop").attr({offset: a[0], "stop-color": w, "stop-opacity": y}).add(l); l.stops.push(a) })); z = "url(" + d.url + "#" + x + ")"; c.setAttribute(b, z); c.gradient = I; a.toString = function () { return z } } }, applyTextShadow: function (a) { var b = this.element, c, d = -1 !== a.indexOf("contrast"), e = {}, f = this.renderer.forExport, g = f || b.style.textShadow !== J && !Ha; d && (e.textShadow = a = a.replace(/contrast/g, this.renderer.getContrast(b.style.fill))); if (Ib || f) e.textRendering = "geometricPrecision"; g ? this.css(e) : (this.fakeTS = !0, this.ySetter = this.xSetter, c = [].slice.call(b.getElementsByTagName("tspan")), t(a.split(/\s?,\s?/g), function (a) { var d = b.firstChild, e, f; a = a.split(" "); e = a[a.length - 1]; (f = a[a.length - 2]) && t(c, function (a, c) { var g; 0 === c && (a.setAttribute("x", b.getAttribute("x")), c = b.getAttribute("y"), a.setAttribute("y", c || 0), null === c && b.setAttribute("y", 0)); g = a.cloneNode(1); B(g, { "class": "highcharts-text-shadow", fill: e, stroke: e, "stroke-opacity": 1 / G(F(f), 3), "stroke-width": f, "stroke-linejoin": "round" }); b.insertBefore(g, d) }) })) }, attr: function (a, b, c) { var d, e = this.element, f, g = this, h; "string" === typeof a && b !== J && (d = a, a = {}, a[d] = b); if ("string" === typeof a) g = (this[a + "Getter"] || this._defaultGetter).call(this, a, e); else { for (d in a) b = a[d], h = !1, this.symbolName && /^(x|y|width|height|r|start|end|innerR|anchorX|anchorY)/.test(d) && (f || (this.symbolAttr(a), f = !0), h = !0), !this.rotation || "x" !== d && "y" !== d || (this.doTransform = !0), h || (this[d + "Setter"] || this._defaultSetter).call(this, b, d, e), this.shadows && /^(width|height|visibility|x|y|d|transform|cx|cy|r)$/.test(d) && this.updateShadows(d, b); this.doTransform && (this.updateTransform(), this.doTransform = !1) } c && c(); return g }, updateShadows: function (a, b) { for (var c = this.shadows, d = c.length; d--;) c[d].setAttribute(a, "height" === a ? Math.max(b - (c[d].cutHeight || 0), 0) : "d" === a ? this.d : b) }, addClass: function (a) { var b = this.element, c = B(b, "class") || ""; -1 === c.indexOf(a) && B(b, "class", c + " " + a); return this }, symbolAttr: function (a) { var b = this; t("x y r start end width height innerR anchorX anchorY".split(" "), function (c) { b[c] = z(a[c], b[c]) }); b.attr({d: b.renderer.symbols[b.symbolName](b.x, b.y, b.width, b.height, b)}) }, clip: function (a) { return this.attr("clip-path", a ? "url(" + this.renderer.url + "#" + a.id + ")" : "none") }, crisp: function (a) { var b, c = {}, d, e = a.strokeWidth || this.strokeWidth || 0; d = R(e) % 2 / 2; a.x = ea(a.x || this.x || 0) + d; a.y = ea(a.y || this.y || 0) + d; a.width = ea((a.width || this.width || 0) - 2 * d); a.height = ea((a.height || this.height || 0) - 2 * d); a.strokeWidth = e; for (b in a) this[b] !== a[b] && (this[b] = c[b] = a[b]); return c }, css: function (a) { var b = this.styles, c = {}, d = this.element, e, f, g = ""; e = !b; a && a.color && (a.fill = a.color); if (b) for (f in a) a[f] !== b[f] && (c[f] = a[f], e = !0); if (e) { e = this.textWidth = a && a.width && "text" === d.nodeName.toLowerCase() && F(a.width) || this.textWidth; b && (a = O(b, c)); this.styles = a; e && (za || !sa && this.renderer.forExport) && delete a.width; if (Ha && !sa) E(this.element, a); else { b = function (a, b) { return "-" + b.toLowerCase() }; for (f in a) g += f.replace(/([A-Z])/g, b) + ":" + a[f] + ";"; B(d, "style", g) } e && this.added && this.renderer.buildText(this) } return this }, on: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.element; $a && "click" === a ? (d.ontouchstart = function (a) { c.touchEventFired = ya.now(); a.preventDefault(); b.call(d, a) }, d.onclick = function (a) { (-1 === Ja.indexOf("Android") || 1100 < ya.now() - (c.touchEventFired || 0)) && b.call(d, a) }) : d["on" + a] = b; return this }, setRadialReference: function (a) { var b = this.renderer.gradients[this.element.gradient]; this.element.radialReference = a; b && b.radAttr && b.animate(this.renderer.getRadialAttr(a, b.radAttr)); return this }, translate: function (a, b) { return this.attr({translateX: a, translateY: b}) }, invert: function () { this.inverted = !0; this.updateTransform(); return this }, updateTransform: function () { var a = this.translateX || 0, b = this.translateY || 0, c = this.scaleX, d = this.scaleY, e = this.inverted, f = this.rotation, g = this.element; e && (a += this.attr("width"), b += this.attr("height")); a = ["translate(" + a + "," + b + ")"]; e ? a.push("rotate(90) scale(-1,1)") : f && a.push("rotate(" + f + " " + (g.getAttribute("x") || 0) + " " + (g.getAttribute("y") || 0) + ")"); (u(c) || u(d)) && a.push("scale(" + z(c, 1) + " " + z(d, 1) + ")"); a.length && g.setAttribute("transform", a.join(" ")) }, toFront: function () { var a = this.element; a.parentNode.appendChild(a); return this }, align: function (a, b, c) { var d, e, f, g, h = {}; e = this.renderer; f = e.alignedObjects; if (a) { if (this.alignOptions = a, this.alignByTranslate = b, !c || ha(c)) this.alignTo = d = c || "renderer", M(f, this), f.push(this), c = null } else a = this.alignOptions, b = this.alignByTranslate, d = this.alignTo; c = z(c, e[d], e); d = a.align; e = a.verticalAlign; f = (c.x || 0) + (a.x || 0); g = (c.y || 0) + (a.y || 0); if ("right" === d || "center" === d) f += (c.width - (a.width || 0)) / {right: 1, center: 2}[d]; h[b ? "translateX" : "x"] = R(f); if ("bottom" === e || "middle" === e) g += (c.height - (a.height || 0)) / ({bottom: 1, middle: 2}[e] || 1); h[b ? "translateY" : "y"] = R(g); this[this.placed ? "animate" : "attr"](h); this.placed = !0; this.alignAttr = h; return this }, getBBox: function (a, b) { var c, d = this.renderer, e, f, g, h = this.element, k = this.styles; e = this.textStr; var l, m = h.style, w, y = d.cache, x = d.cacheKeys, T; f = z(b, this.rotation); g = f * Ma; e !== J && (T = ["", f || 0, k && k.fontSize, h.style.width].join(), T = "" === e || Tb.test(e) ? "num:" + e.toString().length + T : e + T); T && !a && (c = y[T]); if (!c) { if ("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" === h.namespaceURI || d.forExport) { try { w = this.fakeTS && function (a) { t(h.querySelectorAll(".highcharts-text-shadow"), function (b) { b.style.display = a }) }, Za && m.textShadow ? (l = m.textShadow, m.textShadow = "") : w && w("none"), c = h.getBBox ? O({}, h.getBBox()) : { width: h.offsetWidth, height: h.offsetHeight }, l ? m.textShadow = l : w && w("") } catch (I) { } if (!c || 0 > c.width) c = {width: 0, height: 0} } else c = this.htmlGetBBox(); d.isSVG && (d = c.width, e = c.height, Ha && k && "11px" === k.fontSize && "16.9" === e.toPrecision(3) && (c.height = e = 14), f && (c.width = fa(e * Ca(g)) + fa(d * va(g)), c.height = fa(e * va(g)) + fa(d * Ca(g)))); if (T) { for (; 250 < x.length;) delete y[x.shift()]; y[T] || x.push(T); y[T] = c } } return c }, show: function (a) { return this.attr({visibility: a ? "inherit" : "visible"}) }, hide: function () { return this.attr({visibility: "hidden"}) }, fadeOut: function (a) { var b = this; b.animate({opacity: 0}, { duration: a || 150, complete: function () { b.attr({y: -9999}) } }) }, add: function (a) { var b = this.renderer, c = this.element, d; a && (this.parentGroup = a); this.parentInverted = a && a.inverted; void 0 !== this.textStr && b.buildText(this); this.added = !0; if (!a || a.handleZ || this.zIndex) d = this.zIndexSetter(); d || (a ? a.element : b.box).appendChild(c); if (this.onAdd) this.onAdd(); return this }, safeRemoveChild: function (a) { var b = a.parentNode; b && b.removeChild(a) }, destroy: function () { var a = this, b = a.element || {}, c = a.shadows, d = a.renderer.isSVG && "SPAN" === b.nodeName && a.parentGroup, e, f; b.onclick = b.onmouseout = b.onmouseover = b.onmousemove = b.point = null; Oa(a); a.clipPath && (a.clipPath = a.clipPath.destroy()); if (a.stops) { for (f = 0; f < a.stops.length; f++) a.stops[f] = a.stops[f].destroy(); a.stops = null } a.safeRemoveChild(b); for (c && t(c, function (b) { a.safeRemoveChild(b) }); d && d.div && 0 === d.div.childNodes.length;) b = d.parentGroup, a.safeRemoveChild(d.div), delete d.div, d = b; a.alignTo && M(a.renderer.alignedObjects, a); for (e in a) delete a[e]; return null }, shadow: function (a, b, c) { var d = [], e, f, g = this.element, h, k, l, m; if (a) { k = z(a.width, 3); l = (a.opacity || .15) / k; m = this.parentInverted ? "(-1,-1)" : "(" + z(a.offsetX, 1) + ", " + z(a.offsetY, 1) + ")"; for (e = 1; e <= k; e++) f = g.cloneNode(0), h = 2 * k + 1 - 2 * e, B(f, { isShadow: "true", stroke: a.color || "black", "stroke-opacity": l * e, "stroke-width": h, transform: "translate" + m, fill: "none" }), c && (B(f, "height", G(B(f, "height") - h, 0)), f.cutHeight = h), b ? b.element.appendChild(f) : g.parentNode.insertBefore(f, g), d.push(f); this.shadows = d } return this }, xGetter: function (a) { "circle" === this.element.nodeName && (a = {x: "cx", y: "cy"}[a] || a); return this._defaultGetter(a) }, _defaultGetter: function (a) { a = z(this[a], this.element ? this.element.getAttribute(a) : null, 0); /^[\-0-9\.]+$/.test(a) && (a = parseFloat(a)); return a }, dSetter: function (a, b, c) { a && a.join && (a = a.join(" ")); /(NaN| {2}|^$)/.test(a) && (a = "M 0 0"); c.setAttribute(b, a); this[b] = a }, dashstyleSetter: function (a) { var b; if (a = a && a.toLowerCase()) { a = a.replace("shortdashdotdot", "3,1,1,1,1,1,").replace("shortdashdot", "3,1,1,1").replace("shortdot", "1,1,").replace("shortdash", "3,1,").replace("longdash", "8,3,").replace(/dot/g, "1,3,").replace("dash", "4,3,").replace(/,$/, "").split(","); for (b = a.length; b--;) a[b] = F(a[b]) * this["stroke-width"]; a = a.join(",").replace("NaN", "none"); this.element.setAttribute("stroke-dasharray", a) } }, alignSetter: function (a) { this.element.setAttribute("text-anchor", {left: "start", center: "middle", right: "end"}[a]) }, opacitySetter: function (a, b, c) { this[b] = a; c.setAttribute(b, a) }, titleSetter: function (a) { var b = this.element.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; b || (b = V.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "title"), this.element.appendChild(b)); b.appendChild(V.createTextNode(String(z(a), "").replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ""))) }, textSetter: function (a) { a !== this.textStr && (delete this.bBox, this.textStr = a, this.added && this.renderer.buildText(this)) }, fillSetter: function (a, b, c) { "string" === typeof a ? c.setAttribute(b, a) : a && this.colorGradient(a, b, c) }, visibilitySetter: function (a, b, c) { "inherit" === a ? c.removeAttribute(b) : c.setAttribute(b, a) }, zIndexSetter: function (a, b) { var c = this.renderer, d = this.parentGroup, c = (d || c).element || c.box, e, f, g = this.element, h; e = this.added; var k; u(a) && (g.setAttribute(b, a), a = +a, this[b] === a && (e = !1), this[b] = a); if (e) { (a = this.zIndex) && d && (d.handleZ = !0); d = c.childNodes; for (k = 0; k < d.length && !h; k++) e = d[k], f = B(e, "zIndex"), e !== g && (F(f) > a || !u(a) && u(f)) && (c.insertBefore(g, e), h = !0); h || c.appendChild(g) } return h }, _defaultSetter: function (a, b, c) { c.setAttribute(b, a) } }; ja.prototype.yGetter = ja.prototype.xGetter; ja.prototype.translateXSetter = ja.prototype.translateYSetter = ja.prototype.rotationSetter = ja.prototype.verticalAlignSetter = ja.prototype.scaleXSetter = ja.prototype.scaleYSetter = function (a, b) { this[b] = a; this.doTransform = !0 }; ja.prototype["stroke-widthSetter"] = ja.prototype.strokeSetter = function (a, b, c) { this[b] = a; this.stroke && this["stroke-width"] ? (this.strokeWidth = this["stroke-width"], ja.prototype.fillSetter.call(this, this.stroke, "stroke", c), c.setAttribute("stroke-width", this["stroke-width"]), this.hasStroke = !0) : "stroke-width" === b && 0 === a && this.hasStroke && (c.removeAttribute("stroke"), this.hasStroke = !1) }; var lb = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments) }; lb.prototype = { Element: ja, init: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g; d = this.createElement("svg").attr({version: "1.1"}).css(this.getStyle(d)); g = d.element; a.appendChild(g); -1 === a.innerHTML.indexOf("xmlns") && B(g, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); this.isSVG = !0; this.box = g; this.boxWrapper = d; this.alignedObjects = []; this.url = (Za || Ib) && V.getElementsByTagName("base").length ? v.location.href.replace(/#.*?$/, "").replace(/([\('\)])/g, "\\$1").replace(/ /g, "%20") : ""; this.createElement("desc").add().element.appendChild(V.createTextNode("Created with Highcharts 4.2.1 /Highstock 4.2.1")); this.defs = this.createElement("defs").add(); this.allowHTML = f; this.forExport = e; this.gradients = {}; this.cache = {}; this.cacheKeys = []; this.setSize(b, c, !1); var h; Za && a.getBoundingClientRect && (this.subPixelFix = b = function () { E(a, {left: 0, top: 0}); h = a.getBoundingClientRect(); E(a, {left: Ba(h.left) - h.left + "px", top: Ba(h.top) - h.top + "px"}) }, b(), ga(v, "resize", b)) }, getStyle: function (a) { return this.style = O({ fontFamily: '"Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', fontSize: "12px" }, a) }, isHidden: function () { return !this.boxWrapper.getBBox().width }, destroy: function () { var a = this.defs; this.box = null; this.boxWrapper = this.boxWrapper.destroy(); Qa(this.gradients || {}); this.gradients = null; a && (this.defs = a.destroy()); this.subPixelFix && ma(v, "resize", this.subPixelFix); return this.alignedObjects = null }, createElement: function (a) { var b = new this.Element; b.init(this, a); return b }, draw: function () { }, getRadialAttr: function (a, b) { return {cx: a[0] - a[2] / 2 + b.cx * a[2], cy: a[1] - a[2] / 2 + b.cy * a[2], r: b.r * a[2]} }, buildText: function (a) { for (var b = a.element, c = this, d = c.forExport, e = z(a.textStr, "").toString(), f = -1 !== e.indexOf("<"), g = b.childNodes, h, k, l = B(b, "x"), m = a.styles, w = a.textWidth, y = m && m.lineHeight, x = m && m.textShadow, T = m && "ellipsis" === m.textOverflow, I = g.length, n = w && !a.added && this.box, u = function (a) { return y ? F(y) : c.fontMetrics(/(px|em)$/.test(a && a.style.fontSize) ? a.style.fontSize : m && m.fontSize || c.style.fontSize || 12, a).h }, q = function (a) { return a.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">") }; I--;) b.removeChild(g[I]); f || x || T || -1 !== e.indexOf(" ") ? (h = /<.*style="([^"]+)".*>/, k = /<.*href="(http[^"]+)".*>/, n && n.appendChild(b), e = f ? e.replace(/<(b|strong)>/g, '').replace(/<(i|em)>/g, '').replace(//g, "").split(//g) : [e], "" === e[e.length - 1] && e.pop(), t(e, function (e, f) { var g, y = 0; e = e.replace(//g, "|||"); g = e.split("|||"); t(g, function (e) { if ("" !== e || 1 === g.length) { var x = {}, I = V.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"), z; h.test(e) && (z = e.match(h)[1].replace(/(;| |^)color([ :])/, "$1fill$2"), B(I, "style", z)); k.test(e) && !d && (B(I, "onclick", 'location.href="' + e.match(k)[1] + '"'), E(I, {cursor: "pointer"})); e = q(e.replace(/<(.|\n)*?>/g, "") || " "); if (" " !== e) { I.appendChild(V.createTextNode(e)); y ? x.dx = 0 : f && null !== l && (x.x = l); B(I, x); b.appendChild(I); !y && f && (!sa && d && E(I, {display: "block"}), B(I, "dy", u(I))); if (w) { for (var x = e.replace(/([^\^])-/g, "$1- ").split(" "), n = 1 < g.length || f || 1 < x.length && "nowrap" !== m.whiteSpace, t, r, p, kb = [], C = u(I), H = 1, v = a.rotation, X = e, mb = X.length; (n || T) && (x.length || kb.length);) a.rotation = 0, t = a.getBBox(!0), p = t.width, !sa && c.forExport && (p = c.measureSpanWidth(I.firstChild.data, a.styles)), t = p > w, void 0 === r && (r = t), T && r ? (mb /= 2, "" === X || !t && .5 > mb ? x = [] : (t && (r = !0), X = e.substring(0, X.length + (t ? -1 : 1) * Ba(mb)), x = [X + (3 < w ? "\u2026" : "")], I.removeChild(I.firstChild))) : t && 1 !== x.length ? (I.removeChild(I.firstChild), kb.unshift(x.pop())) : (x = kb, kb = [], x.length && (H++, I = V.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"), B(I, { dy: C, x: l }), z && B(I, "style", z), b.appendChild(I)), p > w && (w = p)), x.length && I.appendChild(V.createTextNode(x.join(" ").replace(/- /g, "-"))); r && a.attr("title", a.textStr); a.rotation = v } y++ } } }) }), n && n.removeChild(b), x && a.applyTextShadow && a.applyTextShadow(x)) : b.appendChild(V.createTextNode(q(e))) }, getContrast: function (a) { a = pa(a).rgba; return 384 < a[0] + a[1] + a[2] ? "#000000" : "#FFFFFF" }, button: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { var l = this.label(a, b, c, k, null, null, null, null, "button"), m = 0, w, y, x, T, I, z; a = {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1}; e = A({ "stroke-width": 1, stroke: "#CCCCCC", fill: {linearGradient: a, stops: [[0, "#FEFEFE"], [1, "#F6F6F6"]]}, r: 2, padding: 5, style: {color: "black"} }, e); x = e.style; delete e.style; f = A(e, {stroke: "#68A", fill: {linearGradient: a, stops: [[0, "#FFF"], [1, "#ACF"]]}}, f); T = f.style; delete f.style; g = A(e, {stroke: "#68A", fill: {linearGradient: a, stops: [[0, "#9BD"], [1, "#CDF"]]}}, g); I = g.style; delete g.style; h = A(e, {style: {color: "#CCC"}}, h); z = h.style; delete h.style; ga(l.element, Ha ? "mouseover" : "mouseenter", function () { 3 !== m && l.attr(f).css(T) }); ga(l.element, Ha ? "mouseout" : "mouseleave", function () { 3 !== m && (w = [e, f, g][m], y = [x, T, I][m], l.attr(w).css(y)) }); l.setState = function (a) { (l.state = m = a) ? 2 === a ? l.attr(g).css(I) : 3 === a && l.attr(h).css(z) : l.attr(e).css(x) }; return l.on("click", function (a) { 3 !== m && d.call(l, a) }).attr(e).css(O({cursor: "default"}, x)) }, crispLine: function (a, b) { a[1] === a[4] && (a[1] = a[4] = R(a[1]) - b % 2 / 2); a[2] === a[5] && (a[2] = a[5] = R(a[2]) + b % 2 / 2); return a }, path: function (a) { var b = {fill: "none"}; ia(a) ? b.d = a : W(a) && O(b, a); return this.createElement("path").attr(b) }, circle: function (a, b, c) { a = W(a) ? a : {x: a, y: b, r: c}; b = this.createElement("circle"); b.xSetter = function (a) { this.element.setAttribute("cx", a) }; b.ySetter = function (a) { this.element.setAttribute("cy", a) }; return b.attr(a) }, arc: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { W(a) && (b = a.y, c = a.r, d = a.innerR, e = a.start, f = a.end, a = a.x); a = this.symbol("arc", a || 0, b || 0, c || 0, c || 0, {innerR: d || 0, start: e || 0, end: f || 0}); a.r = c; return a }, rect: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { e = W(a) ? a.r : e; var g = this.createElement("rect"); a = W(a) ? a : a === J ? {} : {x: a, y: b, width: G(c, 0), height: G(d, 0)}; f !== J && (a.strokeWidth = f, a = g.crisp(a)); e && (a.r = e); g.rSetter = function (a) { B(this.element, {rx: a, ry: a}) }; return g.attr(a) }, setSize: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.alignedObjects, e = d.length; this.width = a; this.height = b; for (this.boxWrapper[z(c, !0) ? "animate" : "attr"]({width: a, height: b}); e--;) d[e].align() }, g: function (a) { var b = this.createElement("g"); return u(a) ? b.attr({"class": "highcharts-" + a}) : b }, image: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = {preserveAspectRatio: "none"}; 1 < arguments.length && O(f, {x: b, y: c, width: d, height: e}); f = this.createElement("image").attr(f); f.element.setAttributeNS ? f.element.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", a) : f.element.setAttribute("hc-svg-href", a); return f }, symbol: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g, h = this.symbols[a], h = h && h(R(b), R(c), d, e, f), k = /^url\((.*?)\)$/, l, m; h ? (g = this.path(h), O(g, { symbolName: a, x: b, y: c, width: d, height: e }), f && O(g, f)) : k.test(a) && (m = function (a, b) { a.element && (a.attr({ width: b[0], height: b[1] }), a.alignByTranslate || a.translate(R((d - b[0]) / 2), R((e - b[1]) / 2))) }, l = a.match(k)[1], a = Kb[l] || f && f.width && f.height && [f.width, f.height], g = this.image(l).attr({ x: b, y: c }), g.isImg = !0, a ? m(g, a) : (g.attr({width: 0, height: 0}), ca("img", { onload: function () { 0 === this.width && (E(this, {position: "absolute", top: "-999em"}), V.body.appendChild(this)); m(g, Kb[l] = [this.width, this.height]); this.parentNode && this.parentNode.removeChild(this) }, src: l }))); return g }, symbols: { circle: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = .166 * c; return ["M", a + c / 2, b, "C", a + c + e, b, a + c + e, b + d, a + c / 2, b + d, "C", a - e, b + d, a - e, b, a + c / 2, b, "Z"] }, square: function (a, b, c, d) { return ["M", a, b, "L", a + c, b, a + c, b + d, a, b + d, "Z"] }, triangle: function (a, b, c, d) { return ["M", a + c / 2, b, "L", a + c, b + d, a, b + d, "Z"] }, "triangle-down": function (a, b, c, d) { return ["M", a, b, "L", a + c, b, a + c / 2, b + d, "Z"] }, diamond: function (a, b, c, d) { return ["M", a + c / 2, b, "L", a + c, b + d / 2, a + c / 2, b + d, a, b + d / 2, "Z"] }, arc: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = e.start; c = e.r || c || d; var g = e.end - .001; d = e.innerR; var h = e.open, k = va(f), l = Ca(f), m = va(g), g = Ca(g); e = e.end - f < Da ? 0 : 1; return ["M", a + c * k, b + c * l, "A", c, c, 0, e, 1, a + c * m, b + c * g, h ? "M" : "L", a + d * m, b + d * g, "A", d, d, 0, e, 0, a + d * k, b + d * l, h ? "" : "Z"] }, callout: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = U(e && e.r || 0, c, d), g = f + 6, h = e && e.anchorX; e = e && e.anchorY; var k; k = ["M", a + f, b, "L", a + c - f, b, "C", a + c, b, a + c, b, a + c, b + f, "L", a + c, b + d - f, "C", a + c, b + d, a + c, b + d, a + c - f, b + d, "L", a + f, b + d, "C", a, b + d, a, b + d, a, b + d - f, "L", a, b + f, "C", a, b, a, b, a + f, b]; h && h > c && e > b + g && e < b + d - g ? k.splice(13, 3, "L", a + c, e - 6, a + c + 6, e, a + c, e + 6, a + c, b + d - f) : h && 0 > h && e > b + g && e < b + d - g ? k.splice(33, 3, "L", a, e + 6, a - 6, e, a, e - 6, a, b + f) : e && e > d && h > a + g && h < a + c - g ? k.splice(23, 3, "L", h + 6, b + d, h, b + d + 6, h - 6, b + d, a + f, b + d) : e && 0 > e && h > a + g && h < a + c - g && k.splice(3, 3, "L", h - 6, b, h, b - 6, h + 6, b, c - f, b); return k } }, clipRect: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = "highcharts-" + wb++, f = this.createElement("clipPath").attr({id: e}).add(this.defs); a = this.rect(a, b, c, d, 0).add(f); a.id = e; a.clipPath = f; a.count = 0; return a }, text: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = za || !sa && this.forExport, f = {}; if (d && (this.allowHTML || !this.forExport)) { // return this.html(a, b, c); } f.x = Math.round(b || 0); c && (f.y = Math.round(c)); if (a || 0 === a) f.text = a; a = this.createElement("text").attr(f); e && a.css({position: "absolute"}); d || (a.xSetter = function (a, b, c) { var d = c.getElementsByTagName("tspan"), e, f = c.getAttribute(b), y; for (y = 0; y < d.length; y++) e = d[y], e.getAttribute(b) === f && e.setAttribute(b, a); c.setAttribute(b, a) }); return a }, fontMetrics: function (a, b) { var c, d; a = a || this.style.fontSize; !a && b && v.getComputedStyle && (b = b.element || b, a = (c = v.getComputedStyle(b, "")) && c.fontSize); a = /px/.test(a) ? F(a) : /em/.test(a) ? 12 * parseFloat(a) : 12; c = 24 > a ? a + 3 : R(1.2 * a); d = R(.8 * c); return {h: c, b: d, f: a} }, rotCorr: function (a, b, c) { var d = a; b && c && (d = G(d * va(b * Ma), 4)); return {x: -a / 3 * Ca(b * Ma), y: d} }, label: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { var l = this, m = l.g(k), w = l.text("", 0, 0, g).attr({zIndex: 1}), y, x, T = 0, I = 3, z = 0, n, q, r, p, C = 0, H = {}, v, X, B, N, P; B = function () { var a, b; a = w.element.style; x = (void 0 === n || void 0 === q || m.styles.textAlign) && u(w.textStr) && w.getBBox(); m.width = (n || x.width || 0) + 2 * I + z; m.height = (q || x.height || 0) + 2 * I; v = I + l.fontMetrics(a && a.fontSize, w).b; X && (y || (a = C, b = (h ? -v : 0) + C, m.box = y = d ? l.symbol(d, a, b, m.width, m.height, H) : l.rect(a, b, m.width, m.height, 0, H["stroke-width"]), y.isImg || y.attr("fill", "none"), y.add(m)), y.isImg || y.attr(O({ width: R(m.width), height: R(m.height) }, H)), H = null) }; N = function () { var a = m.styles, a = a && a.textAlign, b = z + I, c; c = h ? 0 : v; u(n) && x && ("center" === a || "right" === a) && (b += {center: .5, right: 1}[a] * (n - x.width)); if (b !== w.x || c !== w.y) w.attr("x", b), c !== J && w.attr("y", c); w.x = b; w.y = c }; P = function (a, b) { y ? y.attr(a, b) : H[a] = b }; m.onAdd = function () { w.add(m); m.attr({text: a || 0 === a ? a : "", x: b, y: c}); y && u(e) && m.attr({anchorX: e, anchorY: f}) }; m.widthSetter = function (a) { n = a }; m.heightSetter = function (a) { q = a }; m.paddingSetter = function (a) { u(a) && a !== I && (I = m.padding = a, N()) }; m.paddingLeftSetter = function (a) { u(a) && a !== z && (z = a, N()) }; m.alignSetter = function (a) { a = {left: 0, center: .5, right: 1}[a]; a !== T && (T = a, x && m.attr({x: b})) }; m.textSetter = function (a) { a !== J && w.textSetter(a); B(); N() }; m["stroke-widthSetter"] = function (a, b) { a && (X = !0); C = a % 2 / 2; P(b, a) }; m.strokeSetter = m.fillSetter = m.rSetter = function (a, b) { "fill" === b && a && (X = !0); P(b, a) }; m.anchorXSetter = function (a, b) { e = a; P(b, R(a) - C - r) }; m.anchorYSetter = function (a, b) { f = a; P(b, a - p) }; m.xSetter = function (a) { m.x = a; T && (a -= T * ((n || x.width) + 2 * I)); r = R(a); m.attr("translateX", r) }; m.ySetter = function (a) { p = m.y = R(a); m.attr("translateY", p) }; var M = m.css; return O(m, { css: function (a) { if (a) { var b = {}; a = A(a); t(m.textProps, function (c) { a[c] !== J && (b[c] = a[c], delete a[c]) }); w.css(b) } return M.call(m, a) }, getBBox: function () { return {width: x.width + 2 * I, height: x.height + 2 * I, x: x.x - I, y: x.y - I} }, shadow: function (a) { y && y.shadow(a); return m }, destroy: function () { ma(m.element, "mouseenter"); ma(m.element, "mouseleave"); w && (w = w.destroy()); y && (y = y.destroy()); ja.prototype.destroy.call(m); m = l = B = N = P = null } }) } }; xa.prototype = { addLabel: function () { var a = this.axis, b = a.options, c = a.chart, d = a.categories, e = a.names, f = this.pos, g = b.labels, h = a.tickPositions, k = f === h[0], l = f === h[h.length - 1], e = d ? z(d[f], e[f], f) : f, d = this.label, h = h.info, m; a.isDatetimeAxis && h && (m = b.dateTimeLabelFormats[h.higherRanks[f] || h.unitName]); this.isFirst = k; this.isLast = l; b = a.labelFormatter.call({ axis: a, chart: c, isFirst: k, isLast: l, dateTimeLabelFormat: m, value: a.isLog ? ua(P(e)) : e }); u(d) ? d && d.attr({text: b}) : (this.labelLength = (this.label = d = u(b) && g.enabled ? c.renderer.text(b, 0, 0, g.useHTML).css(A(g.style)).add(a.labelGroup) : null) && d.getBBox().width, this.rotation = 0) }, getLabelSize: function () { return this.label ? this.label.getBBox()[this.axis.horiz ? "height" : "width"] : 0 }, handleOverflow: function (a) { var b = this.axis, c = a.x, d = b.chart.chartWidth, e = b.chart.spacing, f = z(b.labelLeft, U(b.pos, e[3])), e = z(b.labelRight, G(b.pos + b.len, d - e[1])), g = this.label, h = this.rotation, k = {left: 0, center: .5, right: 1}[b.labelAlign], l = g.getBBox().width, m = b.slotWidth, w = 1, y, x = {}; if (h) 0 > h && c - k * l < f ? y = R(c / va(h * Ma) - f) : 0 < h && c + k * l > e && (y = R((d - c) / va(h * Ma))); else if (d = c + (1 - k) * l, c - k * l < f ? m = a.x + m * (1 - k) - f : d > e && (m = e - a.x + m * k, w = -1), m = U(b.slotWidth, m), m < b.slotWidth && "center" === b.labelAlign && (a.x += w * (b.slotWidth - m - k * (b.slotWidth - U(l, m)))), l > m || b.autoRotation && g.styles.width) y = m; y && (x.width = y, b.options.labels.style.textOverflow || (x.textOverflow = "ellipsis"), g.css(x)) }, getPosition: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this.axis, f = e.chart, g = d && f.oldChartHeight || f.chartHeight; return { x: a ? e.translate(b + c, null, null, d) + e.transB : e.left + e.offset + (e.opposite ? (d && f.oldChartWidth || f.chartWidth) - e.right - e.left : 0), y: a ? g - e.bottom + e.offset - (e.opposite ? e.height : 0) : g - e.translate(b + c, null, null, d) - e.transB } }, getLabelPosition: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var k = this.axis, l = k.transA, m = k.reversed, w = k.staggerLines, y = k.tickRotCorr || {x: 0, y: 0}, x = e.y; u(x) || (x = 2 === k.side ? y.y + 8 : x = va(c.rotation * Ma) * (y.y - c.getBBox(!1, 0).height / 2)); a = a + e.x + y.x - (f && d ? f * l * (m ? -1 : 1) : 0); b = b + x - (f && !d ? f * l * (m ? 1 : -1) : 0); w && (c = g / (h || 1) % w, k.opposite && (c = w - c - 1), b += k.labelOffset / w * c); return {x: a, y: R(b)} }, getMarkPath: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return f.crispLine(["M", a, b, "L", a + (e ? 0 : -c), b + (e ? c : 0)], d) }, render: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.axis, e = d.options, f = d.chart.renderer, g = d.horiz, h = this.type, k = this.label, l = this.pos, m = e.labels, w = this.gridLine, y = h ? h + "Grid" : "grid", x = h ? h + "Tick" : "tick", T = e[y + "LineWidth"], I = e[y + "LineColor"], n = e[y + "LineDashStyle"], q = e[x + "Length"], y = z(e[x + "Width"], !h && d.isXAxis ? 1 : 0), r = e[x + "Color"], t = e[x + "Position"], x = this.mark, u = m.step, p = !0, H = d.tickmarkOffset, C = this.getPosition(g, l, H, b), v = C.x, C = C.y, X = g && v === d.pos + d.len || !g && C === d.pos ? -1 : 1; c = z(c, 1); this.isActive = !0; if (T && (l = d.getPlotLinePath(l + H, T * X, b, !0), w === J && (w = { stroke: I, "stroke-width": T }, n && (w.dashstyle = n), h || (w.zIndex = 1), b && (w.opacity = 0), this.gridLine = w = T ? f.path(l).attr(w).add(d.gridGroup) : null), !b && w && l)) w[this.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"]({ d: l, opacity: c }); y && q && ("inside" === t && (q = -q), d.opposite && (q = -q), h = this.getMarkPath(v, C, q, y * X, g, f), x ? x.animate({ d: h, opacity: c }) : this.mark = f.path(h).attr({stroke: r, "stroke-width": y, opacity: c}).add(d.axisGroup)); k && !isNaN(v) && (k.xy = C = this.getLabelPosition(v, C, k, g, m, H, a, u), this.isFirst && !this.isLast && !z(e.showFirstLabel, 1) || this.isLast && !this.isFirst && !z(e.showLastLabel, 1) ? p = !1 : !g || d.isRadial || m.step || m.rotation || b || 0 === c || this.handleOverflow(C), u && a % u && (p = !1), p && !isNaN(C.y) ? (C.opacity = c, k[this.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"](C), this.isNew = !1) : k.attr("y", -9999)) }, destroy: function () { Qa(this, this.axis) } }; Q.PlotLineOrBand = function (a, b) { this.axis = a; b && (this.options = b, this.id = b.id) }; Q.PlotLineOrBand.prototype = { render: function () { var a = this, b = a.axis, c = b.horiz, d = a.options, e = d.label, f = a.label, g = d.width, h = d.to, k = d.from, l = u(k) && u(h), m = d.value, w = d.dashStyle, y = a.svgElem, x = [], T, I = d.color, z = d.zIndex, n = d.events, q = {}, r = b.chart.renderer; b.isLog && (k = p(k), h = p(h), m = p(m)); if (g) x = b.getPlotLinePath(m, g), q = { stroke: I, "stroke-width": g }, w && (q.dashstyle = w); else if (l) x = b.getPlotBandPath(k, h, d), I && (q.fill = I), d.borderWidth && (q.stroke = d.borderColor, q["stroke-width"] = d.borderWidth); else return; u(z) && (q.zIndex = z); if (y) x ? (y.show(), y.animate({d: x})) : (y.hide(), f && (a.label = f = f.destroy())); else if (x && x.length && (a.svgElem = y = r.path(x).attr(q).add(), n)) for (T in d = function (b) { y.on(b, function (c) { n[b].apply(a, [c]) }) }, n) d(T); e && u(e.text) && x && x.length && 0 < b.width && 0 < b.height && !x.flat ? (e = A({ align: c && l && "center", x: c ? !l && 4 : 10, verticalAlign: !c && l && "middle", y: c ? l ? 16 : 10 : l ? 6 : -4, rotation: c && !l && 90 }, e), f || (q = { align: e.textAlign || e.align, rotation: e.rotation }, u(z) && (q.zIndex = z), a.label = f = r.text(e.text, 0, 0, e.useHTML).attr(q).css(e.style).add()), b = [x[1], x[4], l ? x[6] : x[1]], l = [x[2], x[5], l ? x[7] : x[2]], x = D(b), c = D(l), f.align(e, !1, { x: x, y: c, width: Ia(b) - x, height: Ia(l) - c }), f.show()) : f && f.hide(); return a }, destroy: function () { M(this.axis.plotLinesAndBands, this); delete this.axis; Qa(this) } }; var wa = Q.Axis = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments) }; wa.prototype = { defaultOptions: { dateTimeLabelFormats: { millisecond: "%H:%M:%S.%L", second: "%H:%M:%S", minute: "%H:%M", hour: "%H:%M", day: "%e. %b", week: "%e. %b", month: "%b '%y", year: "%Y" }, endOnTick: !1, gridLineColor: "#D8D8D8", labels: {enabled: !0, style: {color: "#606060", cursor: "default", fontSize: "11px"}, x: 0, y: 15}, lineColor: "#C0D0E0", lineWidth: 1, minPadding: .01, maxPadding: .01, minorGridLineColor: "#E0E0E0", minorGridLineWidth: 1, minorTickColor: "#A0A0A0", minorTickLength: 2, minorTickPosition: "outside", startOfWeek: 1, startOnTick: !1, tickColor: "#C0D0E0", tickLength: 10, tickmarkPlacement: "between", tickPixelInterval: 100, tickPosition: "outside", title: {align: "middle", style: {color: "#707070"}}, type: "linear" }, defaultYAxisOptions: { endOnTick: !0, gridLineWidth: 1, tickPixelInterval: 72, showLastLabel: !0, labels: {x: -8, y: 3}, lineWidth: 0, maxPadding: .05, minPadding: .05, startOnTick: !0, title: {rotation: 270, text: "Values"}, stackLabels: { enabled: !1, formatter: function () { return Q.numberFormat(this.total, -1) }, style: A(aa.line.dataLabels.style, {color: "#000000"}) } }, defaultLeftAxisOptions: {labels: {x: -15, y: null}, title: {rotation: 270}}, defaultRightAxisOptions: {labels: {x: 15, y: null}, title: {rotation: 90}}, defaultBottomAxisOptions: {labels: {autoRotation: [-45], x: 0, y: null}, title: {rotation: 0}}, defaultTopAxisOptions: {labels: {autoRotation: [-45], x: 0, y: -15}, title: {rotation: 0}}, init: function (a, b) { var c = b.isX; this.chart = a; this.horiz = a.inverted ? !c : c; this.coll = (this.isXAxis = c) ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"; this.opposite = b.opposite; this.side = b.side || (this.horiz ? this.opposite ? 0 : 2 : this.opposite ? 1 : 3); this.setOptions(b); var d = this.options, e = d.type; this.labelFormatter = d.labels.formatter || this.defaultLabelFormatter; this.userOptions = b; this.minPixelPadding = 0; this.reversed = d.reversed; this.visible = !1 !== d.visible; this.zoomEnabled = !1 !== d.zoomEnabled; this.categories = d.categories || "category" === e; this.names = this.names || []; this.isLog = "logarithmic" === e; this.isDatetimeAxis = "datetime" === e; this.isLinked = u(d.linkedTo); this.ticks = {}; this.labelEdge = []; this.minorTicks = {}; this.plotLinesAndBands = []; this.alternateBands = {}; this.len = 0; this.minRange = this.userMinRange = d.minRange || d.maxZoom; this.range = d.range; this.offset = d.offset || 0; this.stacks = {}; this.oldStacks = {}; this.stacksTouched = 0; this.min = this.max = null; this.crosshair = z(d.crosshair, S(a.options.tooltip.crosshairs)[c ? 0 : 1], !1); var f, d = this.options.events; -1 === Aa(this, a.axes) && (c && !this.isColorAxis ? a.axes.splice(a.xAxis.length, 0, this) : a.axes.push(this), a[this.coll].push(this)); this.series = this.series || []; a.inverted && c && this.reversed === J && (this.reversed = !0); this.removePlotLine = this.removePlotBand = this.removePlotBandOrLine; for (f in d) ga(this, f, d[f]); this.isLog && (this.val2lin = p, this.lin2val = P) }, setOptions: function (a) { this.options = A(this.defaultOptions, this.isXAxis ? {} : this.defaultYAxisOptions, [this.defaultTopAxisOptions, this.defaultRightAxisOptions, this.defaultBottomAxisOptions, this.defaultLeftAxisOptions][this.side], A(la[this.coll], a)) }, defaultLabelFormatter: function () { var a = this.axis, b = this.value, c = a.categories, d = this.dateTimeLabelFormat, e = la.lang.numericSymbols, f = e && e.length, g, h = a.options.labels.format, a = a.isLog ? b : a.tickInterval; if (h) g = X(h, this); else if (c) g = b; else if (d) g = Pa(d, b); else if (f && 1E3 <= a) for (; f-- && g === J;) c = Math.pow(1E3, f + 1), a >= c && 0 === 10 * b % c && null !== e[f] && (g = Q.numberFormat(b / c, -1) + e[f]); g === J && (g = 1E4 <= fa(b) ? Q.numberFormat(b, -1) : Q.numberFormat(b, -1, J, "")); return g }, getSeriesExtremes: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart; a.hasVisibleSeries = !1; a.dataMin = a.dataMax = a.threshold = null; a.softThreshold = !a.isXAxis; a.buildStacks && a.buildStacks(); t(a.series, function (c) { if (c.visible || !b.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries) { var d = c.options, e = d.threshold, f; a.hasVisibleSeries = !0; a.isLog && 0 >= e && (e = null); if (a.isXAxis) d = c.xData, d.length && (a.dataMin = U(z(a.dataMin, d[0]), D(d)), a.dataMax = G(z(a.dataMax, d[0]), Ia(d))); else if (c.getExtremes(), f = c.dataMax, c = c.dataMin, u(c) && u(f) && (a.dataMin = U(z(a.dataMin, c), c), a.dataMax = G(z(a.dataMax, f), f)), u(e) && (a.threshold = e), !d.softThreshold || a.isLog) a.softThreshold = !1 } }) }, translate: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = this.linkedParent || this, h = 1, k = 0, l = d ? g.oldTransA : g.transA; d = d ? g.oldMin : g.min; var m = g.minPixelPadding; e = (g.doPostTranslate || g.isLog && e) && g.lin2val; l || (l = g.transA); c && (h *= -1, k = g.len); g.reversed && (h *= -1, k -= h * (g.sector || g.len)); b ? (a = a * h + k - m, a = a / l + d, e && (a = g.lin2val(a))) : (e && (a = g.val2lin(a)), "between" === f && (f = .5), a = h * (a - d) * l + k + h * m + (r(f) ? l * f * g.pointRange : 0)); return a }, toPixels: function (a, b) { return this.translate(a, !1, !this.horiz, null, !0) + (b ? 0 : this.pos) }, toValue: function (a, b) { return this.translate(a - (b ? 0 : this.pos), !0, !this.horiz, null, !0) }, getPlotLinePath: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this.chart, g = this.left, h = this.top, k, l, m = c && f.oldChartHeight || f.chartHeight, w = c && f.oldChartWidth || f.chartWidth, y; k = this.transB; var x = function (a, b, c) { if (a < b || a > c) d ? a = U(G(b, a), c) : y = !0; return a }; e = z(e, this.translate(a, null, null, c)); a = c = R(e + k); k = l = R(m - e - k); isNaN(e) ? y = !0 : this.horiz ? (k = h, l = m - this.bottom, a = c = x(a, g, g + this.width)) : (a = g, c = w - this.right, k = l = x(k, h, h + this.height)); return y && !d ? null : f.renderer.crispLine(["M", a, k, "L", c, l], b || 1) }, getLinearTickPositions: function (a, b, c) { var d, e = ua(ea(b / a) * a), f = ua(Ba(c / a) * a), g = []; if (b === c && r(b)) return [b]; for (b = e; b <= f;) { g.push(b); b = ua(b + a); if (b === d) break; d = b } return g }, getMinorTickPositions: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.tickPositions, c = this.minorTickInterval, d = [], e, f = this.pointRangePadding || 0; e = this.min - f; var f = this.max + f, g = f - e; if (g && g / c < this.len / 3) if (this.isLog) for (f = b.length, e = 1; e < f; e++) d = d.concat(this.getLogTickPositions(c, b[e - 1], b[e], !0)); else if (this.isDatetimeAxis && "auto" === a.minorTickInterval) d = d.concat(this.getTimeTicks(this.normalizeTimeTickInterval(c), e, f, a.startOfWeek)); else for (b = e + (b[0] - e) % c; b <= f; b += c) d.push(b); 0 !== d.length && this.trimTicks(d, a.startOnTick, a.endOnTick); return d }, adjustForMinRange: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.min, c = this.max, d, e = this.dataMax - this.dataMin >= this.minRange, f, g, h, k, l, m; this.isXAxis && this.minRange === J && !this.isLog && (u(a.min) || u(a.max) ? this.minRange = null : (t(this.series, function (a) { k = a.xData; for (g = l = a.xIncrement ? 1 : k.length - 1; 0 < g; g--) if (h = k[g] - k[g - 1], f === J || h < f) f = h }), this.minRange = U(5 * f, this.dataMax - this.dataMin))); c - b < this.minRange && (m = this.minRange, d = (m - c + b) / 2, d = [b - d, z(a.min, b - d)], e && (d[2] = this.dataMin), b = Ia(d), c = [b + m, z(a.max, b + m)], e && (c[2] = this.dataMax), c = D(c), c - b < m && (d[0] = c - m, d[1] = z(a.min, c - m), b = Ia(d))); this.min = b; this.max = c }, setAxisTranslation: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.max - b.min, d = b.axisPointRange || 0, e, f = 0, g = 0, h = b.linkedParent, k = !!b.categories, l = b.transA, m = b.isXAxis; if (m || k || d) h ? (f = h.minPointOffset, g = h.pointRangePadding) : (t(b.series, function (a) { var b = a.closestPointRange; !a.noSharedTooltip && u(b) && (e = u(e) ? U(e, b) : b) }), t(b.series, function (a) { var c = k ? 1 : m ? z(a.options.pointRange, e, 0) : b.axisPointRange || 0; a = a.options.pointPlacement; d = G(d, c); b.single || (f = G(f, ha(a) ? 0 : c / 2), g = G(g, "on" === a ? 0 : c)) })), h = b.ordinalSlope && e ? b.ordinalSlope / e : 1, b.minPointOffset = f *= h, b.pointRangePadding = g *= h, b.pointRange = U(d, c), m && (b.closestPointRange = e); a && (b.oldTransA = l); b.translationSlope = b.transA = l = b.len / (c + g || 1); b.transB = b.horiz ? b.left : b.bottom; b.minPixelPadding = l * f }, minFromRange: function () { return this.max - this.range }, setTickInterval: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.chart, d = b.options, e = b.isLog, f = b.isDatetimeAxis, g = b.isXAxis, h = b.isLinked, k = d.maxPadding, l = d.minPadding, m = d.tickInterval, w = d.tickPixelInterval, y = b.categories, x = b.threshold, T = b.softThreshold, I, n, q, C; f || y || h || this.getTickAmount(); q = z(b.userMin, d.min); C = z(b.userMax, d.max); h ? (b.linkedParent = c[b.coll][d.linkedTo], c = b.linkedParent.getExtremes(), b.min = z(c.min, c.dataMin), b.max = z(c.max, c.dataMax), d.type !== b.linkedParent.options.type && L(11, 1)) : (!T && u(x) && (b.dataMin >= x ? (I = x, l = 0) : b.dataMax <= x && (n = x, k = 0)), b.min = z(q, I, b.dataMin), b.max = z(C, n, b.dataMax)); e && (!a && 0 >= U(b.min, z(b.dataMin, b.min)) && L(10, 1), b.min = ua(p(b.min), 15), b.max = ua(p(b.max), 15)); b.range && u(b.max) && (b.userMin = b.min = q = G(b.min, b.minFromRange()), b.userMax = C = b.max, b.range = null); b.beforePadding && b.beforePadding(); b.adjustForMinRange(); !(y || b.axisPointRange || b.usePercentage || h) && u(b.min) && u(b.max) && (c = b.max - b.min) && (!u(q) && l && (b.min -= c * l), !u(C) && k && (b.max += c * k)); r(d.floor) && (b.min = G(b.min, d.floor)); r(d.ceiling) && (b.max = U(b.max, d.ceiling)); T && u(b.dataMin) && (x = x || 0, !u(q) && b.min < x && b.dataMin >= x ? b.min = x : !u(C) && b.max > x && b.dataMax <= x && (b.max = x)); b.tickInterval = b.min === b.max || void 0 === b.min || void 0 === b.max ? 1 : h && !m && w === b.linkedParent.options.tickPixelInterval ? m = b.linkedParent.tickInterval : z(m, this.tickAmount ? (b.max - b.min) / G(this.tickAmount - 1, 1) : void 0, y ? 1 : (b.max - b.min) * w / G(b.len, w)); g && !a && t(b.series, function (a) { a.processData(b.min !== b.oldMin || b.max !== b.oldMax) }); b.setAxisTranslation(!0); b.beforeSetTickPositions && b.beforeSetTickPositions(); b.postProcessTickInterval && (b.tickInterval = b.postProcessTickInterval(b.tickInterval)); b.pointRange && !m && (b.tickInterval = G(b.pointRange, b.tickInterval)); a = z(d.minTickInterval, b.isDatetimeAxis && b.closestPointRange); !m && b.tickInterval < a && (b.tickInterval = a); f || e || m || (b.tickInterval = ta(b.tickInterval, null, N(b.tickInterval), z(d.allowDecimals, !(.5 < b.tickInterval && 5 > b.tickInterval && 1E3 < b.max && 9999 > b.max)), !!this.tickAmount)); !this.tickAmount && this.len && (b.tickInterval = b.unsquish()); this.setTickPositions() }, setTickPositions: function () { var a = this.options, b, c = a.tickPositions, d = a.tickPositioner, e = a.startOnTick, f = a.endOnTick, g; this.tickmarkOffset = this.categories && "between" === a.tickmarkPlacement && 1 === this.tickInterval ? .5 : 0; this.minorTickInterval = "auto" === a.minorTickInterval && this.tickInterval ? this.tickInterval / 5 : a.minorTickInterval; this.tickPositions = b = c && c.slice(); !b && (b = this.isDatetimeAxis ? this.getTimeTicks(this.normalizeTimeTickInterval(this.tickInterval, a.units), this.min, this.max, a.startOfWeek, this.ordinalPositions, this.closestPointRange, !0) : this.isLog ? this.getLogTickPositions(this.tickInterval, this.min, this.max) : this.getLinearTickPositions(this.tickInterval, this.min, this.max), b.length > this.len && (b = [b[0], b.pop()]), this.tickPositions = b, d && (d = d.apply(this, [this.min, this.max]))) && (this.tickPositions = b = d); this.isLinked || (this.trimTicks(b, e, f), this.min === this.max && u(this.min) && !this.tickAmount && (g = !0, this.min -= .5, this.max += .5), this.single = g, c || d || this.adjustTickAmount()) }, trimTicks: function (a, b, c) { var d = a[0], e = a[a.length - 1], f = this.minPointOffset || 0; b ? this.min = d : this.min - f > d && a.shift(); c ? this.max = e : this.max + f < e && a.pop(); 0 === a.length && u(d) && a.push((e + d) / 2) }, alignToOthers: function () { var a = {}, b, c = this.options; !1 !== this.chart.options.chart.alignTicks && !1 !== c.alignTicks && t(this.chart[this.coll], function (c) { var e = c.options, e = [c.horiz ? e.left : e.top, e.width, e.height, e.pane].join(); c.series.length && (a[e] ? b = !0 : a[e] = 1) }); return b }, getTickAmount: function () { var a = this.options, b = a.tickAmount, c = a.tickPixelInterval; !u(a.tickInterval) && this.len < c && !this.isRadial && !this.isLog && a.startOnTick && a.endOnTick && (b = 2); !b && this.alignToOthers() && (b = Ba(this.len / c) + 1); 4 > b && (this.finalTickAmt = b, b = 5); this.tickAmount = b }, adjustTickAmount: function () { var a = this.tickInterval, b = this.tickPositions, c = this.tickAmount, d = this.finalTickAmt, e = b && b.length; if (e < c) { for (; b.length < c;) b.push(ua(b[b.length - 1] + a)); this.transA *= (e - 1) / (c - 1); this.max = b[b.length - 1] } else e > c && (this.tickInterval *= 2, this.setTickPositions()); if (u(d)) { for (a = c = b.length; a--;) (3 === d && 1 === a % 2 || 2 >= d && 0 < a && a < c - 1) && b.splice(a, 1); this.finalTickAmt = J } }, setScale: function () { var a, b; this.oldMin = this.min; this.oldMax = this.max; this.oldAxisLength = this.len; this.setAxisSize(); b = this.len !== this.oldAxisLength; t(this.series, function (b) { if (b.isDirtyData || b.isDirty || b.xAxis.isDirty) a = !0 }); b || a || this.isLinked || this.forceRedraw || this.userMin !== this.oldUserMin || this.userMax !== this.oldUserMax || this.alignToOthers() ? (this.resetStacks && this.resetStacks(), this.forceRedraw = !1, this.getSeriesExtremes(), this.setTickInterval(), this.oldUserMin = this.userMin, this.oldUserMax = this.userMax, this.isDirty || (this.isDirty = b || this.min !== this.oldMin || this.max !== this.oldMax)) : this.cleanStacks && this.cleanStacks() }, setExtremes: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this, g = f.chart; c = z(c, !0); t(f.series, function (a) { delete a.kdTree }); e = O(e, {min: a, max: b}); da(f, "setExtremes", e, function () { f.userMin = a; f.userMax = b; f.eventArgs = e; c && g.redraw(d) }) }, zoom: function (a, b) { var c = this.dataMin, d = this.dataMax, e = this.options, f = U(c, z(e.min, c)), e = G(d, z(e.max, d)); this.allowZoomOutside || (u(c) && a <= f && (a = f), u(d) && b >= e && (b = e)); this.displayBtn = a !== J || b !== J; this.setExtremes(a, b, !1, J, {trigger: "zoom"}); return !0 }, setAxisSize: function () { var a = this.chart, b = this.options, c = b.offsetLeft || 0, d = this.horiz, e = z(b.width, a.plotWidth - c + (b.offsetRight || 0)), f = z(b.height, a.plotHeight), g = z(b.top, a.plotTop), b = z(b.left, a.plotLeft + c), c = /%$/; c.test(f) && (f = parseFloat(f) / 100 * a.plotHeight); c.test(g) && (g = parseFloat(g) / 100 * a.plotHeight + a.plotTop); this.left = b; this.top = g; this.width = e; this.height = f; this.bottom = a.chartHeight - f - g; this.right = a.chartWidth - e - b; this.len = G(d ? e : f, 0); this.pos = d ? b : g }, getExtremes: function () { var a = this.isLog; return { min: a ? ua(P(this.min)) : this.min, max: a ? ua(P(this.max)) : this.max, dataMin: this.dataMin, dataMax: this.dataMax, userMin: this.userMin, userMax: this.userMax } }, getThreshold: function (a) { var b = this.isLog, c = b ? P(this.min) : this.min, b = b ? P(this.max) : this.max; null === a ? a = 0 > b ? b : c : c > a ? a = c : b < a && (a = b); return this.translate(a, 0, 1, 0, 1) }, autoLabelAlign: function (a) { a = (z(a, 0) - 90 * this.side + 720) % 360; return 15 < a && 165 > a ? "right" : 195 < a && 345 > a ? "left" : "center" }, unsquish: function () { var a = this.ticks, b = this.options.labels, c = this.horiz, d = this.tickInterval, e = d, f = this.len / (((this.categories ? 1 : 0) + this.max - this.min) / d), g, h = b.rotation, k = this.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(b.style.fontSize, a[0] && a[0].label), l, m = Number.MAX_VALUE, w, y = function (a) { a /= f || 1; a = 1 < a ? Ba(a) : 1; return a * d }; c ? (w = !b.staggerLines && !b.step && (u(h) ? [h] : f < z(b.autoRotationLimit, 80) && b.autoRotation)) && t(w, function (a) { var b; if (a === h || a && -90 <= a && 90 >= a) l = y(fa(k.h / Ca(Ma * a))), b = l + fa(a / 360), b < m && (m = b, g = a, e = l) }) : b.step || (e = y(k.h)); this.autoRotation = w; this.labelRotation = z(g, h); return e }, renderUnsquish: function () { var a = this.chart, b = a.renderer, c = this.tickPositions, d = this.ticks, e = this.options.labels, f = this.horiz, g = a.margin, h = this.categories ? c.length : c.length - 1, g = this.slotWidth = f && 2 > (e.step || 0) && !e.rotation && (this.staggerLines || 1) * a.plotWidth / h || !f && (g[3] && g[3] - a.spacing[3] || .33 * a.chartWidth), k = G(1, R(g - 2 * (e.padding || 5))), l = {}, h = b.fontMetrics(e.style.fontSize, d[0] && d[0].label), m = e.style.textOverflow, w, y = 0, x, z; ha(e.rotation) || (l.rotation = e.rotation || 0); if (this.autoRotation) t(c, function (a) { (a = d[a]) && a.labelLength > y && (y = a.labelLength) }), y > k && y > h.h ? l.rotation = this.labelRotation : this.labelRotation = 0; else if (g && (w = {width: k + "px"}, !m)) for (w.textOverflow = "clip", x = c.length; !f && x--;) if (z = c[x], k = d[z].label) if ("ellipsis" === k.styles.textOverflow && k.css({textOverflow: "clip"}), k.getBBox().height > this.len / c.length - (h.h - h.f) || d[z].labelLength > g) k.specCss = {textOverflow: "ellipsis"}; l.rotation && (w = {width: (y > .5 * a.chartHeight ? .33 * a.chartHeight : a.chartHeight) + "px"}, m || (w.textOverflow = "ellipsis")); this.labelAlign = l.align = e.align || this.autoLabelAlign(this.labelRotation); t(c, function (a) { var b = (a = d[a]) && a.label; b && (b.attr(l), w && b.css(A(w, b.specCss)), delete b.specCss, a.rotation = l.rotation) }); this.tickRotCorr = b.rotCorr(h.b, this.labelRotation || 0, 0 !== this.side) }, hasData: function () { return this.hasVisibleSeries || u(this.min) && u(this.max) && !!this.tickPositions }, getOffset: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = b.renderer, d = a.options, e = a.tickPositions, f = a.ticks, g = a.horiz, h = a.side, k = b.inverted ? [1, 0, 3, 2][h] : h, l, m, w = 0, y, x = 0, n = d.title, I = d.labels, q = 0, r = a.opposite, p = b.axisOffset, b = b.clipOffset, C = [-1, 1, 1, -1][h], H, v = a.axisParent; l = a.hasData(); a.showAxis = m = l || z(d.showEmpty, !0); a.staggerLines = a.horiz && I.staggerLines; a.axisGroup || (a.gridGroup = c.g("grid").attr({zIndex: d.gridZIndex || 1}).add(v), a.axisGroup = c.g("axis").attr({zIndex: d.zIndex || 2}).add(v), a.labelGroup = c.g("axis-labels").attr({zIndex: I.zIndex || 7}).addClass("highcharts-" + a.coll.toLowerCase() + "-labels").add(v)); if (l || a.isLinked) t(e, function (b) { f[b] ? f[b].addLabel() : f[b] = new xa(a, b) }), a.renderUnsquish(), !1 === I.reserveSpace || 0 !== h && 2 !== h && { 1: "left", 3: "right" }[h] !== a.labelAlign && "center" !== a.labelAlign || t(e, function (a) { q = G(f[a].getLabelSize(), q) }), a.staggerLines && (q *= a.staggerLines, a.labelOffset = q * (a.opposite ? -1 : 1)); else for (H in f) f[H].destroy(), delete f[H]; n && n.text && !1 !== n.enabled && (a.axisTitle || (a.axisTitle = c.text(n.text, 0, 0, n.useHTML).attr({ zIndex: 7, rotation: n.rotation || 0, align: n.textAlign || {low: r ? "right" : "left", middle: "center", high: r ? "left" : "right"}[n.align] }).addClass("highcharts-" + this.coll.toLowerCase() + "-title").css(n.style).add(a.axisGroup), a.axisTitle.isNew = !0), m && (w = a.axisTitle.getBBox()[g ? "height" : "width"], y = n.offset, x = u(y) ? 0 : z(n.margin, g ? 5 : 10)), a.axisTitle[m ? "show" : "hide"](!0)); a.offset = C * z(d.offset, p[h]); a.tickRotCorr = a.tickRotCorr || {x: 0, y: 0}; c = 2 === h ? a.tickRotCorr.y : 0; g = Math.abs(q) + x + (q && C * (g ? z(I.y, a.tickRotCorr.y + 8) : I.x) - c); a.axisTitleMargin = z(y, g); p[h] = G(p[h], a.axisTitleMargin + w + C * a.offset, g); d = d.offset ? 0 : 2 * ea(d.lineWidth / 2); b[k] = G(b[k], d) }, getLinePath: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.opposite, d = this.offset, e = this.horiz, f = this.left + (c ? this.width : 0) + d, d = b.chartHeight - this.bottom - (c ? this.height : 0) + d; c && (a *= -1); return b.renderer.crispLine(["M", e ? this.left : f, e ? d : this.top, "L", e ? b.chartWidth - this.right : f, e ? d : b.chartHeight - this.bottom], a) }, getTitlePosition: function () { var a = this.horiz, b = this.left, c = this.top, d = this.len, e = this.options.title, f = a ? b : c, g = this.opposite, h = this.offset, k = e.x || 0, l = e.y || 0, m = F(e.style.fontSize || 12), d = {low: f + (a ? 0 : d), middle: f + d / 2, high: f + (a ? d : 0)}[e.align], b = (a ? c + this.height : b) + (a ? 1 : -1) * (g ? -1 : 1) * this.axisTitleMargin + (2 === this.side ? m : 0); return {x: a ? d + k : b + (g ? this.width : 0) + h + k, y: a ? b + l - (g ? this.height : 0) + h : d + l} }, render: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = b.renderer, d = a.options, e = a.isLog, f = a.isLinked, g = a.tickPositions, h = a.axisTitle, k = a.ticks, l = a.minorTicks, m = a.alternateBands, w = d.stackLabels, y = d.alternateGridColor, x = a.tickmarkOffset, n = d.lineWidth, I, q = b.hasRendered && u(a.oldMin) && !isNaN(a.oldMin), z = a.showAxis, r = c.globalAnimation, p, C; a.labelEdge.length = 0; a.overlap = !1; t([k, l, m], function (a) { for (var b in a) a[b].isActive = !1 }); if (a.hasData() || f) a.minorTickInterval && !a.categories && t(a.getMinorTickPositions(), function (b) { l[b] || (l[b] = new xa(a, b, "minor")); q && l[b].isNew && l[b].render(null, !0); l[b].render(null, !1, 1) }), g.length && (t(g, function (b, c) { if (!f || b >= a.min && b <= a.max) k[b] || (k[b] = new xa(a, b)), q && k[b].isNew && k[b].render(c, !0, .1), k[b].render(c) }), x && (0 === a.min || a.single) && (k[-1] || (k[-1] = new xa(a, -1, null, !0)), k[-1].render(-1))), y && t(g, function (c, d) { C = g[d + 1] !== J ? g[d + 1] + x : a.max - x; 0 === d % 2 && c < a.max && C <= a.max + (b.polar ? -x : x) && (m[c] || (m[c] = new Q.PlotLineOrBand(a)), p = c + x, m[c].options = { from: e ? P(p) : p, to: e ? P(C) : C, color: y }, m[c].render(), m[c].isActive = !0) }), a._addedPlotLB || (t((d.plotLines || []).concat(d.plotBands || []), function (b) { a.addPlotBandOrLine(b) }), a._addedPlotLB = !0); t([k, l, m], function (a) { var c, d, e = [], f = r ? r.duration || 500 : 0; for (c in a) a[c].isActive || (a[c].render(c, !1, 0), a[c].isActive = !1, e.push(c)); oa(function () { for (d = e.length; d--;) a[e[d]] && !a[e[d]].isActive && (a[e[d]].destroy(), delete a[e[d]]) }, a !== m && b.hasRendered && f ? f : 0) }); n && (I = a.getLinePath(n), a.axisLine ? a.axisLine.animate({d: I}) : a.axisLine = c.path(I).attr({ stroke: d.lineColor, "stroke-width": n, zIndex: 7 }).add(a.axisGroup), a.axisLine[z ? "show" : "hide"](!0)); h && z && (h[h.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"](a.getTitlePosition()), h.isNew = !1); w && w.enabled && a.renderStackTotals(); a.isDirty = !1 }, redraw: function () { this.visible && (this.render(), t(this.plotLinesAndBands, function (a) { a.render() })); t(this.series, function (a) { a.isDirty = !0 }) }, destroy: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.stacks, d, e = b.plotLinesAndBands; a || ma(b); for (d in c) Qa(c[d]), c[d] = null; t([b.ticks, b.minorTicks, b.alternateBands], function (a) { Qa(a) }); for (a = e.length; a--;) e[a].destroy(); t("stackTotalGroup axisLine axisTitle axisGroup cross gridGroup labelGroup".split(" "), function (a) { b[a] && (b[a] = b[a].destroy()) }); this.cross && this.cross.destroy() }, drawCrosshair: function (a, b) { var c, d = this.crosshair, e, f; !this.crosshair || !1 === (u(b) || !z(d.snap, !0)) || b && b.series && b.series[this.coll] !== this ? this.hideCrosshair() : (z(d.snap, !0) ? u(b) && (c = this.isXAxis ? b.plotX : this.len - b.plotY) : c = this.horiz ? a.chartX - this.pos : this.len - a.chartY + this.pos, c = this.isRadial ? this.getPlotLinePath(this.isXAxis ? b.x : z(b.stackY, b.y)) || null : this.getPlotLinePath(null, null, null, null, c) || null, null === c ? this.hideCrosshair() : (e = this.categories && !this.isRadial, f = z(d.width, e ? this.transA : 1), this.cross ? this.cross.attr({ d: c, visibility: "visible", "stroke-width": f }) : (e = { "stroke-width": f, stroke: d.color || (e ? "rgba(155,200,255,0.2)" : "#C0C0C0"), zIndex: z(d.zIndex, 2) }, d.dashStyle && (e.dashstyle = d.dashStyle), this.cross = this.chart.renderer.path(c).attr(e).add()))) }, hideCrosshair: function () { this.cross && this.cross.hide() } }; O(wa.prototype, { getPlotBandPath: function (a, b) { var c = this.getPlotLinePath(b, null, null, !0), d = this.getPlotLinePath(a, null, null, !0); d && c ? (d.flat = d.toString() === c.toString(), d.push(c[4], c[5], c[1], c[2])) : d = null; return d }, addPlotBand: function (a) { return this.addPlotBandOrLine(a, "plotBands") }, addPlotLine: function (a) { return this.addPlotBandOrLine(a, "plotLines") }, addPlotBandOrLine: function (a, b) { var c = (new Q.PlotLineOrBand(this, a)).render(), d = this.userOptions; c && (b && (d[b] = d[b] || [], d[b].push(a)), this.plotLinesAndBands.push(c)); return c }, removePlotBandOrLine: function (a) { for (var b = this.plotLinesAndBands, c = this.options, d = this.userOptions, e = b.length; e--;) b[e].id === a && b[e].destroy(); t([c.plotLines || [], d.plotLines || [], c.plotBands || [], d.plotBands || []], function (b) { for (e = b.length; e--;) b[e].id === a && M(b, b[e]) }) } }); wa.prototype.getTimeTicks = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = [], f = {}, g = la.global.useUTC, h, k = new ya(b - H(b)), l = a.unitRange, m = a.count; if (u(b)) { k[Eb](l >= Z.second ? 0 : m * ea(k.getMilliseconds() / m)); if (l >= Z.second) k[Fb](l >= Z.minute ? 0 : m * ea(k.getSeconds() / m)); if (l >= Z.minute) k[Gb](l >= Z.hour ? 0 : m * ea(k[qb]() / m)); if (l >= Z.hour) k[Hb](l >= Z.day ? 0 : m * ea(k[rb]() / m)); if (l >= Z.day) k[tb](l >= Z.month ? 1 : m * ea(k[Ua]() / m)); l >= Z.month && (k[ub](l >= Z.year ? 0 : m * ea(k[Va]() / m)), h = k[Wa]()); if (l >= Z.year) k[vb](h - h % m); if (l === Z.week) k[tb](k[Ua]() - k[sb]() + z(d, 1)); b = 1; if (pb || eb) k = k.getTime(), k = new ya(k + H(k)); h = k[Wa](); d = k.getTime(); for (var w = k[Va](), y = k[Ua](), x = (Z.day + (g ? H(k) : 6E4 * k.getTimezoneOffset())) % Z.day; d < c;) e.push(d), d = l === Z.year ? ib(h + b * m, 0) : l === Z.month ? ib(h, w + b * m) : g || l !== Z.day && l !== Z.week ? d + l * m : ib(h, w, y + b * m * (l === Z.day ? 1 : 7)), b++; e.push(d); t(Na(e, function (a) { return l <= Z.hour && a % Z.day === x }), function (a) { f[a] = "day" }) } e.info = O(a, {higherRanks: f, totalRange: l * m}); return e }; wa.prototype.normalizeTimeTickInterval = function (a, b) { var c = b || [["millisecond", [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500]], ["second", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["minute", [1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30]], ["hour", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12]], ["day", [1, 2]], ["week", [1, 2]], ["month", [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]], ["year", null]], d = c[c.length - 1], e = Z[d[0]], f = d[1], g; for (g = 0; g < c.length && !(d = c[g], e = Z[d[0]], f = d[1], c[g + 1] && a <= (e * f[f.length - 1] + Z[c[g + 1][0]]) / 2); g++) ; e === Z.year && a < 5 * e && (f = [1, 2, 5]); c = ta(a / e, f, "year" === d[0] ? G(N(a / e), 1) : 1); return {unitRange: e, count: c, unitName: d[0]} }; wa.prototype.getLogTickPositions = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this.options, f = this.len, g = []; d || (this._minorAutoInterval = null); if (.5 <= a) a = R(a), g = this.getLinearTickPositions(a, b, c); else if (.08 <= a) for (var f = ea(b), h, k, l, m, w, e = .3 < a ? [1, 2, 4] : .15 < a ? [1, 2, 4, 6, 8] : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; f < c + 1 && !w; f++) for (k = e.length, h = 0; h < k && !w; h++) l = p(P(f) * e[h]), l > b && (!d || m <= c) && m !== J && g.push(m), m > c && (w = !0), m = l; else b = P(b), c = P(c), a = e[d ? "minorTickInterval" : "tickInterval"], a = z("auto" === a ? null : a, this._minorAutoInterval, e.tickPixelInterval / (d ? 5 : 1) * (c - b) / ((d ? f / this.tickPositions.length : f) || 1)), a = ta(a, null, N(a)), g = Ea(this.getLinearTickPositions(a, b, c), p), d || (this._minorAutoInterval = a / 5); d || (this.tickInterval = a); return g }; var Lb = Q.Tooltip = function () { this.init.apply(this, arguments) }; Lb.prototype = { init: function (a, b) { var c = b.borderWidth, d = b.style, e = F(d.padding); this.chart = a; this.options = b; this.crosshairs = []; this.now = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.isHidden = !0; this.label = a.renderer.label("", 0, 0, b.shape || "callout", null, null, b.useHTML, null, "tooltip").attr({ padding: e, fill: b.backgroundColor, "stroke-width": c, r: b.borderRadius, zIndex: 8 }).css(d).css({padding: 0}).add().attr({y: -9999}); za || this.label.shadow(b.shadow); this.shared = b.shared }, destroy: function () { this.label && (this.label = this.label.destroy()); clearTimeout(this.hideTimer); clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimeout) }, move: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this, f = e.now, g = !1 !== e.options.animation && !e.isHidden && (1 < fa(a - f.x) || 1 < fa(b - f.y)), h = e.followPointer || 1 < e.len; O(f, { x: g ? (2 * f.x + a) / 3 : a, y: g ? (f.y + b) / 2 : b, anchorX: h ? J : g ? (2 * f.anchorX + c) / 3 : c, anchorY: h ? J : g ? (f.anchorY + d) / 2 : d }); e.label.attr(f); g && (clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimeout), this.tooltipTimeout = setTimeout(function () { e && e.move(a, b, c, d) }, 32)) }, hide: function (a) { var b = this; clearTimeout(this.hideTimer); a = z(a, this.options.hideDelay, 500); this.isHidden || (this.hideTimer = oa(function () { b.label[a ? "fadeOut" : "hide"](); b.isHidden = !0 }, a)) }, getAnchor: function (a, b) { var c, d = this.chart, e = d.inverted, f = d.plotTop, g = d.plotLeft, h = 0, k = 0, l, m; a = S(a); c = a[0].tooltipPos; this.followPointer && b && (b.chartX === J && (b = d.pointer.normalize(b)), c = [b.chartX - d.plotLeft, b.chartY - f]); c || (t(a, function (a) { l = a.series.yAxis; m = a.series.xAxis; h += a.plotX + (!e && m ? m.left - g : 0); k += (a.plotLow ? (a.plotLow + a.plotHigh) / 2 : a.plotY) + (!e && l ? l.top - f : 0) }), h /= a.length, k /= a.length, c = [e ? d.plotWidth - k : h, this.shared && !e && 1 < a.length && b ? b.chartY - f : e ? d.plotHeight - h : k]); return Ea(c, R) }, getPosition: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.chart, e = this.distance, f = {}, g = c.h || 0, h, k = ["y", d.chartHeight, b, c.plotY + d.plotTop, d.plotTop, d.plotTop + d.plotHeight], l = ["x", d.chartWidth, a, c.plotX + d.plotLeft, d.plotLeft, d.plotLeft + d.plotWidth], m = z(c.ttBelow, d.inverted && !c.negative || !d.inverted && c.negative), w = function (a, b, c, d, h, k) { var l = c < d - e, w = d + e + c < b, y = d - e - c; d += e; if (m && w) f[a] = d; else if (!m && l) f[a] = y; else if (l) f[a] = U(k - c, 0 > y - g ? y : y - g); else if (w) f[a] = G(h, d + g + c > b ? d : d + g); else return !1 }, y = function (a, b, c, d) { var g; d < e || d > b - e ? g = !1 : f[a] = d < c / 2 ? 1 : d > b - c / 2 ? b - c - 2 : d - c / 2; return g }, x = function (a) { var b = k; k = l; l = b; h = a }, n = function () { !1 !== w.apply(0, k) ? !1 !== y.apply(0, l) || h || (x(!0), n()) : h ? f.x = f.y = 0 : (x(!0), n()) }; (d.inverted || 1 < this.len) && x(); n(); return f }, defaultFormatter: function (a) { var b = this.points || S(this), c; c = [a.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(b[0])]; c = c.concat(a.bodyFormatter(b)); c.push(a.tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter(b[0], !0)); return c.join("") }, refresh: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = this.label, e = this.options, f, g, h, k = {}, l, m = []; l = e.formatter || this.defaultFormatter; var k = c.hoverPoints, w, y = this.shared; clearTimeout(this.hideTimer); this.followPointer = S(a)[0].series.tooltipOptions.followPointer; h = this.getAnchor(a, b); f = h[0]; g = h[1]; !y || a.series && a.series.noSharedTooltip ? k = a.getLabelConfig() : (c.hoverPoints = a, k && t(k, function (a) { a.setState() }), t(a, function (a) { a.setState("hover"); m.push(a.getLabelConfig()) }), k = {x: a[0].category, y: a[0].y}, k.points = m, this.len = m.length, a = a[0]); l = l.call(k, this); k = a.series; this.distance = z(k.tooltipOptions.distance, 16); !1 === l ? this.hide() : (this.isHidden && (Oa(d), d.attr("opacity", 1).show()), d.attr({text: l}), w = e.borderColor || a.color || k.color || "#606060", d.attr({stroke: w}), this.updatePosition({ plotX: f, plotY: g, negative: a.negative, ttBelow: a.ttBelow, h: h[2] || 0 }), this.isHidden = !1); da(c, "tooltipRefresh", {text: l, x: f + c.plotLeft, y: g + c.plotTop, borderColor: w}) }, updatePosition: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.label, c = (this.options.positioner || this.getPosition).call(this, c.width, c.height, a); this.move(R(c.x), R(c.y || 0), a.plotX + b.plotLeft, a.plotY + b.plotTop) }, getXDateFormat: function (a, b, c) { var d; b = b.dateTimeLabelFormats; var e = c && c.closestPointRange, f, g = {millisecond: 15, second: 12, minute: 9, hour: 6, day: 3}, h, k = "millisecond"; if (e) { h = Pa("%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L", a.x); for (f in Z) { if (e === Z.week && +Pa("%w", a.x) === c.options.startOfWeek && "00:00:00.000" === h.substr(6)) { f = "week"; break } if (Z[f] > e) { f = k; break } if (g[f] && h.substr(g[f]) !== "01-01 00:00:00.000".substr(g[f])) break; "week" !== f && (k = f) } f && (d = b[f]) } else d = b.day; return d || b.year }, tooltipFooterHeaderFormatter: function (a, b) { var c = b ? "footer" : "header", d = a.series, e = d.tooltipOptions, f = e.xDateFormat, g = d.xAxis, h = g && "datetime" === g.options.type && r(a.key), c = e[c + "Format"]; h && !f && (f = this.getXDateFormat(a, e, g)); h && f && (c = c.replace("{point.key}", "{point.key:" + f + "}")); return X(c, {point: a, series: d}) }, bodyFormatter: function (a) { return Ea(a, function (a) { var c = a.series.tooltipOptions; return (c.pointFormatter || a.point.tooltipFormatter).call(a.point, c.pointFormat) }) } }; var Fa; $a = V && V.documentElement.ontouchstart !== J; var yb = Q.Pointer = function (a, b) { this.init(a, b) }; yb.prototype = { init: function (a, b) { var c = b.chart, d = c.events, e = za ? "" : c.zoomType, c = a.inverted, f; this.options = b; this.chart = a; this.zoomX = f = /x/.test(e); this.zoomY = e = /y/.test(e); this.zoomHor = f && !c || e && c; this.zoomVert = e && !c || f && c; this.hasZoom = f || e; this.runChartClick = d && !!d.click; this.pinchDown = []; this.lastValidTouch = {}; Q.Tooltip && b.tooltip.enabled && (a.tooltip = new Lb(a, b.tooltip), this.followTouchMove = z(b.tooltip.followTouchMove, !0)); this.setDOMEvents() }, normalize: function (a, b) { var c, d; a = a || v.event; a.target || (a.target = a.srcElement); d = a.touches ? a.touches.length ? a.touches.item(0) : a.changedTouches[0] : a; b || (this.chartPosition = b = xb(this.chart.container)); d.pageX === J ? (c = G(a.x, a.clientX - b.left), d = a.y) : (c = d.pageX - b.left, d = d.pageY - b.top); return O(a, {chartX: R(c), chartY: R(d)}) }, getCoordinates: function (a) { var b = {xAxis: [], yAxis: []}; t(this.chart.axes, function (c) { b[c.isXAxis ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({axis: c, value: c.toValue(a[c.horiz ? "chartX" : "chartY"])}) }); return b }, runPointActions: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = b.series, d = b.tooltip, e = d ? d.shared : !1, f = b.hoverPoint, g = b.hoverSeries, h, k = Number.MAX_VALUE, l, m, w, y = [], x, n; if (!e && !g) for (h = 0; h < c.length; h++) if (c[h].directTouch || !c[h].options.stickyTracking) c = []; g && (e ? g.noSharedTooltip : g.directTouch) && f ? x = f : (t(c, function (b) { l = b.noSharedTooltip && e; m = !e && b.directTouch; b.visible && !l && !m && z(b.options.enableMouseTracking, !0) && (n = b.searchPoint(a, !l && 1 === b.kdDimensions)) && y.push(n) }), t(y, function (a) { w = e || 1 !== a.series.kdDimensions ? a.distX : a.dist; a && "number" === typeof w && w < k && (k = w, x = a) })); if (x && (x !== this.prevKDPoint || d && d.isHidden)) { if (e && !x.series.noSharedTooltip) { for (h = y.length; h--;) (y[h].clientX !== x.clientX || y[h].series.noSharedTooltip) && y.splice(h, 1); y.length && d && d.refresh(y, a); t(y, function (b) { b.onMouseOver(a, b !== (g && g.directTouch && f || x)) }) } else if (d && d.refresh(x, a), !g || !g.directTouch) x.onMouseOver(a); this.prevKDPoint = x } else c = g && g.tooltipOptions.followPointer, d && c && !d.isHidden && (c = d.getAnchor([{}], a), d.updatePosition({ plotX: c[0], plotY: c[1] })); this._onDocumentMouseMove || (this._onDocumentMouseMove = function (a) { if (ra[Fa]) ra[Fa].pointer.onDocumentMouseMove(a) }, ga(V, "mousemove", this._onDocumentMouseMove)); t(b.axes, function (b) { b.drawCrosshair(a, z(x, f)) }) }, reset: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = c.hoverSeries, e = c.hoverPoint, f = c.hoverPoints, g = c.tooltip, h = g && g.shared ? f : e; (a = a && g && h) && t(S(h), function (b) { void 0 === b.plotX && (a = !1) }); if (a) g.refresh(h), e && (e.setState(e.state, !0), t(c.axes, function (a) { z(a.options.crosshair && a.options.crosshair.snap, !0) ? a.drawCrosshair(null, e) : a.hideCrosshair() })); else { if (e) e.onMouseOut(); f && t(f, function (a) { a.setState() }); if (d) d.onMouseOut(); g && g.hide(b); this._onDocumentMouseMove && (ma(V, "mousemove", this._onDocumentMouseMove), this._onDocumentMouseMove = null); t(c.axes, function (a) { a.hideCrosshair() }); this.hoverX = c.hoverPoints = c.hoverPoint = null } }, scaleGroups: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart, d; t(c.series, function (e) { d = a || e.getPlotBox(); e.xAxis && e.xAxis.zoomEnabled && (e.group.attr(d), e.markerGroup && (e.markerGroup.attr(d), e.markerGroup.clip(b ? c.clipRect : null)), e.dataLabelsGroup && e.dataLabelsGroup.attr(d)) }); c.clipRect.attr(b || c.clipBox) }, dragStart: function (a) { var b = this.chart; b.mouseIsDown = a.type; b.cancelClick = !1; b.mouseDownX = this.mouseDownX = a.chartX; b.mouseDownY = this.mouseDownY = a.chartY }, drag: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = b.options.chart, d = a.chartX, e = a.chartY, f = this.zoomHor, g = this.zoomVert, h = b.plotLeft, k = b.plotTop, l = b.plotWidth, m = b.plotHeight, w, y = this.selectionMarker, x = this.mouseDownX, n = this.mouseDownY, I = c.panKey && a[c.panKey + "Key"]; y && y.touch || (d < h ? d = h : d > h + l && (d = h + l), e < k ? e = k : e > k + m && (e = k + m), this.hasDragged = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - d, 2) + Math.pow(n - e, 2)), 10 < this.hasDragged && (w = b.isInsidePlot(x - h, n - k), b.hasCartesianSeries && (this.zoomX || this.zoomY) && w && !I && !y && (this.selectionMarker = y = b.renderer.rect(h, k, f ? 1 : l, g ? 1 : m, 0).attr({ fill: c.selectionMarkerFill || "rgba(69,114,167,0.25)", zIndex: 7 }).add()), y && f && (d -= x, y.attr({ width: fa(d), x: (0 < d ? 0 : d) + x })), y && g && (d = e - n, y.attr({ height: fa(d), y: (0 < d ? 0 : d) + n })), w && !y && c.panning && b.pan(a, c.panning))) }, drop: function (a) { var b = this, c = this.chart, d = this.hasPinched; if (this.selectionMarker) { var e = {xAxis: [], yAxis: []}, f = this.selectionMarker, g = f.attr ? f.attr("x") : f.x, h = f.attr ? f.attr("y") : f.y, k = f.attr ? f.attr("width") : f.width, l = f.attr ? f.attr("height") : f.height, m; if (this.hasDragged || d) t(c.axes, function (c) { if (c.zoomEnabled && u(c.min) && (d || b[{xAxis: "zoomX", yAxis: "zoomY"}[c.coll]])) { var f = c.horiz, x = "touchend" === a.type ? c.minPixelPadding : 0, n = c.toValue((f ? g : h) + x), f = c.toValue((f ? g + k : h + l) - x); e[c.coll].push({axis: c, min: U(n, f), max: G(n, f)}); m = !0 } }), m && da(c, "selection", e, function (a) { c.zoom(O(a, d ? {animation: !1} : null)) }); this.selectionMarker = this.selectionMarker.destroy(); d && this.scaleGroups() } c && (E(c.container, {cursor: c._cursor}), c.cancelClick = 10 < this.hasDragged, c.mouseIsDown = this.hasDragged = this.hasPinched = !1, this.pinchDown = []) }, onContainerMouseDown: function (a) { a = this.normalize(a); a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault(); this.dragStart(a) }, onDocumentMouseUp: function (a) { ra[Fa] && ra[Fa].pointer.drop(a) }, onDocumentMouseMove: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.chartPosition; a = this.normalize(a, c); !c || this.inClass(a.target, "highcharts-tracker") || b.isInsidePlot(a.chartX - b.plotLeft, a.chartY - b.plotTop) || this.reset() }, onContainerMouseLeave: function () { var a = ra[Fa]; a && (a.pointer.reset(), a.pointer.chartPosition = null) }, onContainerMouseMove: function (a) { var b = this.chart; Fa = b.index; a = this.normalize(a); a.returnValue = !1; "mousedown" === b.mouseIsDown && this.drag(a); !this.inClass(a.target, "highcharts-tracker") && !b.isInsidePlot(a.chartX - b.plotLeft, a.chartY - b.plotTop) || b.openMenu || this.runPointActions(a) }, inClass: function (a, b) { for (var c; a;) { if (c = B(a, "class")) { if (-1 !== c.indexOf(b)) return !0; if (-1 !== c.indexOf("highcharts-container")) return !1 } a = a.parentNode } }, onTrackerMouseOut: function (a) { var b = this.chart.hoverSeries; a = a.relatedTarget || a.toElement; if (b && !b.options.stickyTracking && !this.inClass(a, "highcharts-tooltip") && !this.inClass(a, "highcharts-series-" + b.index)) b.onMouseOut() }, onContainerClick: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = b.hoverPoint, d = b.plotLeft, e = b.plotTop; a = this.normalize(a); b.cancelClick || (c && this.inClass(a.target, "highcharts-tracker") ? (da(c.series, "click", O(a, {point: c})), b.hoverPoint && c.firePointEvent("click", a)) : (O(a, this.getCoordinates(a)), b.isInsidePlot(a.chartX - d, a.chartY - e) && da(b, "click", a))) }, setDOMEvents: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart.container; b.onmousedown = function (b) { a.onContainerMouseDown(b) }; b.onmousemove = function (b) { a.onContainerMouseMove(b) }; b.onclick = function (b) { a.onContainerClick(b) }; ga(b, "mouseleave", a.onContainerMouseLeave); 1 === ab && ga(V, "mouseup", a.onDocumentMouseUp); $a && (b.ontouchstart = function (b) { a.onContainerTouchStart(b) }, b.ontouchmove = function (b) { a.onContainerTouchMove(b) }, 1 === ab && ga(V, "touchend", a.onDocumentTouchEnd)) }, destroy: function () { var a; ma(this.chart.container, "mouseleave", this.onContainerMouseLeave); ab || (ma(V, "mouseup", this.onDocumentMouseUp), ma(V, "touchend", this.onDocumentTouchEnd)); clearInterval(this.tooltipTimeout); for (a in this) this[a] = null } }; O(Q.Pointer.prototype, { pinchTranslate: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { (this.zoomHor || this.pinchHor) && this.pinchTranslateDirection(!0, a, b, c, d, e, f); (this.zoomVert || this.pinchVert) && this.pinchTranslateDirection(!1, a, b, c, d, e, f) }, pinchTranslateDirection: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var k = this.chart, l = a ? "x" : "y", m = a ? "X" : "Y", w = "chart" + m, y = a ? "width" : "height", x = k["plot" + (a ? "Left" : "Top")], n, I, q = h || 1, z = k.inverted, r = k.bounds[a ? "h" : "v"], p = 1 === b.length, u = b[0][w], t = c[0][w], C = !p && b[1][w], H = !p && c[1][w], v; c = function () { !p && 20 < fa(u - C) && (q = h || fa(t - H) / fa(u - C)); I = (x - t) / q + u; n = k["plot" + (a ? "Width" : "Height")] / q }; c(); b = I; b < r.min ? (b = r.min, v = !0) : b + n > r.max && (b = r.max - n, v = !0); v ? (t -= .8 * (t - g[l][0]), p || (H -= .8 * (H - g[l][1])), c()) : g[l] = [t, H]; z || (f[l] = I - x, f[y] = n); f = z ? 1 / q : q; e[y] = n; e[l] = b; d[z ? a ? "scaleY" : "scaleX" : "scale" + m] = q; d["translate" + m] = f * x + (t - f * u) }, pinch: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.chart, d = b.pinchDown, e = a.touches, f = e.length, g = b.lastValidTouch, h = b.hasZoom, k = b.selectionMarker, l = {}, m = 1 === f && (b.inClass(a.target, "highcharts-tracker") && c.runTrackerClick || b.runChartClick), w = {}; 1 < f && (b.initiated = !0); h && b.initiated && !m && a.preventDefault(); Ea(e, function (a) { return b.normalize(a) }); "touchstart" === a.type ? (t(e, function (a, b) { d[b] = {chartX: a.chartX, chartY: a.chartY} }), g.x = [d[0].chartX, d[1] && d[1].chartX], g.y = [d[0].chartY, d[1] && d[1].chartY], t(c.axes, function (a) { if (a.zoomEnabled) { var b = c.bounds[a.horiz ? "h" : "v"], d = a.minPixelPadding, e = a.toPixels(z(a.options.min, a.dataMin)), f = a.toPixels(z(a.options.max, a.dataMax)), g = U(e, f), e = G(e, f); b.min = U(a.pos, g - d); b.max = G(a.pos + a.len, e + d) } }), b.res = !0) : d.length && (k || (b.selectionMarker = k = O({ destroy: ka, touch: !0 }, c.plotBox)), b.pinchTranslate(d, e, l, k, w, g), b.hasPinched = h, b.scaleGroups(l, w), !h && b.followTouchMove && 1 === f ? this.runPointActions(b.normalize(a)) : b.res && (b.res = !1, this.reset(!1, 0))) }, touch: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart; Fa = c.index; 1 === a.touches.length ? (a = this.normalize(a), c.isInsidePlot(a.chartX - c.plotLeft, a.chartY - c.plotTop) && !c.openMenu ? (b && this.runPointActions(a), this.pinch(a)) : b && this.reset()) : 2 === a.touches.length && this.pinch(a) }, onContainerTouchStart: function (a) { this.touch(a, !0) }, onContainerTouchMove: function (a) { this.touch(a) }, onDocumentTouchEnd: function (a) { ra[Fa] && ra[Fa].pointer.drop(a) } }); var nb = Q.Legend = function (a, b) { this.init(a, b) }; nb.prototype = { init: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = b.itemStyle, e = b.itemMarginTop || 0; this.options = b; b.enabled && (c.itemStyle = d, c.itemHiddenStyle = A(d, b.itemHiddenStyle), c.itemMarginTop = e, c.padding = d = z(b.padding, 8), c.initialItemX = d, c.initialItemY = d - 5, c.maxItemWidth = 0, c.chart = a, c.itemHeight = 0, c.symbolWidth = z(b.symbolWidth, 16), c.pages = [], c.render(), ga(c.chart, "endResize", function () { c.positionCheckboxes() })) }, colorizeItem: function (a, b) { var c = this.options, d = a.legendItem, e = a.legendLine, f = a.legendSymbol, g = this.itemHiddenStyle.color, c = b ? c.itemStyle.color : g, h = b ? a.legendColor || a.color || "#CCC" : g, g = a.options && a.options.marker, k = {fill: h}, l; d && d.css({fill: c, color: c}); e && e.attr({stroke: h}); if (f) { if (g && f.isMarker) for (l in k.stroke = h, g = a.convertAttribs(g), g) d = g[l], d !== J && (k[l] = d); f.attr(k) } }, positionItem: function (a) { var b = this.options, c = b.symbolPadding, b = !b.rtl, d = a._legendItemPos, e = d[0], d = d[1], f = a.checkbox; (a = a.legendGroup) && a.element && a.translate(b ? e : this.legendWidth - e - 2 * c - 4, d); f && (f.x = e, f.y = d) }, destroyItem: function (a) { var b = a.checkbox; t(["legendItem", "legendLine", "legendSymbol", "legendGroup"], function (b) { a[b] && (a[b] = a[b].destroy()) }); b && gb(a.checkbox) }, destroy: function () { var a = this.group, b = this.box; b && (this.box = b.destroy()); a && (this.group = a.destroy()) }, positionCheckboxes: function (a) { var b = this.group.alignAttr, c, d = this.clipHeight || this.legendHeight, e = this.titleHeight; b && (c = b.translateY, t(this.allItems, function (f) { var g = f.checkbox, h; g && (h = c + e + g.y + (a || 0) + 3, E(g, { left: b.translateX + f.checkboxOffset + g.x - 20 + "px", top: h + "px", display: h > c - 6 && h < c + d - 6 ? "" : "none" })) })) }, renderTitle: function () { var a = this.padding, b = this.options.title, c = 0; b.text && (this.title || (this.title = this.chart.renderer.label(b.text, a - 3, a - 4, null, null, null, null, null, "legend-title").attr({zIndex: 1}).css(b.style).add(this.group)), a = this.title.getBBox(), c = a.height, this.offsetWidth = a.width, this.contentGroup.attr({translateY: c})); this.titleHeight = c }, setText: function (a) { var b = this.options; a.legendItem.attr({text: b.labelFormat ? X(b.labelFormat, a) : b.labelFormatter.call(a)}) }, renderItem: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = b.renderer, d = this.options, e = "horizontal" === d.layout, f = this.symbolWidth, g = d.symbolPadding, h = this.itemStyle, k = this.itemHiddenStyle, l = this.padding, m = e ? z(d.itemDistance, 20) : 0, w = !d.rtl, y = d.width, x = d.itemMarginBottom || 0, n = this.itemMarginTop, q = this.initialItemX, r = a.legendItem, p = a.series && a.series.drawLegendSymbol ? a.series : a, t = p.options, t = this.createCheckboxForItem && t && t.showCheckbox, u = d.useHTML; r || (a.legendGroup = c.g("legend-item").attr({zIndex: 1}).add(this.scrollGroup), a.legendItem = r = c.text("", w ? f + g : -g, this.baseline || 0, u).css(A(a.visible ? h : k)).attr({ align: w ? "left" : "right", zIndex: 2 }).add(a.legendGroup), this.baseline || (this.fontMetrics = c.fontMetrics(h.fontSize, r), this.baseline = this.fontMetrics.f + 3 + n, r.attr("y", this.baseline)), p.drawLegendSymbol(this, a), this.setItemEvents && this.setItemEvents(a, r, u, h, k), this.colorizeItem(a, a.visible), t && this.createCheckboxForItem(a)); this.setText(a); c = r.getBBox(); f = a.checkboxOffset = d.itemWidth || a.legendItemWidth || f + g + c.width + m + (t ? 20 : 0); this.itemHeight = g = R(a.legendItemHeight || c.height); e && this.itemX - q + f > (y || b.chartWidth - 2 * l - q - d.x) && (this.itemX = q, this.itemY += n + this.lastLineHeight + x, this.lastLineHeight = 0); this.maxItemWidth = G(this.maxItemWidth, f); this.lastItemY = n + this.itemY + x; this.lastLineHeight = G(g, this.lastLineHeight); a._legendItemPos = [this.itemX, this.itemY]; e ? this.itemX += f : (this.itemY += n + g + x, this.lastLineHeight = g); this.offsetWidth = y || G((e ? this.itemX - q - m : f) + l, this.offsetWidth) }, getAllItems: function () { var a = []; t(this.chart.series, function (b) { var c = b.options; z(c.showInLegend, u(c.linkedTo) ? !1 : J, !0) && (a = a.concat(b.legendItems || ("point" === c.legendType ? b.data : b))) }); return a }, adjustMargins: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = this.options, e = d.align.charAt(0) + d.verticalAlign.charAt(0) + d.layout.charAt(0); this.display && !d.floating && t([/(lth|ct|rth)/, /(rtv|rm|rbv)/, /(rbh|cb|lbh)/, /(lbv|lm|ltv)/], function (f, g) { f.test(e) && !u(a[g]) && (c[jb[g]] = G(c[jb[g]], c.legend[(g + 1) % 2 ? "legendHeight" : "legendWidth"] + [1, -1, -1, 1][g] * d[g % 2 ? "x" : "y"] + z(d.margin, 12) + b[g])) }) }, render: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = b.renderer, d = a.group, e, f, g, h, k = a.box, l = a.options, m = a.padding, w = l.borderWidth, y = l.backgroundColor; a.itemX = a.initialItemX; a.itemY = a.initialItemY; a.offsetWidth = 0; a.lastItemY = 0; d || (a.group = d = c.g("legend").attr({zIndex: 7}).add(), a.contentGroup = c.g().attr({zIndex: 1}).add(d), a.scrollGroup = c.g().add(a.contentGroup)); a.renderTitle(); e = a.getAllItems(); fb(e, function (a, b) { return (a.options && a.options.legendIndex || 0) - (b.options && b.options.legendIndex || 0) }); l.reversed && e.reverse(); a.allItems = e; a.display = f = !!e.length; a.lastLineHeight = 0; t(e, function (b) { a.renderItem(b) }); g = (l.width || a.offsetWidth) + m; h = a.lastItemY + a.lastLineHeight + a.titleHeight; h = a.handleOverflow(h); h += m; if (w || y) k ? 0 < g && 0 < h && (k[k.isNew ? "attr" : "animate"](k.crisp({ width: g, height: h })), k.isNew = !1) : (a.box = k = c.rect(0, 0, g, h, l.borderRadius, w || 0).attr({ stroke: l.borderColor, "stroke-width": w || 0, fill: y || "none" }).add(d).shadow(l.shadow), k.isNew = !0), k[f ? "show" : "hide"](); a.legendWidth = g; a.legendHeight = h; t(e, function (b) { a.positionItem(b) }); f && d.align(O({width: g, height: h}, l), !0, "spacingBox"); b.isResizing || this.positionCheckboxes() }, handleOverflow: function (a) { var b = this, c = this.chart, d = c.renderer, e = this.options, f = e.y, f = c.spacingBox.height + ("top" === e.verticalAlign ? -f : f) - this.padding, g = e.maxHeight, h, k = this.clipRect, l = e.navigation, m = z(l.animation, !0), w = l.arrowSize || 12, y = this.nav, x = this.pages, n = this.padding, q, r = this.allItems, p = function (a) { k.attr({height: a}); b.contentGroup.div && (b.contentGroup.div.style.clip = "rect(" + n + "px,9999px," + (n + a) + "px,0)") }; "horizontal" === e.layout && (f /= 2); g && (f = U(f, g)); x.length = 0; a > f ? (this.clipHeight = h = G(f - 20 - this.titleHeight - n, 0), this.currentPage = z(this.currentPage, 1), this.fullHeight = a, t(r, function (a, b) { var c = a._legendItemPos[1], d = R(a.legendItem.getBBox().height), e = x.length; if (!e || c - x[e - 1] > h && (q || c) !== x[e - 1]) x.push(q || c), e++; b === r.length - 1 && c + d - x[e - 1] > h && x.push(c); c !== q && (q = c) }), k || (k = b.clipRect = d.clipRect(0, n, 9999, 0), b.contentGroup.clip(k)), p(h), y || (this.nav = y = d.g().attr({zIndex: 1}).add(this.group), this.up = d.symbol("triangle", 0, 0, w, w).on("click", function () { b.scroll(-1, m) }).add(y), this.pager = d.text("", 15, 10).css(l.style).add(y), this.down = d.symbol("triangle-down", 0, 0, w, w).on("click", function () { b.scroll(1, m) }).add(y)), b.scroll(0), a = f) : y && (p(c.chartHeight), y.hide(), this.scrollGroup.attr({translateY: 1}), this.clipHeight = 0); return a }, scroll: function (a, b) { var c = this.pages, d = c.length, e = this.currentPage + a, f = this.clipHeight, g = this.options.navigation, h = g.activeColor, g = g.inactiveColor, k = this.pager, l = this.padding; e > d && (e = d); 0 < e && (b !== J && Ra(b, this.chart), this.nav.attr({ translateX: l, translateY: f + this.padding + 7 + this.titleHeight, visibility: "visible" }), this.up.attr({fill: 1 === e ? g : h}).css({cursor: 1 === e ? "default" : "pointer"}), k.attr({text: e + "/" + d}), this.down.attr({ x: 18 + this.pager.getBBox().width, fill: e === d ? g : h }).css({cursor: e === d ? "default" : "pointer"}), c = -c[e - 1] + this.initialItemY, this.scrollGroup.animate({translateY: c}), this.currentPage = e, this.positionCheckboxes(c)) } }; var cb = Q.LegendSymbolMixin = { drawRectangle: function (a, b) { var c = a.options.symbolHeight || a.fontMetrics.f; b.legendSymbol = this.chart.renderer.rect(0, a.baseline - c + 1, a.symbolWidth, c, a.options.symbolRadius || 0).attr({zIndex: 3}).add(b.legendGroup) }, drawLineMarker: function (a) { var b = this.options, c = b.marker, d = a.symbolWidth, e = this.chart.renderer, f = this.legendGroup; a = a.baseline - R(.3 * a.fontMetrics.b); var g; b.lineWidth && (g = {"stroke-width": b.lineWidth}, b.dashStyle && (g.dashstyle = b.dashStyle), this.legendLine = e.path(["M", 0, a, "L", d, a]).attr(g).add(f)); c && !1 !== c.enabled && (b = c.radius, this.legendSymbol = c = e.symbol(this.symbol, d / 2 - b, a - b, 2 * b, 2 * b, c).add(f), c.isMarker = !0) } }; (/Trident\/7\.0/.test(Ja) || Za) && qa(nb.prototype, "positionItem", function (a, b) { var c = this, d = function () { b._legendItemPos && a.call(c, b) }; d(); setTimeout(d) }); var db = Q.Chart = function () { this.getArgs.apply(this, arguments) }; Q.chart = function (a, b, c) { return new db(a, b, c) }; db.prototype = { callbacks: [], getArgs: function () { var a = [].slice.call(arguments); if (ha(a[0]) || a[0].nodeName) this.renderTo = a.shift(); this.init(a[0], a[1]) }, init: function (a, b) { var c, d = a.series; a.series = null; c = A(la, a); c.series = a.series = d; this.userOptions = a; d = c.chart; this.margin = this.splashArray("margin", d); this.spacing = this.splashArray("spacing", d); var e = d.events; this.bounds = {h: {}, v: {}}; this.callback = b; this.isResizing = 0; this.options = c; this.axes = []; this.series = []; this.hasCartesianSeries = d.showAxes; var f = this, g; f.index = ra.length; ra.push(f); ab++; !1 !== d.reflow && ga(f, "load", function () { f.initReflow() }); if (e) for (g in e) ga(f, g, e[g]); f.xAxis = []; f.yAxis = []; f.animation = za ? !1 : z(d.animation, !0); f.pointCount = f.colorCounter = f.symbolCounter = 0; f.firstRender() }, initSeries: function (a) { var b = this.options.chart; (b = K[a.type || b.type || b.defaultSeriesType]) || L(17, !0); b = new b; b.init(this, a); return b }, isInsidePlot: function (a, b, c) { var d = c ? b : a; a = c ? a : b; return 0 <= d && d <= this.plotWidth && 0 <= a && a <= this.plotHeight }, redraw: function (a) { var b = this.axes, c = this.series, d = this.pointer, e = this.legend, f = this.isDirtyLegend, g, h, k = this.hasCartesianSeries, l = this.isDirtyBox, m = c.length, w = m, y = this.renderer, x = y.isHidden(), n = []; Ra(a, this); x && this.cloneRenderTo(); for (this.layOutTitles(); w--;) if (a = c[w], a.options.stacking && (g = !0, a.isDirty)) { h = !0; break } if (h) for (w = m; w--;) a = c[w], a.options.stacking && (a.isDirty = !0); t(c, function (a) { a.isDirty && "point" === a.options.legendType && (a.updateTotals && a.updateTotals(), f = !0) }); f && e.options.enabled && (e.render(), this.isDirtyLegend = !1); g && this.getStacks(); k && !this.isResizing && (this.maxTicks = null, t(b, function (a) { a.setScale() })); this.getMargins(); k && (t(b, function (a) { a.isDirty && (l = !0) }), t(b, function (a) { var b = a.min + "," + a.max; a.extKey !== b && (a.extKey = b, n.push(function () { da(a, "afterSetExtremes", O(a.eventArgs, a.getExtremes())); delete a.eventArgs })); (l || g) && a.redraw() })); l && this.drawChartBox(); t(c, function (a) { a.isDirty && a.visible && (!a.isCartesian || a.xAxis) && a.redraw() }); d && d.reset(!0); y.draw(); da(this, "redraw"); x && this.cloneRenderTo(!0); t(n, function (a) { a.call() }) }, get: function (a) { var b = this.axes, c = this.series, d, e; for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) if (b[d].options.id === a) return b[d]; for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) if (c[d].options.id === a) return c[d]; for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) for (e = c[d].points || [], b = 0; b < e.length; b++) if (e[b].id === a) return e[b]; return null }, getAxes: function () { var a = this, b = this.options, c = b.xAxis = S(b.xAxis || {}), b = b.yAxis = S(b.yAxis || {}); t(c, function (a, b) { a.index = b; a.isX = !0 }); t(b, function (a, b) { a.index = b }); c = c.concat(b); t(c, function (b) { new wa(a, b) }) }, getSelectedPoints: function () { var a = []; t(this.series, function (b) { a = a.concat(Na(b.points || [], function (a) { return a.selected })) }); return a }, getSelectedSeries: function () { return Na(this.series, function (a) { return a.selected }) }, setTitle: function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = d.options, f; f = e.title = A(e.title, a); e = e.subtitle = A(e.subtitle, b); t([["title", a, f], ["subtitle", b, e]], function (a) { var b = a[0], c = d[b], e = a[1]; a = a[2]; c && e && (d[b] = c = c.destroy()); a && a.text && !c && (d[b] = d.renderer.text(a.text, 0, 0, a.useHTML).attr({ align: a.align, "class": "highcharts-" + b, zIndex: a.zIndex || 4 }).css(a.style).add()) }); d.layOutTitles(c) }, layOutTitles: function (a) { var b = 0, c = this.title, d = this.subtitle, e = this.options, f = e.title, e = e.subtitle, g = this.renderer, h = this.spacingBox.width - 44; c && (c.css({width: (f.width || h) + "px"}).align(O({y: g.fontMetrics(f.style.fontSize, c).b - 3}, f), !1, "spacingBox"), f.floating || f.verticalAlign || (b = c.getBBox().height)); d && (d.css({width: (e.width || h) + "px"}).align(O({y: b + (f.margin - 13) + g.fontMetrics(e.style.fontSize, c).b}, e), !1, "spacingBox"), e.floating || e.verticalAlign || (b = Ba(b + d.getBBox().height))); c = this.titleOffset !== b; this.titleOffset = b; !this.isDirtyBox && c && (this.isDirtyBox = c, this.hasRendered && z(a, !0) && this.isDirtyBox && this.redraw()) }, getChartSize: function () { var a = this.options.chart, b = a.width, a = a.height, c = this.renderToClone || this.renderTo; u(b) || (this.containerWidth = La(c, "width")); u(a) || (this.containerHeight = La(c, "height")); this.chartWidth = G(0, b || this.containerWidth || 600); this.chartHeight = G(0, z(a, 19 < this.containerHeight ? this.containerHeight : 400)) }, cloneRenderTo: function (a) { var b = this.renderToClone, c = this.container; a ? b && (this.renderTo.appendChild(c), gb(b), delete this.renderToClone) : (c && c.parentNode === this.renderTo && this.renderTo.removeChild(c), this.renderToClone = b = this.renderTo.cloneNode(0), E(b, { position: "absolute", top: "-9999px", display: "block" }), b.style.setProperty && b.style.setProperty("display", "block", "important"), V.body.appendChild(b), c && b.appendChild(c)) }, getContainer: function () { var a, b = this.options, c = b.chart, d, e; a = this.renderTo; var f = "highcharts-" + wb++; a || (this.renderTo = a = c.renderTo); ha(a) && (this.renderTo = a = V.getElementById(a)); a || L(13, !0); d = F(B(a, "data-highcharts-chart")); !isNaN(d) && ra[d] && ra[d].hasRendered && ra[d].destroy(); B(a, "data-highcharts-chart", this.index); a.innerHTML = ""; c.skipClone || a.offsetWidth || this.cloneRenderTo(); this.getChartSize(); d = this.chartWidth; e = this.chartHeight; this.container = a = ca("div", { className: "highcharts-container" + (c.className ? " " + c.className : ""), id: f }, O({ position: "relative", overflow: "hidden", width: d + "px", height: e + "px", textAlign: "left", lineHeight: "normal", zIndex: 0, "-webkit-tap-highlight-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)" }, c.style), this.renderToClone || a); this._cursor = a.style.cursor; this.renderer = new (Q[c.renderer] || lb)(a, d, e, c.style, c.forExport, b.exporting && b.exporting.allowHTML); za && this.renderer.create(this, a, d, e); this.renderer.chartIndex = this.index }, getMargins: function (a) { var b = this.spacing, c = this.margin, d = this.titleOffset; this.resetMargins(); d && !u(c[0]) && (this.plotTop = G(this.plotTop, d + this.options.title.margin + b[0])); this.legend.adjustMargins(c, b); this.extraBottomMargin && (this.marginBottom += this.extraBottomMargin); this.extraTopMargin && (this.plotTop += this.extraTopMargin); a || this.getAxisMargins() }, getAxisMargins: function () { var a = this, b = a.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0], c = a.margin; a.hasCartesianSeries && t(a.axes, function (a) { a.visible && a.getOffset() }); t(jb, function (d, e) { u(c[e]) || (a[d] += b[e]) }); a.setChartSize() }, reflow: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.options.chart, d = b.renderTo, e = c.width || La(d, "width"), f = c.height || La(d, "height"), c = a ? a.target : v; if (!b.hasUserSize && !b.isPrinting && e && f && (c === v || c === V)) { if (e !== b.containerWidth || f !== b.containerHeight) clearTimeout(b.reflowTimeout), b.reflowTimeout = oa(function () { b.container && (b.setSize(e, f, !1), b.hasUserSize = null) }, a ? 100 : 0); b.containerWidth = e; b.containerHeight = f } }, initReflow: function () { var a = this, b = function (b) { a.reflow(b) }; ga(v, "resize", b); ga(a, "destroy", function () { ma(v, "resize", b) }) }, setSize: function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e, f, g = d.renderer; d.isResizing += 1; Ra(c, d); d.oldChartHeight = d.chartHeight; d.oldChartWidth = d.chartWidth; u(a) && (d.chartWidth = e = G(0, R(a)), d.hasUserSize = !!e); u(b) && (d.chartHeight = f = G(0, R(b))); a = g.globalAnimation; (a ? Sa : E)(d.container, {width: e + "px", height: f + "px"}, a); d.setChartSize(!0); g.setSize(e, f, c); d.maxTicks = null; t(d.axes, function (a) { a.isDirty = !0; a.setScale() }); t(d.series, function (a) { a.isDirty = !0 }); d.isDirtyLegend = !0; d.isDirtyBox = !0; d.layOutTitles(); d.getMargins(); d.redraw(c); d.oldChartHeight = null; da(d, "resize"); a = g.globalAnimation; oa(function () { d && da(d, "endResize", null, function () { --d.isResizing }) }, !1 === a ? 0 : a && a.duration || 500) }, setChartSize: function (a) { var b = this.inverted, c = this.renderer, d = this.chartWidth, e = this.chartHeight, f = this.options.chart, g = this.spacing, h = this.clipOffset, k, l, m, w; this.plotLeft = k = R(this.plotLeft); this.plotTop = l = R(this.plotTop); this.plotWidth = m = G(0, R(d - k - this.marginRight)); this.plotHeight = w = G(0, R(e - l - this.marginBottom)); this.plotSizeX = b ? w : m; this.plotSizeY = b ? m : w; this.plotBorderWidth = f.plotBorderWidth || 0; this.spacingBox = c.spacingBox = {x: g[3], y: g[0], width: d - g[3] - g[1], height: e - g[0] - g[2]}; this.plotBox = c.plotBox = {x: k, y: l, width: m, height: w}; d = 2 * ea(this.plotBorderWidth / 2); b = Ba(G(d, h[3]) / 2); c = Ba(G(d, h[0]) / 2); this.clipBox = { x: b, y: c, width: ea(this.plotSizeX - G(d, h[1]) / 2 - b), height: G(0, ea(this.plotSizeY - G(d, h[2]) / 2 - c)) }; a || t(this.axes, function (a) { a.setAxisSize(); a.setAxisTranslation() }) }, resetMargins: function () { var a = this; t(jb, function (b, c) { a[b] = z(a.margin[c], a.spacing[c]) }); a.axisOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0]; a.clipOffset = [0, 0, 0, 0] }, drawChartBox: function () { var a = this.options.chart, b = this.renderer, c = this.chartWidth, d = this.chartHeight, e = this.chartBackground, f = this.plotBackground, g = this.plotBorder, h = this.plotBGImage, k = a.borderWidth || 0, l = a.backgroundColor, m = a.plotBackgroundColor, w = a.plotBackgroundImage, y = a.plotBorderWidth || 0, x, n = this.plotLeft, q = this.plotTop, z = this.plotWidth, r = this.plotHeight, p = this.plotBox, t = this.clipRect, u = this.clipBox; x = k + (a.shadow ? 8 : 0); if (k || l) e ? e.animate(e.crisp({ width: c - x, height: d - x })) : (e = {fill: l || "none"}, k && (e.stroke = a.borderColor, e["stroke-width"] = k), this.chartBackground = b.rect(x / 2, x / 2, c - x, d - x, a.borderRadius, k).attr(e).addClass("highcharts-background").add().shadow(a.shadow)); m && (f ? f.animate(p) : this.plotBackground = b.rect(n, q, z, r, 0).attr({fill: m}).add().shadow(a.plotShadow)); w && (h ? h.animate(p) : this.plotBGImage = b.image(w, n, q, z, r).add()); t ? t.animate({width: u.width, height: u.height}) : this.clipRect = b.clipRect(u); y && (g ? g.animate(g.crisp({ x: n, y: q, width: z, height: r, strokeWidth: -y })) : this.plotBorder = b.rect(n, q, z, r, 0, -y).attr({ stroke: a.plotBorderColor, "stroke-width": y, fill: "none", zIndex: 1 }).add()); this.isDirtyBox = !1 }, propFromSeries: function () { var a = this, b = a.options.chart, c, d = a.options.series, e, f; t(["inverted", "angular", "polar"], function (g) { c = K[b.type || b.defaultSeriesType]; f = a[g] || b[g] || c && c.prototype[g]; for (e = d && d.length; !f && e--;) (c = K[d[e].type]) && c.prototype[g] && (f = !0); a[g] = f }) }, linkSeries: function () { var a = this, b = a.series; t(b, function (a) { a.linkedSeries.length = 0 }); t(b, function (b) { var d = b.options.linkedTo; ha(d) && (d = ":previous" === d ? a.series[b.index - 1] : a.get(d)) && (d.linkedSeries.push(b), b.linkedParent = d, b.visible = z(b.options.visible, d.options.visible, b.visible)) }) }, renderSeries: function () { t(this.series, function (a) { a.translate(); a.render() }) }, renderLabels: function () { var a = this, b = a.options.labels; b.items && t(b.items, function (c) { var d = O(b.style, c.style), e = F(d.left) + a.plotLeft, f = F(d.top) + a.plotTop + 12; delete d.left; delete d.top; a.renderer.text(c.html, e, f).attr({zIndex: 2}).css(d).add() }) }, render: function () { var a = this.axes, b = this.renderer, c = this.options, d, e, f, g; this.setTitle(); this.legend = new nb(this, c.legend); this.getStacks && this.getStacks(); this.getMargins(!0); this.setChartSize(); d = this.plotWidth; e = this.plotHeight -= 21; t(a, function (a) { a.setScale() }); this.getAxisMargins(); f = 1.1 < d / this.plotWidth; g = 1.05 < e / this.plotHeight; if (f || g) this.maxTicks = null, t(a, function (a) { (a.horiz && f || !a.horiz && g) && a.setTickInterval(!0) }), this.getMargins(); this.drawChartBox(); this.hasCartesianSeries && t(a, function (a) { a.visible && a.render() }); this.seriesGroup || (this.seriesGroup = b.g("series-group").attr({zIndex: 3}).add()); this.renderSeries(); this.renderLabels(); this.showCredits(c.credits); this.hasRendered = !0 }, showCredits: function (a) { a.enabled && !this.credits && (this.credits = this.renderer.text(a.text, 0, 0).on("click", function () { a.href && (v.location.href = a.href) }).attr({align: a.position.align, zIndex: 8}).css(a.style).add().align(a.position)) }, destroy: function () { var a = this, b = a.axes, c = a.series, d = a.container, e, f = d && d.parentNode; da(a, "destroy"); ra[a.index] = J; ab--; a.renderTo.removeAttribute("data-highcharts-chart"); ma(a); for (e = b.length; e--;) b[e] = b[e].destroy(); for (e = c.length; e--;) c[e] = c[e].destroy(); t("title subtitle chartBackground plotBackground plotBGImage plotBorder seriesGroup clipRect credits pointer scroller rangeSelector legend resetZoomButton tooltip renderer".split(" "), function (b) { var c = a[b]; c && c.destroy && (a[b] = c.destroy()) }); d && (d.innerHTML = "", ma(d), f && gb(d)); for (e in a) delete a[e] }, isReadyToRender: function () { var a = this; return !sa && v == v.top && "complete" !== V.readyState || za && !v.canvg ? (za ? CanVGController.push(function () { a.firstRender() }, a.options.global.canvasToolsURL) : V.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () { V.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", a.firstRender); "complete" === V.readyState && a.firstRender() }), !1) : !0 }, firstRender: function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = a.callback; a.isReadyToRender() && (a.getContainer(), da(a, "init"), a.resetMargins(), a.setChartSize(), a.propFromSeries(), a.getAxes(), t(b.series || [], function (b) { a.initSeries(b) }), a.linkSeries(), da(a, "beforeRender"), Q.Pointer && (a.pointer = new yb(a, b)), a.render(), a.renderer.draw(), c && c.apply(a, [a]), t(a.callbacks, function (b) { a.index !== J && b.apply(a, [a]) }), da(a, "load"), a.cloneRenderTo(!0)) }, splashArray: function (a, b) { var c = b[a], c = W(c) ? c : [c, c, c, c]; return [z(b[a + "Top"], c[0]), z(b[a + "Right"], c[1]), z(b[a + "Bottom"], c[2]), z(b[a + "Left"], c[3])] } }; var Mb = Q.CenteredSeriesMixin = { getCenter: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.chart, c = 2 * (a.slicedOffset || 0), d = b.plotWidth - 2 * c, b = b.plotHeight - 2 * c, e = a.center, e = [z(e[0], "50%"), z(e[1], "50%"), a.size || "100%", a.innerSize || 0], f = U(d, b), g, h; for (g = 0; 4 > g; ++g) h = e[g], a = 2 > g || 2 === g && /%$/.test(h), e[g] = q(h, [d, b, f, e[2]][g]) + (a ? c : 0); e[3] > e[2] && (e[3] = e[2]); return e } }, Ga = function () { }; Ga.prototype = { init: function (a, b, c) { this.series = a; this.color = a.color; this.applyOptions(b, c); this.pointAttr = {}; a.options.colorByPoint && (b = a.options.colors || a.chart.options.colors, this.color = this.color || b[a.colorCounter++], a.colorCounter === b.length && (a.colorCounter = 0)); a.chart.pointCount++; return this }, applyOptions: function (a, b) { var c = this.series, d = c.options.pointValKey || c.pointValKey; a = Ga.prototype.optionsToObject.call(this, a); O(this, a); this.options = this.options ? O(this.options, a) : a; d && (this.y = this[d]); this.x === J && c && (this.x = b === J ? c.autoIncrement() : b); return this }, optionsToObject: function (a) { var b = {}, c = this.series, d = c.options.keys, e = d || c.pointArrayMap || ["y"], f = e.length, g = 0, h = 0; if ("number" === typeof a || null === a) b[e[0]] = a; else if (ia(a)) for (!d && a.length > f && (c = typeof a[0], "string" === c ? b.name = a[0] : "number" === c && (b.x = a[0]), g++); h < f;) d && void 0 === a[g] || (b[e[h]] = a[g]), g++, h++; else "object" === typeof a && (b = a, a.dataLabels && (c._hasPointLabels = !0), a.marker && (c._hasPointMarkers = !0)); return b }, destroy: function () { var a = this.series.chart, b = a.hoverPoints, c; a.pointCount--; b && (this.setState(), M(b, this), b.length || (a.hoverPoints = null)); if (this === a.hoverPoint) this.onMouseOut(); if (this.graphic || this.dataLabel) ma(this), this.destroyElements(); this.legendItem && a.legend.destroyItem(this); for (c in this) this[c] = null }, destroyElements: function () { for (var a = ["graphic", "dataLabel", "dataLabelUpper", "connector", "shadowGroup"], b, c = 6; c--;) b = a[c], this[b] && (this[b] = this[b].destroy()) }, getLabelConfig: function () { return { x: this.category, y: this.y, color: this.color, key: this.name || this.category, series: this.series, point: this, percentage: this.percentage, total: this.total || this.stackTotal } }, tooltipFormatter: function (a) { var b = this.series, c = b.tooltipOptions, d = z(c.valueDecimals, ""), e = c.valuePrefix || "", f = c.valueSuffix || ""; t(b.pointArrayMap || ["y"], function (b) { b = "{point." + b; if (e || f) a = a.replace(b + "}", e + b + "}" + f); a = a.replace(b + "}", b + ":,." + d + "f}") }); return X(a, {point: this, series: this.series}) }, firePointEvent: function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = this.series.options; (e.point.events[a] || d.options && d.options.events && d.options.events[a]) && this.importEvents(); "click" === a && e.allowPointSelect && (c = function (a) { d.select && d.select(null, a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey || a.shiftKey) }); da(this, a, b, c) }, visible: !0 }; var Y = Q.Series = function () { }; Y.prototype = { isCartesian: !0, type: "line", pointClass: Ga, sorted: !0, requireSorting: !0, pointAttrToOptions: {stroke: "lineColor", "stroke-width": "lineWidth", fill: "fillColor", r: "radius"}, directTouch: !1, axisTypes: ["xAxis", "yAxis"], colorCounter: 0, parallelArrays: ["x", "y"], init: function (a, b) { var c = this, d, e, f = a.series, g = function (a, b) { return z(a.options.index, a._i) - z(b.options.index, b._i) }; c.chart = a; c.options = b = c.setOptions(b); c.linkedSeries = []; c.bindAxes(); O(c, {name: b.name, state: "", pointAttr: {}, visible: !1 !== b.visible, selected: !0 === b.selected}); za && (b.animation = !1); e = b.events; for (d in e) ga(c, d, e[d]); if (e && e.click || b.point && b.point.events && b.point.events.click || b.allowPointSelect) a.runTrackerClick = !0; c.getColor(); c.getSymbol(); t(c.parallelArrays, function (a) { c[a + "Data"] = [] }); c.setData(b.data, !1); c.isCartesian && (a.hasCartesianSeries = !0); f.push(c); c._i = f.length - 1; fb(f, g); this.yAxis && fb(this.yAxis.series, g); t(f, function (a, b) { a.index = b; a.name = a.name || "Series " + (b + 1) }) }, bindAxes: function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = a.chart, d; t(a.axisTypes || [], function (e) { t(c[e], function (c) { d = c.options; if (b[e] === d.index || b[e] !== J && b[e] === d.id || b[e] === J && 0 === d.index) c.series.push(a), a[e] = c, c.isDirty = !0 }); a[e] || a.optionalAxis === e || L(18, !0) }) }, updateParallelArrays: function (a, b) { var c = a.series, d = arguments; t(c.parallelArrays, "number" === typeof b ? function (d) { var f = "y" === d && c.toYData ? c.toYData(a) : a[d]; c[d + "Data"][b] = f } : function (a) { Array.prototype[b].apply(c[a + "Data"], Array.prototype.slice.call(d, 2)) }) }, autoIncrement: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.xIncrement, c, d = a.pointIntervalUnit, b = z(b, a.pointStart, 0); this.pointInterval = c = z(this.pointInterval, a.pointInterval, 1); if ("month" === d || "year" === d) a = new ya(b), a = "month" === d ? +a[ub](a[Va]() + c) : +a[vb](a[Wa]() + c), c = a - b; this.xIncrement = b + c; return b }, getSegments: function () { var a = -1, b = [], c, d = this.points, e = d.length; if (e) if (this.options.connectNulls) { for (c = e; c--;) null === d[c].y && d.splice(c, 1); d.length && (b = [d]) } else t(d, function (c, g) { null === c.y ? (g > a + 1 && b.push(d.slice(a + 1, g)), a = g) : g === e - 1 && b.push(d.slice(a + 1, g + 1)) }); this.segments = b }, setOptions: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = b.options.plotOptions, b = b.userOptions || {}, d = b.plotOptions || {}, e = c[this.type]; this.userOptions = a; c = A(e, c.series, a); this.tooltipOptions = A(la.tooltip, la.plotOptions[this.type].tooltip, b.tooltip, d.series && d.series.tooltip, d[this.type] && d[this.type].tooltip, a.tooltip); null === e.marker && delete c.marker; this.zoneAxis = c.zoneAxis; a = this.zones = (c.zones || []).slice(); !c.negativeColor && !c.negativeFillColor || c.zones || a.push({ value: c[this.zoneAxis + "Threshold"] || c.threshold || 0, color: c.negativeColor, fillColor: c.negativeFillColor }); a.length && u(a[a.length - 1].value) && a.push({color: this.color, fillColor: this.fillColor}); return c }, getCyclic: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.userOptions, e = "_" + a + "Index", f = a + "Counter"; b || (u(d[e]) ? b = d[e] : (d[e] = b = this.chart[f] % c.length, this.chart[f] += 1), b = c[b]); this[a] = b }, getColor: function () { this.options.colorByPoint ? this.options.color = null : this.getCyclic("color", this.options.color || aa[this.type].color, this.chart.options.colors) }, getSymbol: function () { var a = this.options.marker; this.getCyclic("symbol", a.symbol, this.chart.options.symbols); /^url/.test(this.symbol) && (a.radius = 0) }, drawLegendSymbol: cb.drawLineMarker, setData: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this, f = e.points, g = f && f.length || 0, h, k = e.options, l = e.chart, m = null, w = e.xAxis, y = w && !!w.categories, x = k.turboThreshold, n = this.xData, q = this.yData, p = (h = e.pointArrayMap) && h.length; a = a || []; h = a.length; b = z(b, !0); if (!1 !== d && h && g === h && !e.cropped && !e.hasGroupedData && e.visible) t(a, function (a, b) { f[b].update && a !== k.data[b] && f[b].update(a, !1, null, !1) }); else { e.xIncrement = null; e.colorCounter = 0; t(this.parallelArrays, function (a) { e[a + "Data"].length = 0 }); if (x && h > x) { for (c = 0; null === m && c < h;) m = a[c], c++; if (r(m)) { y = z(k.pointStart, 0); m = z(k.pointInterval, 1); for (c = 0; c < h; c++) n[c] = y, q[c] = a[c], y += m; e.xIncrement = y } else if (ia(m)) if (p) for (c = 0; c < h; c++) m = a[c], n[c] = m[0], q[c] = m.slice(1, p + 1); else for (c = 0; c < h; c++) m = a[c], n[c] = m[0], q[c] = m[1]; else L(12) } else for (c = 0; c < h; c++) a[c] !== J && (m = {series: e}, e.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(m, [a[c]]), e.updateParallelArrays(m, c), y && u(m.name) && (w.names[m.x] = m.name)); ha(q[0]) && L(14, !0); e.data = []; e.options.data = a; for (c = g; c--;) f[c] && f[c].destroy && f[c].destroy(); w && (w.minRange = w.userMinRange); e.isDirty = e.isDirtyData = l.isDirtyBox = !0; c = !1 } "point" === k.legendType && (this.processData(), this.generatePoints()); b && l.redraw(c) }, processData: function (a) { var b = this.xData, c = this.yData, d = b.length, e; e = 0; var f, g, h = this.xAxis, k, l = this.options; k = l.cropThreshold; var l = this.getExtremesFromAll || l.getExtremesFromAll, m = this.isCartesian, w, y; if (m && !this.isDirty && !h.isDirty && !this.yAxis.isDirty && !a) return !1; h && (a = h.getExtremes(), w = a.min, y = a.max); if (m && this.sorted && !l && (!k || d > k || this.forceCrop)) if (b[d - 1] < w || b[0] > y) b = [], c = []; else if (b[0] < w || b[d - 1] > y) e = this.cropData(this.xData, this.yData, w, y), b = e.xData, c = e.yData, e = e.start, f = !0; for (k = b.length - 1; 0 <= k; k--) d = b[k] - b[k - 1], 0 < d && (g === J || d < g) ? g = d : 0 > d && this.requireSorting && L(15); this.cropped = f; this.cropStart = e; this.processedXData = b; this.processedYData = c; this.closestPointRange = g }, cropData: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = a.length, f = 0, g = e, h = z(this.cropShoulder, 1), k; for (k = 0; k < e; k++) if (a[k] >= c) { f = G(0, k - h); break } for (c = k; c < e; c++) if (a[c] > d) { g = c + h; break } return {xData: a.slice(f, g), yData: b.slice(f, g), start: f, end: g} }, generatePoints: function () { var a = this.options.data, b = this.data, c, d = this.processedXData, e = this.processedYData, f = this.pointClass, g = d.length, h = this.cropStart || 0, k, l = this.hasGroupedData, m, w = [], y; b || l || (b = [], b.length = a.length, b = this.data = b); for (y = 0; y < g; y++) k = h + y, l ? w[y] = (new f).init(this, [d[y]].concat(S(e[y]))) : (b[k] ? m = b[k] : a[k] !== J && (b[k] = m = (new f).init(this, a[k], d[y])), w[y] = m), w[y].index = k; if (b && (g !== (c = b.length) || l)) for (y = 0; y < c; y++) y !== h || l || (y += g), b[y] && (b[y].destroyElements(), b[y].plotX = J); this.data = b; this.points = w }, getExtremes: function (a) { var b = this.yAxis, c = this.processedXData, d, e = [], f = 0; d = this.xAxis.getExtremes(); var g = d.min, h = d.max, k, l, m, w; a = a || this.stackedYData || this.processedYData; d = a.length; for (w = 0; w < d; w++) if (l = c[w], m = a[w], k = null !== m && m !== J && (!b.isLog || m.length || 0 < m), l = this.getExtremesFromAll || this.options.getExtremesFromAll || this.cropped || (c[w + 1] || l) >= g && (c[w - 1] || l) <= h, k && l) if (k = m.length) for (; k--;) null !== m[k] && (e[f++] = m[k]); else e[f++] = m; this.dataMin = D(e); this.dataMax = Ia(e) }, translate: function () { this.processedXData || this.processData(); this.generatePoints(); for (var a = this.options, b = a.stacking, c = this.xAxis, d = c.categories, e = this.yAxis, f = this.points, g = f.length, h = !!this.modifyValue, k = a.pointPlacement, l = "between" === k || r(k), m = a.threshold, w = a.startFromThreshold ? m : 0, y, x, n, q, p = Number.MAX_VALUE, a = 0; a < g; a++) { var t = f[a], C = t.x, H = t.y; x = t.low; var v = b && e.stacks[(this.negStacks && H < (w ? 0 : m) ? "-" : "") + this.stackKey]; e.isLog && null !== H && 0 >= H && (t.y = H = null, L(10)); t.plotX = y = U(G(-1E5, c.translate(C, 0, 0, 0, 1, k, "flags" === this.type)), 1E5); b && this.visible && v && v[C] && (q = this.getStackIndicator(q, C, this.index), v = v[C], H = v.points[q.key], x = H[0], H = H[1], x === w && (x = z(m, e.min)), e.isLog && 0 >= x && (x = null), t.total = t.stackTotal = v.total, t.percentage = v.total && t.y / v.total * 100, t.stackY = H, v.setOffset(this.pointXOffset || 0, this.barW || 0)); t.yBottom = u(x) ? e.translate(x, 0, 1, 0, 1) : null; h && (H = this.modifyValue(H, t)); t.plotY = x = "number" === typeof H && Infinity !== H ? U(G(-1E5, e.translate(H, 0, 1, 0, 1)), 1E5) : J; t.isInside = x !== J && 0 <= x && x <= e.len && 0 <= y && y <= c.len; t.clientX = l ? c.translate(C, 0, 0, 0, 1) : y; t.negative = t.y < (m || 0); t.category = d && d[t.x] !== J ? d[t.x] : t.x; a && (p = U(p, fa(y - n))); n = y } this.closestPointRangePx = p; this.getSegments() }, setClip: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.options, d = b.renderer, e = b.inverted, f = this.clipBox, g = f || b.clipBox, h = this.sharedClipKey || ["_sharedClip", a && a.duration, a && a.easing, g.height, c.xAxis, c.yAxis].join(), k = b[h], l = b[h + "m"]; k || (a && (g.width = 0, b[h + "m"] = l = d.clipRect(-99, e ? -b.plotLeft : -b.plotTop, 99, e ? b.chartWidth : b.chartHeight)), b[h] = k = d.clipRect(g)); a && (k.count += 1); !1 !== c.clip && (this.group.clip(a || f ? k : b.clipRect), this.markerGroup.clip(l), this.sharedClipKey = h); a || (--k.count, 0 >= k.count && h && b[h] && (f || (b[h] = b[h].destroy()), b[h + "m"] && (b[h + "m"] = b[h + "m"].destroy()))) }, animate: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.options.animation, d; c && !W(c) && (c = aa[this.type].animation); a ? this.setClip(c) : (d = this.sharedClipKey, (a = b[d]) && a.animate({width: b.plotSizeX}, c), b[d + "m"] && b[d + "m"].animate({width: b.plotSizeX + 99}, c), this.animate = null) }, afterAnimate: function () { this.setClip(); da(this, "afterAnimate") }, drawPoints: function () { var a, b = this.points, c = this.chart, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m, w = this.options.marker, y = this.pointAttr[""], x, n, q, t = this.markerGroup, r = z(w.enabled, this.xAxis.isRadial, this.closestPointRangePx > 2 * w.radius); if (!1 !== w.enabled || this._hasPointMarkers) for (f = b.length; f--;) g = b[f], d = ea(g.plotX), e = g.plotY, m = g.graphic, x = g.marker || {}, n = !!g.marker, a = r && x.enabled === J || x.enabled, q = g.isInside, a && e !== J && !isNaN(e) && null !== g.y ? (a = g.pointAttr[g.selected ? "select" : ""] || y, h = a.r, k = z(x.symbol, this.symbol), l = 0 === k.indexOf("url"), m ? m[q ? "show" : "hide"](!0).animate(O({ x: d - h, y: e - h }, m.symbolName ? { width: 2 * h, height: 2 * h } : {})) : q && (0 < h || l) && (g.graphic = c.renderer.symbol(k, d - h, e - h, 2 * h, 2 * h, n ? x : w).attr(a).add(t))) : m && (g.graphic = m.destroy()) }, convertAttribs: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this.pointAttrToOptions, f, g, h = {}; a = a || {}; b = b || {}; c = c || {}; d = d || {}; for (f in e) g = e[f], h[f] = z(a[g], b[f], c[f], d[f]); return h }, getAttribs: function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = aa[a.type].marker ? b.marker : b, d = c.states, e = d.hover, f, g = a.color, h = a.options.negativeColor; f = {stroke: g, fill: g}; var k = a.points || [], l, m, w = [], y = a.pointAttrToOptions; l = a.hasPointSpecificOptions; var x = c.lineColor, n = c.fillColor; m = b.turboThreshold; var q = a.zones, r = a.zoneAxis || "y", p; b.marker ? (e.radius = e.radius || c.radius + e.radiusPlus, e.lineWidth = e.lineWidth || c.lineWidth + e.lineWidthPlus) : (e.color = e.color || pa(e.color || g).brighten(e.brightness).get(), e.negativeColor = e.negativeColor || pa(e.negativeColor || h).brighten(e.brightness).get()); w[""] = a.convertAttribs(c, f); t(["hover", "select"], function (b) { w[b] = a.convertAttribs(d[b], w[""]) }); a.pointAttr = w; g = k.length; if (!m || g < m || l) for (; g--;) { m = k[g]; (c = m.options && m.options.marker || m.options) && !1 === c.enabled && (c.radius = 0); if (q.length) { l = 0; for (f = q[l]; m[r] >= f.value;) f = q[++l]; m.color = m.fillColor = z(f.color, a.color) } l = b.colorByPoint || m.color; if (m.options) for (p in y) u(c[y[p]]) && (l = !0); if (l) { c = c || {}; l = []; d = c.states || {}; f = d.hover = d.hover || {}; if (!b.marker || m.negative && !f.fillColor && !e.fillColor) f[a.pointAttrToOptions.fill] = f.color || !m.options.color && e[m.negative && h ? "negativeColor" : "color"] || pa(m.color).brighten(f.brightness || e.brightness).get(); f = {color: m.color}; n || (f.fillColor = m.color); x || (f.lineColor = m.color); c.hasOwnProperty("color") && !c.color && delete c.color; l[""] = a.convertAttribs(O(f, c), w[""]); l.hover = a.convertAttribs(d.hover, w.hover, l[""]); l.select = a.convertAttribs(d.select, w.select, l[""]) } else l = w; m.pointAttr = l } }, destroy: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = /AppleWebKit\/533/.test(Ja), d, e = a.data || [], f, g, h; da(a, "destroy"); ma(a); t(a.axisTypes || [], function (b) { if (h = a[b]) M(h.series, a), h.isDirty = h.forceRedraw = !0 }); a.legendItem && a.chart.legend.destroyItem(a); for (d = e.length; d--;) (f = e[d]) && f.destroy && f.destroy(); a.points = null; clearTimeout(a.animationTimeout); for (g in a) a[g] instanceof ja && !a[g].survive && (d = c && "group" === g ? "hide" : "destroy", a[g][d]()); b.hoverSeries === a && (b.hoverSeries = null); M(b.series, a); for (g in a) delete a[g] }, getSegmentPath: function (a) { var b = this, c = [], d = b.options.step; t(a, function (e, f) { var g = e.plotX, h = e.plotY, k; b.getPointSpline ? c.push.apply(c, b.getPointSpline(a, e, f)) : (c.push(f ? "L" : "M"), d && f && (k = a[f - 1], "right" === d ? c.push(k.plotX, h, "L") : "center" === d ? c.push((k.plotX + g) / 2, k.plotY, "L", (k.plotX + g) / 2, h, "L") : c.push(g, k.plotY, "L")), c.push(e.plotX, e.plotY)) }); return c }, getGraphPath: function () { var a = this, b = [], c, d = []; t(a.segments, function (e) { c = a.getSegmentPath(e); 1 < e.length ? b = b.concat(c) : d.push(e[0]) }); a.singlePoints = d; return a.graphPath = b }, drawGraph: function () { var a = this, b = this.options, c = [["graph", b.lineColor || this.color, b.dashStyle]], d = b.lineWidth, e = "square" !== b.linecap, f = this.getGraphPath(), g = this.fillGraph && this.color || "none"; t(this.zones, function (d, e) { c.push(["zoneGraph" + e, d.color || a.color, d.dashStyle || b.dashStyle]) }); t(c, function (c, k) { var l = c[0], m = a[l]; m ? m.animate({d: f}) : (d || g) && f.length && (m = { stroke: c[1], "stroke-width": d, fill: g, zIndex: 1 }, c[2] ? m.dashstyle = c[2] : e && (m["stroke-linecap"] = m["stroke-linejoin"] = "round"), a[l] = a.chart.renderer.path(f).attr(m).add(a.group).shadow(2 > k && b.shadow)) }) }, applyZones: function () { var a = this, b = this.chart, c = b.renderer, d = this.zones, e, f, g = this.clips || [], h, k = this.graph, l = this.area, m = G(b.chartWidth, b.chartHeight), w = this[(this.zoneAxis || "y") + "Axis"], y, x = w.reversed, n = b.inverted, q = w.horiz, r, p, u, C = !1; d.length && (k || l) && w.min !== J && (k && k.hide(), l && l.hide(), y = w.getExtremes(), t(d, function (d, t) { e = x ? q ? b.plotWidth : 0 : q ? 0 : w.toPixels(y.min); e = U(G(z(f, e), 0), m); f = U(G(R(w.toPixels(z(d.value, y.max), !0)), 0), m); C && (e = f = w.toPixels(y.max)); r = Math.abs(e - f); p = U(e, f); u = G(e, f); w.isXAxis ? (h = { x: n ? u : p, y: 0, width: r, height: m }, q || (h.x = b.plotHeight - h.x)) : (h = { x: 0, y: n ? u : p, width: m, height: r }, q && (h.y = b.plotWidth - h.y)); b.inverted && c.isVML && (h = w.isXAxis ? { x: 0, y: x ? p : u, height: h.width, width: b.chartWidth } : {x: h.y - b.plotLeft - b.spacingBox.x, y: 0, width: h.height, height: b.chartHeight}); g[t] ? g[t].animate(h) : (g[t] = c.clipRect(h), k && a["zoneGraph" + t].clip(g[t]), l && a["zoneArea" + t].clip(g[t])); C = d.value > y.max }), this.clips = g) }, invertGroups: function () { function a() { var a = {width: b.yAxis.len, height: b.xAxis.len}; t(["group", "markerGroup"], function (c) { b[c] && b[c].attr(a).invert() }) } var b = this, c = b.chart; b.xAxis && (ga(c, "resize", a), ga(b, "destroy", function () { ma(c, "resize", a) }), a(), b.invertGroups = a) }, plotGroup: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this[a], g = !f; g && (this[a] = f = this.chart.renderer.g(b).attr({zIndex: d || .1}).add(e), f.addClass("highcharts-series-" + this.index)); f.attr({visibility: c})[g ? "attr" : "animate"](this.getPlotBox()); return f }, getPlotBox: function () { var a = this.chart, b = this.xAxis, c = this.yAxis; a.inverted && (b = c, c = this.xAxis); return {translateX: b ? b.left : a.plotLeft, translateY: c ? c.top : a.plotTop, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1} }, render: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c, d = a.options, e = (c = d.animation) && !!a.animate && b.renderer.isSVG && z(c.duration, 500) || 0, f = a.visible ? "inherit" : "hidden", g = d.zIndex, h = a.hasRendered, k = b.seriesGroup; c = a.plotGroup("group", "series", f, g, k); a.markerGroup = a.plotGroup("markerGroup", "markers", f, g, k); e && a.animate(!0); a.getAttribs(); c.inverted = a.isCartesian ? b.inverted : !1; a.drawGraph && (a.drawGraph(), a.applyZones()); t(a.points, function (a) { a.redraw && a.redraw() }); a.drawDataLabels && a.drawDataLabels(); a.visible && a.drawPoints(); a.drawTracker && !1 !== a.options.enableMouseTracking && a.drawTracker(); b.inverted && a.invertGroups(); !1 === d.clip || a.sharedClipKey || h || c.clip(b.clipRect); e && a.animate(); h || (a.animationTimeout = oa(function () { a.afterAnimate() }, e)); a.isDirty = a.isDirtyData = !1; a.hasRendered = !0 }, redraw: function () { var a = this.chart, b = this.isDirtyData, c = this.isDirty, d = this.group, e = this.xAxis, f = this.yAxis; d && (a.inverted && d.attr({ width: a.plotWidth, height: a.plotHeight }), d.animate({translateX: z(e && e.left, a.plotLeft), translateY: z(f && f.top, a.plotTop)})); this.translate(); this.render(); b && da(this, "updatedData"); (c || b) && delete this.kdTree }, kdDimensions: 1, kdAxisArray: ["clientX", "plotY"], searchPoint: function (a, b) { var c = this.xAxis, d = this.yAxis, e = this.chart.inverted; return this.searchKDTree({ clientX: e ? c.len - a.chartY + c.pos : a.chartX - c.pos, plotY: e ? d.len - a.chartX + d.pos : a.chartY - d.pos }, b) }, buildKDTree: function () { function a(c, e, f) { var g, h; if (h = c && c.length) return g = b.kdAxisArray[e % f], c.sort(function (a, b) { return a[g] - b[g] }), h = Math.floor(h / 2), { point: c[h], left: a(c.slice(0, h), e + 1, f), right: a(c.slice(h + 1), e + 1, f) } } var b = this, c = b.kdDimensions; delete b.kdTree; oa(function () { var d = Na(b.points || [], function (a) { return null !== a.y }); b.kdTree = a(d, c, c) }, b.options.kdNow ? 0 : 1) }, searchKDTree: function (a, b) { function c(a, b, l, m) { var w = b.point, y = d.kdAxisArray[l % m], x, n, q = w; n = u(a[e]) && u(w[e]) ? Math.pow(a[e] - w[e], 2) : null; x = u(a[f]) && u(w[f]) ? Math.pow(a[f] - w[f], 2) : null; x = (n || 0) + (x || 0); w.dist = u(x) ? Math.sqrt(x) : Number.MAX_VALUE; w.distX = u(n) ? Math.sqrt(n) : Number.MAX_VALUE; y = a[y] - w[y]; x = 0 > y ? "left" : "right"; n = 0 > y ? "right" : "left"; b[x] && (x = c(a, b[x], l + 1, m), q = x[g] < q[g] ? x : w); b[n] && Math.sqrt(y * y) < q[g] && (a = c(a, b[n], l + 1, m), q = a[g] < q[g] ? a : q); return q } var d = this, e = this.kdAxisArray[0], f = this.kdAxisArray[1], g = b ? "distX" : "dist"; this.kdTree || this.buildKDTree(); if (this.kdTree) return c(a, this.kdTree, this.kdDimensions, this.kdDimensions) } }; Xa.prototype = { destroy: function () { Qa(this, this.axis) }, render: function (a) { var b = this.options, c = b.format, c = c ? X(c, this) : b.formatter.call(this); this.label ? this.label.attr({ text: c, visibility: "hidden" }) : this.label = this.axis.chart.renderer.text(c, null, null, b.useHTML).css(b.style).attr({ align: this.textAlign, rotation: b.rotation, visibility: "hidden" }).add(a) }, setOffset: function (a, b) { var c = this.axis, d = c.chart, e = d.inverted, f = c.reversed, f = this.isNegative && !f || !this.isNegative && f, g = c.translate(c.usePercentage ? 100 : this.total, 0, 0, 0, 1), c = c.translate(0), c = fa(g - c), h = d.xAxis[0].translate(this.x) + a, k = d.plotHeight, f = { x: e ? f ? g : g - c : h, y: e ? k - h - b : f ? k - g - c : k - g, width: e ? c : b, height: e ? b : c }; if (e = this.label) e.align(this.alignOptions, null, f), f = e.alignAttr, e[!1 === this.options.crop || d.isInsidePlot(f.x, f.y) ? "show" : "hide"](!0) } }; db.prototype.getStacks = function () { var a = this; t(a.yAxis, function (a) { a.stacks && a.hasVisibleSeries && (a.oldStacks = a.stacks) }); t(a.series, function (b) { !b.options.stacking || !0 !== b.visible && !1 !== a.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries || (b.stackKey = b.type + z(b.options.stack, "")) }) }; wa.prototype.buildStacks = function () { var a = this.series, b = z(this.options.reversedStacks, !0), c = a.length; if (!this.isXAxis) { for (this.usePercentage = !1; c--;) a[b ? c : a.length - c - 1].setStackedPoints(); if (this.usePercentage) for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c].setPercentStacks() } }; wa.prototype.renderStackTotals = function () { var a = this.chart, b = a.renderer, c = this.stacks, d, e, f = this.stackTotalGroup; f || (this.stackTotalGroup = f = b.g("stack-labels").attr({visibility: "visible", zIndex: 6}).add()); f.translate(a.plotLeft, a.plotTop); for (d in c) for (e in a = c[d], a) a[e].render(f) }; wa.prototype.resetStacks = function () { var a = this.stacks, b, c; if (!this.isXAxis) for (b in a) for (c in a[b]) a[b][c].touched < this.stacksTouched ? (a[b][c].destroy(), delete a[b][c]) : (a[b][c].total = null, a[b][c].cum = 0) }; wa.prototype.cleanStacks = function () { var a, b, c; if (!this.isXAxis) for (b in this.oldStacks && (a = this.stacks = this.oldStacks), a) for (c in a[b]) a[b][c].cum = a[b][c].total }; Y.prototype.setStackedPoints = function () { if (this.options.stacking && (!0 === this.visible || !1 === this.chart.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries)) { var a = this.processedXData, b = this.processedYData, c = [], d = b.length, e = this.options, f = e.threshold, g = e.startFromThreshold ? f : 0, h = e.stack, e = e.stacking, k = this.stackKey, l = "-" + k, m = this.negStacks, w = this.yAxis, y = w.stacks, x = w.oldStacks, n, q, t, r, p, u, C; w.stacksTouched += 1; for (p = 0; p < d; p++) u = a[p], C = b[p], n = this.getStackIndicator(n, u, this.index), r = n.key, t = (q = m && C < (g ? 0 : f)) ? l : k, y[t] || (y[t] = {}), y[t][u] || (x[t] && x[t][u] ? (y[t][u] = x[t][u], y[t][u].total = null) : y[t][u] = new Xa(w, w.options.stackLabels, q, u, h)), t = y[t][u], t.points[r] = [z(t.cum, g)], t.touched = w.stacksTouched, 0 < n.index && !1 === this.singleStacks && (t.points[r][0] = t.points[this.index + "," + u + ",0"][0]), "percent" === e ? (q = q ? k : l, m && y[q] && y[q][u] ? (q = y[q][u], t.total = q.total = G(q.total, t.total) + fa(C) || 0) : t.total = ua(t.total + (fa(C) || 0))) : t.total = ua(t.total + (C || 0)), t.cum = z(t.cum, g) + (C || 0), t.points[r].push(t.cum), c[p] = t.cum; "percent" === e && (w.usePercentage = !0); this.stackedYData = c; w.oldStacks = {} } }; Y.prototype.setPercentStacks = function () { var a = this, b = a.stackKey, c = a.yAxis.stacks, d = a.processedXData, e; t([b, "-" + b], function (b) { for (var g = d.length, h, k; g--;) if (h = d[g], e = a.getStackIndicator(e, h, a.index), h = (k = c[b] && c[b][h]) && k.points[e.key]) k = k.total ? 100 / k.total : 0, h[0] = ua(h[0] * k), h[1] = ua(h[1] * k), a.stackedYData[g] = h[1] }) }; Y.prototype.getStackIndicator = function (a, b, c) { u(a) && a.x === b ? a.index++ : a = {x: b, index: 0}; a.key = [c, b, a.index].join(); return a }; O(db.prototype, { addSeries: function (a, b, c) { var d, e = this; a && (b = z(b, !0), da(e, "addSeries", {options: a}, function () { d = e.initSeries(a); e.isDirtyLegend = !0; e.linkSeries(); b && e.redraw(c) })); return d }, addAxis: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = b ? "xAxis" : "yAxis", f = this.options; new wa(this, A(a, {index: this[e].length, isX: b})); f[e] = S(f[e] || {}); f[e].push(a); z(c, !0) && this.redraw(d) }, showLoading: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.options, d = b.loadingDiv, e = c.loading, f = function () { d && E(d, { left: b.plotLeft + "px", top: b.plotTop + "px", width: b.plotWidth + "px", height: b.plotHeight + "px" }) }; d || (b.loadingDiv = d = ca("div", {className: "highcharts-loading"}, O(e.style, { zIndex: 10, display: "none" }), b.container), b.loadingSpan = ca("span", null, e.labelStyle, d), ga(b, "redraw", f)); b.loadingSpan.innerHTML = a || c.lang.loading; b.loadingShown || (E(d, { opacity: 0, display: "" }), Sa(d, {opacity: e.style.opacity}, {duration: e.showDuration || 0}), b.loadingShown = !0); f() }, hideLoading: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.loadingDiv; b && Sa(b, {opacity: 0}, { duration: a.loading.hideDuration || 100, complete: function () { E(b, {display: "none"}) } }); this.loadingShown = !1 } }); O(Ga.prototype, { update: function (a, b, c, d) { function e() { f.applyOptions(a); null === f.y && h && (f.graphic = h.destroy()); W(a) && !ia(a) && (f.redraw = function () { h && h.element && a && a.marker && a.marker.symbol && (f.graphic = h.destroy()); a && a.dataLabels && f.dataLabel && (f.dataLabel = f.dataLabel.destroy()); f.redraw = null }); k = f.index; g.updateParallelArrays(f, k); w && f.name && (w[f.x] = f.name); m.data[k] = W(m.data[k]) ? f.options : a; g.isDirty = g.isDirtyData = !0; !g.fixedBox && g.hasCartesianSeries && (l.isDirtyBox = !0); "point" === m.legendType && (l.isDirtyLegend = !0); b && l.redraw(c) } var f = this, g = f.series, h = f.graphic, k, l = g.chart, m = g.options, w = g.xAxis && g.xAxis.names; b = z(b, !0); !1 === d ? e() : f.firePointEvent("update", {options: a}, e) }, remove: function (a, b) { this.series.removePoint(Aa(this, this.series.data), a, b) } }); O(Y.prototype, { addPoint: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this, f = e.options, g = e.data, h = e.graph, k = e.area, l = e.chart, m = e.xAxis && e.xAxis.names, w = h && h.shift || 0, y = ["graph", "area"], h = f.data, x, n = e.xData; Ra(d, l); if (c) { for (d = e.zones.length; d--;) y.push("zoneGraph" + d, "zoneArea" + d); t(y, function (a) { e[a] && (e[a].shift = w + (f.step ? 2 : 1)) }) } k && (k.isArea = !0); b = z(b, !0); k = {series: e}; e.pointClass.prototype.applyOptions.apply(k, [a]); y = k.x; d = n.length; if (e.requireSorting && y < n[d - 1]) for (x = !0; d && n[d - 1] > y;) d--; e.updateParallelArrays(k, "splice", d, 0, 0); e.updateParallelArrays(k, d); m && k.name && (m[y] = k.name); h.splice(d, 0, a); x && (e.data.splice(d, 0, null), e.processData()); "point" === f.legendType && e.generatePoints(); c && (g[0] && g[0].remove ? g[0].remove(!1) : (g.shift(), e.updateParallelArrays(k, "shift"), h.shift())); e.isDirty = !0; e.isDirtyData = !0; b && (e.getAttribs(), l.redraw()) }, removePoint: function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = d.data, f = e[a], g = d.points, h = d.chart, k = function () { e.length === g.length && g.splice(a, 1); e.splice(a, 1); d.options.data.splice(a, 1); d.updateParallelArrays(f || {series: d}, "splice", a, 1); f && f.destroy(); d.isDirty = !0; d.isDirtyData = !0; b && h.redraw() }; Ra(c, h); b = z(b, !0); f ? f.firePointEvent("remove", null, k) : k() }, remove: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.chart; da(c, "remove", null, function () { c.destroy(); d.isDirtyLegend = d.isDirtyBox = !0; d.linkSeries(); z(a, !0) && d.redraw(b) }) }, update: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = this.chart, e = this.userOptions, f = this.type, g = K[f].prototype, h = ["group", "markerGroup", "dataLabelsGroup"], k; if (a.type && a.type !== f || void 0 !== a.zIndex) h.length = 0; t(h, function (a) { h[a] = c[a]; delete c[a] }); a = A(e, {animation: !1, index: this.index, pointStart: this.xData[0]}, {data: this.options.data}, a); this.remove(!1); for (k in g) this[k] = J; O(this, K[a.type || f].prototype); t(h, function (a) { c[a] = h[a] }); this.init(d, a); d.linkSeries(); z(b, !0) && d.redraw(!1) } }); O(wa.prototype, { update: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart; a = c.options[this.coll][this.options.index] = A(this.userOptions, a); this.destroy(!0); this._addedPlotLB = this.chart._labelPanes = J; this.init(c, O(a, {events: J})); c.isDirtyBox = !0; z(b, !0) && c.redraw() }, remove: function (a) { for (var b = this.chart, c = this.coll, d = this.series, e = d.length; e--;) d[e] && d[e].remove(!1); M(b.axes, this); M(b[c], this); b.options[c].splice(this.options.index, 1); t(b[c], function (a, b) { a.options.index = b }); this.destroy(); b.isDirtyBox = !0; z(a, !0) && b.redraw() }, setTitle: function (a, b) { this.update({title: a}, b) }, setCategories: function (a, b) { this.update({categories: a}, b) } }); var Ub = C(Y); K.line = Ub; aa.area = A(bb, {softThreshold: !1, threshold: 0}); var Nb = C(Y, { type: "area", singleStacks: !1, getSegments: function () { var a = this, b = [], c = [], d = [], e = this.xAxis, f = this.yAxis, g = f.stacks[this.stackKey], h = {}, k, l, m = this.points, w = this.options.connectNulls, y, x, n; if (this.options.stacking && !this.cropped) { for (x = 0; x < m.length; x++) h[m[x].x] = m[x]; for (n in g) null !== g[n].total && d.push(+n); d.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b }); t(d, function (b) { var d = null, m; if (!w || h[b] && null !== h[b].y) if (h[b]) c.push(h[b]); else { for (x = a.index; x <= f.series.length; x++) if (y = a.getStackIndicator(null, b, x), m = g[b].points[y.key]) { d = m[1]; break } k = e.translate(b); l = f.getThreshold(d); c.push({y: null, plotX: k, clientX: k, plotY: l, yBottom: l, onMouseOver: ka}) } }); c.length && b.push(c) } else Y.prototype.getSegments.call(this), b = this.segments; this.segments = b }, getSegmentPath: function (a) { var b = Y.prototype.getSegmentPath.call(this, a), c = [].concat(b), d, e = this.options; d = b.length; var f = this.yAxis.getThreshold(e.threshold), g; 3 === d && c.push("L", b[1], b[2]); if (e.stacking && !this.closedStacks) for (d = a.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) g = z(a[d].yBottom, f), d < a.length - 1 && e.step && c.push(a[d + 1].plotX, g), c.push(a[d].plotX, g); else this.closeSegment(c, a, f); this.areaPath = this.areaPath.concat(c); return b }, closeSegment: function (a, b, c) { a.push("L", b[b.length - 1].plotX, c, "L", b[0].plotX, c) }, drawGraph: function () { this.areaPath = []; Y.prototype.drawGraph.apply(this); var a = this, b = this.areaPath, c = this.options, d = [["area", this.color, c.fillColor]]; t(this.zones, function (b, f) { d.push(["zoneArea" + f, b.color || a.color, b.fillColor || c.fillColor]) }); t(d, function (d) { var f = d[0], g = a[f]; g ? g.animate({d: b}) : (g = { fill: d[2] || d[1], zIndex: 0 }, d[2] || (g["fill-opacity"] = c.fillOpacity || .75), a[f] = a.chart.renderer.path(b).attr(g).add(a.group)) }) }, drawLegendSymbol: cb.drawRectangle }); K.area = Nb; aa.spline = A(bb); var Ob = C(Y, { type: "spline", getPointSpline: function (a, b, c) { var d = b.plotX, e = b.plotY, f = a[c - 1], g = a[c + 1], h, k, l, m; if (f && g) { a = f.plotY; l = g.plotX; var g = g.plotY, w; h = (1.5 * d + f.plotX) / 2.5; k = (1.5 * e + a) / 2.5; l = (1.5 * d + l) / 2.5; m = (1.5 * e + g) / 2.5; w = (m - k) * (l - d) / (l - h) + e - m; k += w; m += w; k > a && k > e ? (k = G(a, e), m = 2 * e - k) : k < a && k < e && (k = U(a, e), m = 2 * e - k); m > g && m > e ? (m = G(g, e), k = 2 * e - m) : m < g && m < e && (m = U(g, e), k = 2 * e - m); b.rightContX = l; b.rightContY = m } c ? (b = ["C", f.rightContX || f.plotX, f.rightContY || f.plotY, h || d, k || e, d, e], f.rightContX = f.rightContY = null) : b = ["M", d, e]; return b } }); K.spline = Ob; aa.areaspline = A(aa.area); var zb = Nb.prototype, Vb = C(Ob, { type: "areaspline", closedStacks: !0, getSegmentPath: zb.getSegmentPath, closeSegment: zb.closeSegment, drawGraph: zb.drawGraph, drawLegendSymbol: cb.drawRectangle }); K.areaspline = Vb; aa.column = A(bb, { borderColor: "#FFFFFF", borderRadius: 0, groupPadding: .2, marker: null, pointPadding: .1, minPointLength: 0, cropThreshold: 50, pointRange: null, states: { hover: {brightness: .1, shadow: !1, halo: !1}, select: {color: "#C0C0C0", borderColor: "#000000", shadow: !1} }, dataLabels: {align: null, verticalAlign: null, y: null}, softThreshold: !1, startFromThreshold: !0, stickyTracking: !1, tooltip: {distance: 6}, threshold: 0 }); var Ab = C(Y, { type: "column", pointAttrToOptions: {stroke: "borderColor", fill: "color", r: "borderRadius"}, cropShoulder: 0, directTouch: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"], negStacks: !0, init: function () { Y.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); var a = this, b = a.chart; b.hasRendered && t(b.series, function (b) { b.type === a.type && (b.isDirty = !0) }) }, getColumnMetrics: function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = a.xAxis, d = a.yAxis, e = c.reversed, f, g = {}, h = 0; !1 === b.grouping ? h = 1 : t(a.chart.series, function (b) { var c = b.options, e = b.yAxis, k; b.type === a.type && b.visible && d.len === e.len && d.pos === e.pos && (c.stacking ? (f = b.stackKey, g[f] === J && (g[f] = h++), k = g[f]) : !1 !== c.grouping && (k = h++), b.columnIndex = k) }); var k = U(fa(c.transA) * (c.ordinalSlope || b.pointRange || c.closestPointRange || c.tickInterval || 1), c.len), l = k * b.groupPadding, m = (k - 2 * l) / h, b = U(b.maxPointWidth || c.len, z(b.pointWidth, m * (1 - 2 * b.pointPadding))); a.columnMetrics = { width: b, offset: (m - b) / 2 + (l + ((a.columnIndex || 0) + (e ? 1 : 0)) * m - k / 2) * (e ? -1 : 1) }; return a.columnMetrics }, crispCol: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = this.chart, f = this.borderWidth, g = -(f % 2 ? .5 : 0), f = f % 2 ? .5 : 1; e.inverted && e.renderer.isVML && (f += 1); c = Math.round(a + c) + g; a = Math.round(a) + g; c -= a; d = Math.round(b + d) + f; g = .5 >= fa(b) && .5 < d; b = Math.round(b) + f; d -= b; g && (--b, d += 1); return {x: a, y: b, width: c, height: d} }, translate: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = a.options, d = a.borderWidth = z(c.borderWidth, 2 > a.closestPointRange * a.xAxis.transA ? 0 : 1), e = a.yAxis, f = a.translatedThreshold = e.getThreshold(c.threshold), g = z(c.minPointLength, 5), h = a.getColumnMetrics(), k = h.width, l = a.barW = G(k, 1 + 2 * d), m = a.pointXOffset = h.offset; b.inverted && (f -= .5); c.pointPadding && (l = Ba(l)); Y.prototype.translate.apply(a); t(a.points, function (c) { var d = U(z(c.yBottom, f), 9E4), h = 999 + fa(d), h = U(G(-h, c.plotY), e.len + h), n = c.plotX + m, q = l, t = U(h, d), r, p = G(h, d) - t; fa(p) < g && g && (p = g, r = !e.reversed && !c.negative || e.reversed && c.negative, t = fa(t - f) > g ? d - g : f - (r ? g : 0)); c.barX = n; c.pointWidth = k; c.tooltipPos = b.inverted ? [e.len + e.pos - b.plotLeft - h, a.xAxis.len - n - q / 2, p] : [n + q / 2, h + e.pos - b.plotTop, p]; c.shapeType = "rect"; c.shapeArgs = a.crispCol(n, t, q, p) }) }, getSymbol: ka, drawLegendSymbol: cb.drawRectangle, drawGraph: ka, drawPoints: function () { var a = this, b = this.chart, c = a.options, d = b.renderer, e = c.animationLimit || 250, f, g; t(a.points, function (h) { var k = h.plotY, l = h.graphic; k === J || isNaN(k) || null === h.y ? l && (h.graphic = l.destroy()) : (f = h.shapeArgs, k = u(a.borderWidth) ? {"stroke-width": a.borderWidth} : {}, g = h.pointAttr[h.selected ? "select" : ""] || a.pointAttr[""], l ? (Oa(l), l.attr(k).attr(g)[b.pointCount < e ? "animate" : "attr"](A(f))) : h.graphic = d[h.shapeType](f).attr(k).attr(g).add(h.group || a.group).shadow(c.shadow, null, c.stacking && !c.borderRadius)) }) }, animate: function (a) { var b = this.yAxis, c = this.options, d = this.chart.inverted, e = {}; sa && (a ? (e.scaleY = .001, a = U(b.pos + b.len, G(b.pos, b.toPixels(c.threshold))), d ? e.translateX = a - b.len : e.translateY = a, this.group.attr(e)) : (e.scaleY = 1, e[d ? "translateX" : "translateY"] = b.pos, this.group.animate(e, this.options.animation), this.animate = null)) }, remove: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart; b.hasRendered && t(b.series, function (b) { b.type === a.type && (b.isDirty = !0) }); Y.prototype.remove.apply(a, arguments) } }); K.column = Ab; aa.bar = A(aa.column); var Wb = C(Ab, {type: "bar", inverted: !0}); K.bar = Wb; aa.scatter = A(bb, { lineWidth: 0, marker: {enabled: !0}, tooltip: { headerFormat: '\u25cf {series.name}
', pointFormat: "x: {point.x}
y: {point.y}
" } }); var Pb = C(Y, { type: "scatter", sorted: !1, requireSorting: !1, noSharedTooltip: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "markerGroup", "dataLabelsGroup"], takeOrdinalPosition: !1, kdDimensions: 2, drawGraph: function () { this.options.lineWidth && Y.prototype.drawGraph.call(this) } }); K.scatter = Pb; aa.pie = A(bb, { borderColor: "#FFFFFF", borderWidth: 1, center: [null, null], clip: !1, colorByPoint: !0, dataLabels: { distance: 30, enabled: !0, formatter: function () { return null === this.y ? void 0 : this.point.name }, x: 0 }, ignoreHiddenPoint: !0, legendType: "point", marker: null, size: null, showInLegend: !1, slicedOffset: 10, states: {hover: {brightness: .1, shadow: !1}}, stickyTracking: !1, tooltip: {followPointer: !0} }); var Bb = { type: "pie", isCartesian: !1, pointClass: C(Ga, { init: function () { Ga.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); var a = this, b; a.name = z(a.name, "Slice"); b = function (b) { a.slice("select" === b.type) }; ga(a, "select", b); ga(a, "unselect", b); return a }, setVisible: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.series, e = d.chart, f = d.options.ignoreHiddenPoint; b = z(b, f); a !== c.visible && (c.visible = c.options.visible = a = a === J ? !c.visible : a, d.options.data[Aa(c, d.data)] = c.options, t(["graphic", "dataLabel", "connector", "shadowGroup"], function (b) { if (c[b]) c[b][a ? "show" : "hide"](!0) }), c.legendItem && e.legend.colorizeItem(c, a), a || "hover" !== c.state || c.setState(""), f && (d.isDirty = !0), b && e.redraw()) }, slice: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.series; Ra(c, d.chart); z(b, !0); this.sliced = this.options.sliced = a = u(a) ? a : !this.sliced; d.options.data[Aa(this, d.data)] = this.options; a = a ? this.slicedTranslation : {translateX: 0, translateY: 0}; this.graphic.animate(a); this.shadowGroup && this.shadowGroup.animate(a) }, haloPath: function (a) { var b = this.shapeArgs, c = this.series.chart; return this.sliced || !this.visible ? [] : this.series.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(c.plotLeft + b.x, c.plotTop + b.y, b.r + a, b.r + a, {innerR: this.shapeArgs.r, start: b.start, end: b.end}) } }), requireSorting: !1, directTouch: !0, noSharedTooltip: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"], axisTypes: [], pointAttrToOptions: {stroke: "borderColor", "stroke-width": "borderWidth", fill: "color"}, animate: function (a) { var b = this, c = b.points, d = b.startAngleRad; a || (t(c, function (a) { var c = a.graphic, g = a.shapeArgs; c && (c.attr({r: a.startR || b.center[3] / 2, start: d, end: d}), c.animate({ r: g.r, start: g.start, end: g.end }, b.options.animation)) }), b.animate = null) }, updateTotals: function () { var a, b = 0, c = this.points, d = c.length, e, f = this.options.ignoreHiddenPoint; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) e = c[a], b += f && !e.visible ? 0 : e.y; this.total = b; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) e = c[a], e.percentage = 0 < b && (e.visible || !f) ? e.y / b * 100 : 0, e.total = b }, generatePoints: function () { Y.prototype.generatePoints.call(this); this.updateTotals() }, translate: function (a) { this.generatePoints(); var b = 0, c = this.options, d = c.slicedOffset, e = d + c.borderWidth, f, g, h, k = c.startAngle || 0, l = this.startAngleRad = Da / 180 * (k - 90), k = (this.endAngleRad = Da / 180 * (z(c.endAngle, k + 360) - 90)) - l, m = this.points, w = c.dataLabels.distance, c = c.ignoreHiddenPoint, y, n = m.length, q; a || (this.center = a = this.getCenter()); this.getX = function (b, c) { h = na.asin(U((b - a[1]) / (a[2] / 2 + w), 1)); return a[0] + (c ? -1 : 1) * va(h) * (a[2] / 2 + w) }; for (y = 0; y < n; y++) { q = m[y]; f = l + b * k; if (!c || q.visible) b += q.percentage / 100; g = l + b * k; q.shapeType = "arc"; q.shapeArgs = { x: a[0], y: a[1], r: a[2] / 2, innerR: a[3] / 2, start: R(1E3 * f) / 1E3, end: R(1E3 * g) / 1E3 }; h = (g + f) / 2; h > 1.5 * Da ? h -= 2 * Da : h < -Da / 2 && (h += 2 * Da); q.slicedTranslation = {translateX: R(va(h) * d), translateY: R(Ca(h) * d)}; f = va(h) * a[2] / 2; g = Ca(h) * a[2] / 2; q.tooltipPos = [a[0] + .7 * f, a[1] + .7 * g]; q.half = h < -Da / 2 || h > Da / 2 ? 1 : 0; q.angle = h; e = U(e, w / 2); q.labelPos = [a[0] + f + va(h) * w, a[1] + g + Ca(h) * w, a[0] + f + va(h) * e, a[1] + g + Ca(h) * e, a[0] + f, a[1] + g, 0 > w ? "center" : q.half ? "right" : "left", h] } }, drawGraph: null, drawPoints: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart.renderer, c, d, e = a.options.shadow, f, g, h, k; e && !a.shadowGroup && (a.shadowGroup = b.g("shadow").add(a.group)); t(a.points, function (l) { null !== l.y && (d = l.graphic, h = l.shapeArgs, f = l.shadowGroup, g = l.pointAttr[l.selected ? "select" : ""], g.stroke || (g.stroke = g.fill), e && !f && (f = l.shadowGroup = b.g("shadow").add(a.shadowGroup)), c = l.sliced ? l.slicedTranslation : { translateX: 0, translateY: 0 }, f && f.attr(c), d ? d.setRadialReference(a.center).attr(g).animate(O(h, c)) : (k = {"stroke-linejoin": "round"}, l.visible || (k.visibility = "hidden"), l.graphic = d = b[l.shapeType](h).setRadialReference(a.center).attr(g).attr(k).attr(c).add(a.group).shadow(e, f))) }) }, searchPoint: ka, sortByAngle: function (a, b) { a.sort(function (a, d) { return void 0 !== a.angle && (d.angle - a.angle) * b }) }, drawLegendSymbol: cb.drawRectangle, getCenter: Mb.getCenter, getSymbol: ka }, Bb = C(Y, Bb); K.pie = Bb; Y.prototype.drawDataLabels = function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = b.cursor, d = b.dataLabels, e = a.points, f, g, h = a.hasRendered || 0, k, l, m = a.chart.renderer; if (d.enabled || a._hasPointLabels) a.dlProcessOptions && a.dlProcessOptions(d), l = a.plotGroup("dataLabelsGroup", "data-labels", d.defer ? "hidden" : "visible", d.zIndex || 6), z(d.defer, !0) && (l.attr({opacity: +h}), h || ga(a, "afterAnimate", function () { a.visible && l.show(); l[b.animation ? "animate" : "attr"]({opacity: 1}, {duration: 200}) })), g = d, t(e, function (e) { var h, n = e.dataLabel, q, t, p = e.connector, r = !0, C, H = {}; f = e.dlOptions || e.options && e.options.dataLabels; h = z(f && f.enabled, g.enabled) && null !== e.y; if (n && !h) e.dataLabel = n.destroy(); else if (h) { d = A(g, f); C = d.style; h = d.rotation; q = e.getLabelConfig(); k = d.format ? X(d.format, q) : d.formatter.call(q, d); C.color = z(d.color, C.color, a.color, "black"); if (n) u(k) ? (n.attr({text: k}), r = !1) : (e.dataLabel = n = n.destroy(), p && (e.connector = p.destroy())); else if (u(k)) { n = { fill: d.backgroundColor, stroke: d.borderColor, "stroke-width": d.borderWidth, r: d.borderRadius || 0, rotation: h, padding: d.padding, zIndex: 1 }; "contrast" === C.color && (H.color = d.inside || 0 > d.distance || b.stacking ? m.getContrast(e.color || a.color) : "#000000"); c && (H.cursor = c); for (t in n) n[t] === J && delete n[t]; n = e.dataLabel = m[h ? "text" : "label"](k, 0, -9999, d.shape, null, null, d.useHTML).attr(n).css(O(C, H)).add(l).shadow(d.shadow) } n && a.alignDataLabel(e, n, d, null, r) } }) }; Y.prototype.alignDataLabel = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this.chart, g = f.inverted, h = z(a.plotX, -9999), k = z(a.plotY, -9999), l = b.getBBox(), m = f.renderer.fontMetrics(c.style.fontSize).b, w = this.visible && (a.series.forceDL || f.isInsidePlot(h, R(k), g) || d && f.isInsidePlot(h, g ? d.x + 1 : d.y + d.height - 1, g)); w && (d = O({ x: g ? f.plotWidth - k : h, y: R(g ? f.plotHeight - h : k), width: 0, height: 0 }, d), O(c, { width: l.width, height: l.height }), c.rotation ? (a = f.renderer.rotCorr(m, c.rotation), b[e ? "attr" : "animate"]({ x: d.x + c.x + d.width / 2 + a.x, y: d.y + c.y + d.height / 2 }).attr({align: c.align})) : (b.align(c, null, d), g = b.alignAttr, "justify" === z(c.overflow, "justify") ? this.justifyDataLabel(b, c, g, l, d, e) : z(c.crop, !0) && (w = f.isInsidePlot(g.x, g.y) && f.isInsidePlot(g.x + l.width, g.y + l.height)), c.shape && b.attr({ anchorX: a.plotX, anchorY: a.plotY }))); w || (Oa(b), b.attr({y: -9999}), b.placed = !1) }; Y.prototype.justifyDataLabel = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var g = this.chart, h = b.align, k = b.verticalAlign, l, m, w = a.box ? 0 : a.padding || 0; l = c.x + w; 0 > l && ("right" === h ? b.align = "left" : b.x = -l, m = !0); l = c.x + d.width - w; l > g.plotWidth && ("left" === h ? b.align = "right" : b.x = g.plotWidth - l, m = !0); l = c.y + w; 0 > l && ("bottom" === k ? b.verticalAlign = "top" : b.y = -l, m = !0); l = c.y + d.height - w; l > g.plotHeight && ("top" === k ? b.verticalAlign = "bottom" : b.y = g.plotHeight - l, m = !0); m && (a.placed = !f, a.align(b, null, e)) }; K.pie && (K.pie.prototype.drawDataLabels = function () { var a = this, b = a.data, c, d = a.chart, e = a.options.dataLabels, f = z(e.connectorPadding, 10), g = z(e.connectorWidth, 1), h = d.plotWidth, k = d.plotHeight, l, m, w = z(e.softConnector, !0), n = e.distance, q = a.center, p = q[2] / 2, r = q[1], u = 0 < n, C, H, v, X = [[], []], B, N, P, M, D, J = [0, 0, 0, 0], A = function (a, b) { return b.y - a.y }; if (a.visible && (e.enabled || a._hasPointLabels)) { Y.prototype.drawDataLabels.apply(a); t(b, function (a) { a.dataLabel && a.visible && X[a.half].push(a) }); for (M = 2; M--;) { var E = [], F = [], S = X[M], ta = S.length, K; if (ta) { a.sortByAngle(S, M - .5); for (D = b = 0; !b && S[D];) b = S[D] && S[D].dataLabel && (S[D].dataLabel.getBBox().height || 21), D++; if (0 < n) { H = U(r + p + n, d.plotHeight); for (D = G(0, r - p - n); D <= H; D += b) E.push(D); H = E.length; if (ta > H) { c = [].concat(S); c.sort(A); for (D = ta; D--;) c[D].rank = D; for (D = ta; D--;) S[D].rank >= H && S.splice(D, 1); ta = S.length } for (D = 0; D < ta; D++) { c = S[D]; v = c.labelPos; c = 9999; var O, Q; for (Q = 0; Q < H; Q++) O = fa(E[Q] - v[1]), O < c && (c = O, K = Q); if (K < D && null !== E[D]) K = D; else for (H < ta - D + K && null !== E[D] && (K = H - ta + D); null === E[K];) K++; F.push({c: K, y: E[K]}); E[K] = null } F.sort(A) } for (D = 0; D < ta; D++) { c = S[D]; v = c.labelPos; C = c.dataLabel; P = !1 === c.visible ? "hidden" : "inherit"; c = v[1]; if (0 < n) { if (H = F.pop(), K = H.c, N = H.y, c > N && null !== E[K + 1] || c < N && null !== E[K - 1]) N = U(G(0, c), d.plotHeight) } else N = c; B = e.justify ? q[0] + (M ? -1 : 1) * (p + n) : a.getX(N === r - p - n || N === r + p + n ? c : N, M); C._attr = {visibility: P, align: v[6]}; C._pos = {x: B + e.x + ({left: f, right: -f}[v[6]] || 0), y: N + e.y - 10}; C.connX = B; C.connY = N; null === this.options.size && (H = C.width, B - H < f ? J[3] = G(R(H - B + f), J[3]) : B + H > h - f && (J[1] = G(R(B + H - h + f), J[1])), 0 > N - b / 2 ? J[0] = G(R(-N + b / 2), J[0]) : N + b / 2 > k && (J[2] = G(R(N + b / 2 - k), J[2]))) } } } if (0 === Ia(J) || this.verifyDataLabelOverflow(J)) this.placeDataLabels(), u && g && t(this.points, function (b) { l = b.connector; v = b.labelPos; (C = b.dataLabel) && C._pos && b.visible ? (P = C._attr.visibility, B = C.connX, N = C.connY, m = w ? ["M", B + ("left" === v[6] ? 5 : -5), N, "C", B, N, 2 * v[2] - v[4], 2 * v[3] - v[5], v[2], v[3], "L", v[4], v[5]] : ["M", B + ("left" === v[6] ? 5 : -5), N, "L", v[2], v[3], "L", v[4], v[5]], l ? (l.animate({d: m}), l.attr("visibility", P)) : b.connector = l = a.chart.renderer.path(m).attr({ "stroke-width": g, stroke: e.connectorColor || b.color || "#606060", visibility: P }).add(a.dataLabelsGroup)) : l && (b.connector = l.destroy()) }) } }, K.pie.prototype.placeDataLabels = function () { t(this.points, function (a) { var b = a.dataLabel; b && a.visible && ((a = b._pos) ? (b.attr(b._attr), b[b.moved ? "animate" : "attr"](a), b.moved = !0) : b && b.attr({y: -9999})) }) }, K.pie.prototype.alignDataLabel = ka, K.pie.prototype.verifyDataLabelOverflow = function (a) { var b = this.center, c = this.options, d = c.center, e = c.minSize || 80, f = e, g; null !== d[0] ? f = G(b[2] - G(a[1], a[3]), e) : (f = G(b[2] - a[1] - a[3], e), b[0] += (a[3] - a[1]) / 2); null !== d[1] ? f = G(U(f, b[2] - G(a[0], a[2])), e) : (f = G(U(f, b[2] - a[0] - a[2]), e), b[1] += (a[0] - a[2]) / 2); f < b[2] ? (b[2] = f, b[3] = Math.min(q(c.innerSize || 0, f), f), this.translate(b), t(this.points, function (a) { a.dataLabel && (a.dataLabel._pos = null) }), this.drawDataLabels && this.drawDataLabels()) : g = !0; return g }); K.column && (K.column.prototype.alignDataLabel = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this.chart.inverted, g = a.series, h = a.dlBox || a.shapeArgs, k = z(a.below, a.plotY > z(this.translatedThreshold, g.yAxis.len)), l = z(c.inside, !!this.options.stacking); h && (d = A(h), 0 > d.y && (d.height += d.y, d.y = 0), h = d.y + d.height - g.yAxis.len, 0 < h && (d.height -= h), f && (d = { x: g.yAxis.len - d.y - d.height, y: g.xAxis.len - d.x - d.width, width: d.height, height: d.width }), l || (f ? (d.x += k ? 0 : d.width, d.width = 0) : (d.y += k ? d.height : 0, d.height = 0))); c.align = z(c.align, !f || l ? "center" : k ? "right" : "left"); c.verticalAlign = z(c.verticalAlign, f || l ? "middle" : k ? "top" : "bottom"); Y.prototype.alignDataLabel.call(this, a, b, c, d, e) }); var Ta = Q.TrackerMixin = { drawTrackerPoint: function () { var a = this, b = a.chart, c = b.pointer, d = a.options.cursor, e = d && {cursor: d}, f = function (a) { for (var c = a.target, d; c && !d;) d = c.point, c = c.parentNode; if (d !== J && d !== b.hoverPoint) d.onMouseOver(a) }; t(a.points, function (a) { a.graphic && (a.graphic.element.point = a); a.dataLabel && (a.dataLabel.element.point = a) }); a._hasTracking || (t(a.trackerGroups, function (b) { if (a[b] && (a[b].addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover", f).on("mouseout", function (a) { c.onTrackerMouseOut(a) }).css(e), $a)) a[b].on("touchstart", f) }), a._hasTracking = !0) }, drawTrackerGraph: function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = b.trackByArea, d = [].concat(c ? a.areaPath : a.graphPath), e = d.length, f = a.chart, g = f.pointer, h = f.renderer, k = f.options.tooltip.snap, l = a.tracker, m = b.cursor, w = m && {cursor: m}, m = a.singlePoints, n, q = function () { if (f.hoverSeries !== a) a.onMouseOver() }, p = "rgba(192,192,192," + (sa ? 1E-4 : .002) + ")"; if (e && !c) for (n = e + 1; n--;) "M" === d[n] && d.splice(n + 1, 0, d[n + 1] - k, d[n + 2], "L"), (n && "M" === d[n] || n === e) && d.splice(n, 0, "L", d[n - 2] + k, d[n - 1]); for (n = 0; n < m.length; n++) e = m[n], d.push("M", e.plotX - k, e.plotY, "L", e.plotX + k, e.plotY); l ? l.attr({d: d}) : (a.tracker = h.path(d).attr({ "stroke-linejoin": "round", visibility: a.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", stroke: p, fill: c ? p : "none", "stroke-width": b.lineWidth + (c ? 0 : 2 * k), zIndex: 2 }).add(a.group), t([a.tracker, a.markerGroup], function (a) { a.addClass("highcharts-tracker").on("mouseover", q).on("mouseout", function (a) { g.onTrackerMouseOut(a) }).css(w); if ($a) a.on("touchstart", q) })) } }; K.column && (Ab.prototype.drawTracker = Ta.drawTrackerPoint); K.pie && (K.pie.prototype.drawTracker = Ta.drawTrackerPoint); K.scatter && (Pb.prototype.drawTracker = Ta.drawTrackerPoint); O(nb.prototype, { setItemEvents: function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this; (c ? b : a.legendGroup).on("mouseover", function () { a.setState("hover"); b.css(f.options.itemHoverStyle) }).on("mouseout", function () { b.css(a.visible ? d : e); a.setState() }).on("click", function (b) { var c = function () { a.setVisible && a.setVisible() }; b = {browserEvent: b}; a.firePointEvent ? a.firePointEvent("legendItemClick", b, c) : da(a, "legendItemClick", b, c) }) }, createCheckboxForItem: function (a) { a.checkbox = ca("input", { type: "checkbox", checked: a.selected, defaultChecked: a.selected }, this.options.itemCheckboxStyle, this.chart.container); ga(a.checkbox, "click", function (b) { da(a.series || a, "checkboxClick", {checked: b.target.checked, item: a}, function () { a.select() }) }) } }); la.legend.itemStyle.cursor = "pointer"; O(db.prototype, { showResetZoom: function () { var a = this, b = la.lang, c = a.options.chart.resetZoomButton, d = c.theme, e = d.states, f = "chart" === c.relativeTo ? null : "plotBox"; this.resetZoomButton = a.renderer.button(b.resetZoom, null, null, function () { a.zoomOut() }, d, e && e.hover).attr({align: c.position.align, title: b.resetZoomTitle}).add().align(c.position, !1, f) }, zoomOut: function () { var a = this; da(a, "selection", {resetSelection: !0}, function () { a.zoom() }) }, zoom: function (a) { var b, c = this.pointer, d = !1, e; !a || a.resetSelection ? t(this.axes, function (a) { b = a.zoom() }) : t(a.xAxis.concat(a.yAxis), function (a) { var e = a.axis, h = e.isXAxis; if (c[h ? "zoomX" : "zoomY"] || c[h ? "pinchX" : "pinchY"]) b = e.zoom(a.min, a.max), e.displayBtn && (d = !0) }); e = this.resetZoomButton; d && !e ? this.showResetZoom() : !d && W(e) && (this.resetZoomButton = e.destroy()); b && this.redraw(z(this.options.chart.animation, a && a.animation, 100 > this.pointCount)) }, pan: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.hoverPoints, e; d && t(d, function (a) { a.setState() }); t("xy" === b ? [1, 0] : [1], function (b) { var d = a[b ? "chartX" : "chartY"], h = c[b ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"][0], k = c[b ? "mouseDownX" : "mouseDownY"], l = (h.pointRange || 0) / 2, m = h.getExtremes(), n = h.toValue(k - d, !0) + l, l = h.toValue(k + c[b ? "plotWidth" : "plotHeight"] - d, !0) - l, k = k > d; h.series.length && (k || n > U(m.dataMin, m.min)) && (!k || l < G(m.dataMax, m.max)) && (h.setExtremes(n, l, !1, !1, {trigger: "pan"}), e = !0); c[b ? "mouseDownX" : "mouseDownY"] = d }); e && c.redraw(!1); E(c.container, {cursor: "move"}) } }); O(Ga.prototype, { select: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.series, e = d.chart; a = z(a, !c.selected); c.firePointEvent(a ? "select" : "unselect", {accumulate: b}, function () { c.selected = c.options.selected = a; d.options.data[Aa(c, d.data)] = c.options; c.setState(a && "select"); b || t(e.getSelectedPoints(), function (a) { a.selected && a !== c && (a.selected = a.options.selected = !1, d.options.data[Aa(a, d.data)] = a.options, a.setState(""), a.firePointEvent("unselect")) }) }) }, onMouseOver: function (a, b) { var c = this.series, d = c.chart, e = d.tooltip, f = d.hoverPoint; if (d.hoverSeries !== c) c.onMouseOver(); if (f && f !== this) f.onMouseOut(); this.series && (this.firePointEvent("mouseOver"), !e || e.shared && !c.noSharedTooltip || e.refresh(this, a), this.setState("hover"), b || (d.hoverPoint = this)) }, onMouseOut: function () { var a = this.series.chart, b = a.hoverPoints; this.firePointEvent("mouseOut"); b && -1 !== Aa(this, b) || (this.setState(), a.hoverPoint = null) }, importEvents: function () { if (!this.hasImportedEvents) { var a = A(this.series.options.point, this.options).events, b; this.events = a; for (b in a) ga(this, b, a[b]); this.hasImportedEvents = !0 } }, setState: function (a, b) { var c = ea(this.plotX), d = this.plotY, e = this.series, f = e.options.states, g = aa[e.type].marker && e.options.marker, h = g && !g.enabled, k = g && g.states[a], l = k && !1 === k.enabled, m = e.stateMarkerGraphic, n = this.marker || {}, q = e.chart, x = e.halo, t; a = a || ""; t = this.pointAttr[a] || e.pointAttr[a]; if (!(a === this.state && !b || this.selected && "select" !== a || f[a] && !1 === f[a].enabled || a && (l || h && !1 === k.enabled) || a && n.states && n.states[a] && !1 === n.states[a].enabled)) { if (this.graphic) g = g && this.graphic.symbolName && t.r, this.graphic.attr(A(t, g ? { x: c - g, y: d - g, width: 2 * g, height: 2 * g } : {})), m && m.hide(); else { if (a && k) if (g = k.radius, n = n.symbol || e.symbol, m && m.currentSymbol !== n && (m = m.destroy()), m) m[b ? "animate" : "attr"]({ x: c - g, y: d - g }); else n && (e.stateMarkerGraphic = m = q.renderer.symbol(n, c - g, d - g, 2 * g, 2 * g).attr(t).add(e.markerGroup), m.currentSymbol = n); m && (m[a && q.isInsidePlot(c, d, q.inverted) ? "show" : "hide"](), m.element.point = this) } (c = f[a] && f[a].halo) && c.size ? (x || (e.halo = x = q.renderer.path().add(q.seriesGroup)), x.attr(O({ fill: this.color || e.color, "fill-opacity": c.opacity }, c.attributes))[b ? "animate" : "attr"]({d: this.haloPath(c.size)})) : x && x.attr({d: []}); this.state = a } }, haloPath: function (a) { var b = this.series, c = b.chart, d = b.getPlotBox(), e = c.inverted, f = Math.floor(this.plotX); return c.renderer.symbols.circle(d.translateX + (e ? b.yAxis.len - this.plotY : f) - a, d.translateY + (e ? b.xAxis.len - f : this.plotY) - a, 2 * a, 2 * a) } }); O(Y.prototype, { onMouseOver: function () { var a = this.chart, b = a.hoverSeries; if (b && b !== this) b.onMouseOut(); this.options.events.mouseOver && da(this, "mouseOver"); this.setState("hover"); a.hoverSeries = this }, onMouseOut: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.chart, c = b.tooltip, d = b.hoverPoint; b.hoverSeries = null; if (d) d.onMouseOut(); this && a.events.mouseOut && da(this, "mouseOut"); !c || a.stickyTracking || c.shared && !this.noSharedTooltip || c.hide(); this.setState() }, setState: function (a) { var b = this.options, c = this.graph, d = b.states, e = b.lineWidth, b = 0; a = a || ""; if (this.state !== a && (this.state = a, !d[a] || !1 !== d[a].enabled) && (a && (e = d[a].lineWidth || e + (d[a].lineWidthPlus || 0)), c && !c.dashstyle)) for (a = {"stroke-width": e}, c.attr(a); this["zoneGraph" + b];) this["zoneGraph" + b].attr(a), b += 1 }, setVisible: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.chart, e = c.legendItem, f, g = d.options.chart.ignoreHiddenSeries, h = c.visible; f = (c.visible = a = c.userOptions.visible = a === J ? !h : a) ? "show" : "hide"; t(["group", "dataLabelsGroup", "markerGroup", "tracker"], function (a) { if (c[a]) c[a][f]() }); if (d.hoverSeries === c || (d.hoverPoint && d.hoverPoint.series) === c) c.onMouseOut(); e && d.legend.colorizeItem(c, a); c.isDirty = !0; c.options.stacking && t(d.series, function (a) { a.options.stacking && a.visible && (a.isDirty = !0) }); t(c.linkedSeries, function (b) { b.setVisible(a, !1) }); g && (d.isDirtyBox = !0); !1 !== b && d.redraw(); da(c, f) }, show: function () { this.setVisible(!0) }, hide: function () { this.setVisible(!1) }, select: function (a) { this.selected = a = a === J ? !this.selected : a; this.checkbox && (this.checkbox.checked = a); da(this, a ? "select" : "unselect") }, drawTracker: Ta.drawTrackerGraph }); O(Ya.prototype, { init: function (a, b, c) { var d = this, e = d.defaultOptions; d.chart = b; d.options = a = A(e, b.angular ? {background: {}} : void 0, a); (a = a.background) && t([].concat(S(a)).reverse(), function (a) { var b = a.backgroundColor, e = c.userOptions; a = A(d.defaultBackgroundOptions, a); b && (a.backgroundColor = b); a.color = a.backgroundColor; c.options.plotBands.unshift(a); e.plotBands = e.plotBands || []; e.plotBands !== c.options.plotBands && e.plotBands.unshift(a) }) }, defaultOptions: {center: ["50%", "50%"], size: "85%", startAngle: 0}, defaultBackgroundOptions: { shape: "circle", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "silver", backgroundColor: {linearGradient: {x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1}, stops: [[0, "#FFF"], [1, "#DDD"]]}, from: -Number.MAX_VALUE, innerRadius: 0, to: Number.MAX_VALUE, outerRadius: "105%" } }); var ob = wa.prototype, Cb = xa.prototype, Xb = { getOffset: ka, redraw: function () { this.isDirty = !1 }, render: function () { this.isDirty = !1 }, setScale: ka, setCategories: ka, setTitle: ka }, Qb = { isRadial: !0, defaultRadialGaugeOptions: { labels: {align: "center", x: 0, y: null}, minorGridLineWidth: 0, minorTickInterval: "auto", minorTickLength: 10, minorTickPosition: "inside", minorTickWidth: 1, tickLength: 10, tickPosition: "inside", tickWidth: 2, title: {rotation: 0}, zIndex: 2 }, defaultRadialXOptions: { gridLineWidth: 1, labels: {align: null, distance: 15, x: 0, y: null}, maxPadding: 0, minPadding: 0, showLastLabel: !1, tickLength: 0 }, defaultRadialYOptions: { gridLineInterpolation: "circle", labels: {align: "right", x: -3, y: -2}, showLastLabel: !1, title: {x: 4, text: null, rotation: 90} }, setOptions: function (a) { a = this.options = A(this.defaultOptions, this.defaultRadialOptions, a); a.plotBands || (a.plotBands = []) }, getOffset: function () { ob.getOffset.call(this); this.chart.axisOffset[this.side] = 0; this.center = this.pane.center = Mb.getCenter.call(this.pane) }, getLinePath: function (a, b) { var c = this.center; b = z(b, c[2] / 2 - this.offset); return this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left + c[0], this.top + c[1], b, b, { start: this.startAngleRad, end: this.endAngleRad, open: !0, innerR: 0 }) }, setAxisTranslation: function () { ob.setAxisTranslation.call(this); this.center && (this.transA = this.isCircular ? (this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad) / (this.max - this.min || 1) : this.center[2] / 2 / (this.max - this.min || 1), this.minPixelPadding = this.isXAxis ? this.transA * this.minPointOffset : 0) }, beforeSetTickPositions: function () { this.autoConnect && (this.max += this.categories && 1 || this.pointRange || this.closestPointRange || 0) }, setAxisSize: function () { ob.setAxisSize.call(this); this.isRadial && (this.center = this.pane.center = Q.CenteredSeriesMixin.getCenter.call(this.pane), this.isCircular && (this.sector = this.endAngleRad - this.startAngleRad), this.len = this.width = this.height = this.center[2] * z(this.sector, 1) / 2) }, getPosition: function (a, b) { return this.postTranslate(this.isCircular ? this.translate(a) : 0, z(this.isCircular ? b : this.translate(a), this.center[2] / 2) - this.offset) }, postTranslate: function (a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = this.center; a = this.startAngleRad + a; return {x: c.plotLeft + d[0] + Math.cos(a) * b, y: c.plotTop + d[1] + Math.sin(a) * b} }, getPlotBandPath: function (a, b, c) { var d = this.center, e = this.startAngleRad, f = d[2] / 2, g = [z(c.outerRadius, "100%"), c.innerRadius, z(c.thickness, 10)], h = /%$/, k, l = this.isCircular; "polygon" === this.options.gridLineInterpolation ? d = this.getPlotLinePath(a).concat(this.getPlotLinePath(b, !0)) : (a = Math.max(a, this.min), b = Math.min(b, this.max), l || (g[0] = this.translate(a), g[1] = this.translate(b)), g = Ea(g, function (a) { h.test(a) && (a = F(a, 10) * f / 100); return a }), "circle" !== c.shape && l ? (a = e + this.translate(a), b = e + this.translate(b)) : (a = -Math.PI / 2, b = 1.5 * Math.PI, k = !0), d = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(this.left + d[0], this.top + d[1], g[0], g[0], { start: Math.min(a, b), end: Math.max(a, b), innerR: z(g[1], g[0] - g[2]), open: k })); return d }, getPlotLinePath: function (a, b) { var c = this, d = c.center, e = c.chart, f = c.getPosition(a), g, h, k; c.isCircular ? k = ["M", d[0] + e.plotLeft, d[1] + e.plotTop, "L", f.x, f.y] : "circle" === c.options.gridLineInterpolation ? (a = c.translate(a)) && (k = c.getLinePath(0, a)) : (t(e.xAxis, function (a) { a.pane === c.pane && (g = a) }), k = [], a = c.translate(a), d = g.tickPositions, g.autoConnect && (d = d.concat([d[0]])), b && (d = [].concat(d).reverse()), t(d, function (b, c) { h = g.getPosition(b, a); k.push(c ? "L" : "M", h.x, h.y) })); return k }, getTitlePosition: function () { var a = this.center, b = this.chart, c = this.options.title; return { x: b.plotLeft + a[0] + (c.x || 0), y: b.plotTop + a[1] - {high: .5, middle: .25, low: 0}[c.align] * a[2] + (c.y || 0) } } }; qa(ob, "init", function (a, b, c) { var d = b.angular, e = b.polar, f = c.isX, g = d && f, h, k; k = b.options; var l = c.pane || 0; if (d) { if (O(this, g ? Xb : Qb), h = !f) this.defaultRadialOptions = this.defaultRadialGaugeOptions } else e && (O(this, Qb), this.defaultRadialOptions = (h = f) ? this.defaultRadialXOptions : A(this.defaultYAxisOptions, this.defaultRadialYOptions)); a.call(this, b, c); g || !d && !e || (a = this.options, b.panes || (b.panes = []), this.pane = l = b.panes[l] = b.panes[l] || new Ya(S(k.pane)[l], b, this), l = l.options, b.inverted = !1, k.chart.zoomType = null, this.startAngleRad = b = (l.startAngle - 90) * Math.PI / 180, this.endAngleRad = k = (z(l.endAngle, l.startAngle + 360) - 90) * Math.PI / 180, this.offset = a.offset || 0, (this.isCircular = h) && c.max === J && k - b === 2 * Math.PI && (this.autoConnect = !0)) }); qa(Cb, "getPosition", function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f = this.axis; return f.getPosition ? f.getPosition(c) : a.call(this, b, c, d, e) }); qa(Cb, "getLabelPosition", function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { var l = this.axis, m = f.y, n = 20, q = f.align, t = (l.translate(this.pos) + l.startAngleRad + Math.PI / 2) / Math.PI * 180 % 360; l.isRadial ? (a = l.getPosition(this.pos, l.center[2] / 2 + z(f.distance, -25)), "auto" === f.rotation ? d.attr({rotation: t}) : null === m && (m = l.chart.renderer.fontMetrics(d.styles.fontSize).b - d.getBBox().height / 2), null === q && (l.isCircular ? (this.label.getBBox().width > l.len * l.tickInterval / (l.max - l.min) && (n = 0), q = t > n && t < 180 - n ? "left" : t > 180 + n && t < 360 - n ? "right" : "center") : q = "center", d.attr({align: q})), a.x += f.x, a.y += m) : a = a.call(this, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k); return a }); qa(Cb, "getMarkPath", function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var h = this.axis; h.isRadial ? (a = h.getPosition(this.pos, h.center[2] / 2 + d), b = ["M", b, c, "L", a.x, a.y]) : b = a.call(this, b, c, d, e, f, g); return b }); aa.arearange = A(aa.area, { lineWidth: 1, marker: null, threshold: null, tooltip: {pointFormat: '\u25cf {series.name}: {point.low} - {point.high}
'}, trackByArea: !0, dataLabels: {align: null, verticalAlign: null, xLow: 0, xHigh: 0, yLow: 0, yHigh: 0}, states: {hover: {halo: !1}} }); K.arearange = C(K.area, { type: "arearange", pointArrayMap: ["low", "high"], dataLabelCollections: ["dataLabel", "dataLabelUpper"], toYData: function (a) { return [a.low, a.high] }, pointValKey: "low", deferTranslatePolar: !0, highToXY: function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.xAxis.postTranslate(a.rectPlotX, this.yAxis.len - a.plotHigh); a.plotHighX = c.x - b.plotLeft; a.plotHigh = c.y - b.plotTop }, getSegments: function () { var a = this; t(a.points, function (b) { a.options.connectNulls || null !== b.low && null !== b.high ? null === b.low && null !== b.high && (b.y = b.high) : b.y = null }); Y.prototype.getSegments.call(this) }, translate: function () { var a = this, b = a.yAxis; K.area.prototype.translate.apply(a); t(a.points, function (a) { var d = a.low, e = a.high, f = a.plotY; null === e && null === d ? a.y = null : null === d ? (a.plotLow = a.plotY = null, a.plotHigh = b.translate(e, 0, 1, 0, 1)) : null === e ? (a.plotLow = f, a.plotHigh = null) : (a.plotLow = f, a.plotHigh = b.translate(e, 0, 1, 0, 1)) }); this.chart.polar && t(this.points, function (b) { a.highToXY(b) }) }, getSegmentPath: function (a) { var b, c = [], d = a.length, e = Y.prototype.getSegmentPath, f, g; g = this.options; var h = g.step; for (b = Q.grep(a, function (a) { return null !== a.plotLow }); d--;) f = a[d], null !== f.plotHigh && c.push({plotX: f.plotHighX || f.plotX, plotY: f.plotHigh}); a = e.call(this, b); h && (!0 === h && (h = "left"), g.step = {left: "right", center: "center", right: "left"}[h]); c = e.call(this, c); g.step = h; g = [].concat(a, c); this.chart.polar || (c[0] = "L"); this.areaPath = this.areaPath.concat(a, c); return g }, drawDataLabels: function () { var a = this.data, b = a.length, c, d = [], e = Y.prototype, f = this.options.dataLabels, g = f.align, h = f.verticalAlign, k = f.inside, l, m, n = this.chart.inverted; if (f.enabled || this._hasPointLabels) { for (c = b; c--;) if (l = a[c]) m = k ? l.plotHigh < l.plotLow : l.plotHigh > l.plotLow, l.y = l.high, l._plotY = l.plotY, l.plotY = l.plotHigh, d[c] = l.dataLabel, l.dataLabel = l.dataLabelUpper, l.below = m, n ? g || (f.align = m ? "right" : "left") : h || (f.verticalAlign = m ? "top" : "bottom"), f.x = f.xHigh, f.y = f.yHigh; e.drawDataLabels && e.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments); for (c = b; c--;) if (l = a[c]) m = k ? l.plotHigh < l.plotLow : l.plotHigh > l.plotLow, l.dataLabelUpper = l.dataLabel, l.dataLabel = d[c], l.y = l.low, l.plotY = l._plotY, l.below = !m, n ? g || (f.align = m ? "left" : "right") : h || (f.verticalAlign = m ? "bottom" : "top"), f.x = f.xLow, f.y = f.yLow; e.drawDataLabels && e.drawDataLabels.apply(this, arguments) } f.align = g; f.verticalAlign = h }, alignDataLabel: function () { K.column.prototype.alignDataLabel.apply(this, arguments) }, setStackedPoints: ka, getSymbol: ka, drawPoints: ka }); aa.areasplinerange = A(aa.arearange); K.areasplinerange = C(K.arearange, {type: "areasplinerange", getPointSpline: K.spline.prototype.getPointSpline}); (function () { var a = K.column.prototype; aa.columnrange = A(aa.column, aa.arearange, {lineWidth: 1, pointRange: null}); K.columnrange = C(K.arearange, { type: "columnrange", translate: function () { var b = this, c = b.yAxis, d = b.xAxis, e = b.chart, f; a.translate.apply(b); t(b.points, function (a) { var h = a.shapeArgs, k = b.options.minPointLength, l, m; a.plotHigh = f = c.translate(a.high, 0, 1, 0, 1); a.plotLow = a.plotY; m = f; l = a.plotY - f; Math.abs(l) < k ? (k -= l, l += k, m -= k / 2) : 0 > l && (l *= -1, m -= l); h.height = l; h.y = m; a.tooltipPos = e.inverted ? [c.len + c.pos - e.plotLeft - m - l / 2, d.len + d.pos - e.plotTop - h.x - h.width / 2, l] : [d.left - e.plotLeft + h.x + h.width / 2, c.pos - e.plotTop + m + l / 2, l] }) }, directTouch: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"], drawGraph: ka, crispCol: a.crispCol, pointAttrToOptions: a.pointAttrToOptions, drawPoints: a.drawPoints, drawTracker: a.drawTracker, animate: a.animate, getColumnMetrics: a.getColumnMetrics }) })(); aa.gauge = A(aa.line, { dataLabels: { enabled: !0, defer: !1, y: 15, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "silver", borderRadius: 3, crop: !1, verticalAlign: "top", zIndex: 2 }, dial: {}, pivot: {}, tooltip: {headerFormat: ""}, showInLegend: !1 }); var Yb = { type: "gauge", pointClass: C(Ga, { setState: function (a) { this.state = a } }), angular: !0, drawGraph: ka, fixedBox: !0, forceDL: !0, trackerGroups: ["group", "dataLabelsGroup"], translate: function () { var a = this.yAxis, b = this.options, c = a.center; this.generatePoints(); t(this.points, function (d) { var e = A(b.dial, d.dial), f = F(z(e.radius, 80)) * c[2] / 200, g = F(z(e.baseLength, 70)) * f / 100, h = F(z(e.rearLength, 10)) * f / 100, k = e.baseWidth || 3, l = e.topWidth || 1, m = b.overshoot, n = a.startAngleRad + a.translate(d.y, null, null, null, !0); m && "number" === typeof m ? (m = m / 180 * Math.PI, n = Math.max(a.startAngleRad - m, Math.min(a.endAngleRad + m, n))) : !1 === b.wrap && (n = Math.max(a.startAngleRad, Math.min(a.endAngleRad, n))); n = 180 * n / Math.PI; d.shapeType = "path"; d.shapeArgs = { d: e.path || ["M", -h, -k / 2, "L", g, -k / 2, f, -l / 2, f, l / 2, g, k / 2, -h, k / 2, "z"], translateX: c[0], translateY: c[1], rotation: n }; d.plotX = c[0]; d.plotY = c[1] }) }, drawPoints: function () { var a = this, b = a.yAxis.center, c = a.pivot, d = a.options, e = d.pivot, f = a.chart.renderer; t(a.points, function (b) { var c = b.graphic, e = b.shapeArgs, l = e.d, m = A(d.dial, b.dial); c ? (c.animate(e), e.d = l) : b.graphic = f[b.shapeType](e).attr({ stroke: m.borderColor || "none", "stroke-width": m.borderWidth || 0, fill: m.backgroundColor || "black", rotation: e.rotation, zIndex: 1 }).add(a.group) }); c ? c.animate({ translateX: b[0], translateY: b[1] }) : a.pivot = f.circle(0, 0, z(e.radius, 5)).attr({ "stroke-width": e.borderWidth || 0, stroke: e.borderColor || "silver", fill: e.backgroundColor || "black", zIndex: 2 }).translate(b[0], b[1]).add(a.group) }, animate: function (a) { var b = this; a || (t(b.points, function (a) { var d = a.graphic; d && (d.attr({rotation: 180 * b.yAxis.startAngleRad / Math.PI}), d.animate({rotation: a.shapeArgs.rotation}, b.options.animation)) }), b.animate = null) }, render: function () { this.group = this.plotGroup("group", "series", this.visible ? "visible" : "hidden", this.options.zIndex, this.chart.seriesGroup); Y.prototype.render.call(this); this.group.clip(this.chart.clipRect) }, setData: function (a, b) { Y.prototype.setData.call(this, a, !1); this.processData(); this.generatePoints(); z(b, !0) && this.chart.redraw() }, drawTracker: Ta && Ta.drawTrackerPoint }; K.gauge = C(K.line, Yb); aa.boxplot = A(aa.column, { fillColor: "#FFFFFF", lineWidth: 1, medianWidth: 2, states: {hover: {brightness: -.3}}, threshold: null, tooltip: {pointFormat: '\u25cf {series.name}
Maximum: {point.high}
Upper quartile: {point.q3}
Median: {point.median}
Lower quartile: {point.q1}
Minimum: {point.low}
'}, whiskerLength: "50%", whiskerWidth: 2 }); K.boxplot = C(K.column, { type: "boxplot", pointArrayMap: ["low", "q1", "median", "q3", "high"], toYData: function (a) { return [a.low, a.q1, a.median, a.q3, a.high] }, pointValKey: "high", pointAttrToOptions: {fill: "fillColor", stroke: "color", "stroke-width": "lineWidth"}, drawDataLabels: ka, translate: function () { var a = this.yAxis, b = this.pointArrayMap; K.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); t(this.points, function (c) { t(b, function (b) { null !== c[b] && (c[b + "Plot"] = a.translate(c[b], 0, 1, 0, 1)) }) }) }, drawPoints: function () { var a = this, b = a.options, c = a.chart.renderer, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, q, x, p, r, C, u, H, v, B, X, N, D, P, M = !1 !== a.doQuartiles, E, G = a.options.whiskerLength; t(a.points, function (t) { n = t.graphic; D = t.shapeArgs; x = {}; C = {}; H = {}; P = t.color || a.color; t.plotY !== J && (d = t.pointAttr[t.selected ? "selected" : ""], v = D.width, B = ea(D.x), X = B + v, N = R(v / 2), e = ea(M ? t.q1Plot : t.lowPlot), f = ea(M ? t.q3Plot : t.lowPlot), g = ea(t.highPlot), h = ea(t.lowPlot), x.stroke = t.stemColor || b.stemColor || P, x["stroke-width"] = z(t.stemWidth, b.stemWidth, b.lineWidth), x.dashstyle = t.stemDashStyle || b.stemDashStyle, C.stroke = t.whiskerColor || b.whiskerColor || P, C["stroke-width"] = z(t.whiskerWidth, b.whiskerWidth, b.lineWidth), H.stroke = t.medianColor || b.medianColor || P, H["stroke-width"] = z(t.medianWidth, b.medianWidth, b.lineWidth), l = x["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, m = B + N + l, q = ["M", m, f, "L", m, g, "M", m, e, "L", m, h], M && (l = d["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, m = ea(m) + l, e = ea(e) + l, f = ea(f) + l, B += l, X += l, p = ["M", B, f, "L", B, e, "L", X, e, "L", X, f, "L", B, f, "z"]), G && (l = C["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, g += l, h += l, E = /%$/.test(G) ? N * parseFloat(G) / 100 : G / 2, r = ["M", m - E, g, "L", m + E, g, "M", m - E, h, "L", m + E, h]), l = H["stroke-width"] % 2 / 2, k = R(t.medianPlot) + l, u = ["M", B, k, "L", X, k], n ? (t.stem.animate({d: q}), G && t.whiskers.animate({d: r}), M && t.box.animate({d: p}), t.medianShape.animate({d: u})) : (t.graphic = n = c.g().add(a.group), t.stem = c.path(q).attr(x).add(n), G && (t.whiskers = c.path(r).attr(C).add(n)), M && (t.box = c.path(p).attr(d).add(n)), t.medianShape = c.path(u).attr(H).add(n))) }) }, setStackedPoints: ka }); aa.errorbar = A(aa.boxplot, { color: "#000000", grouping: !1, linkedTo: ":previous", tooltip: {pointFormat: '\u25cf {series.name}: {point.low} - {point.high}
'}, whiskerWidth: null }); K.errorbar = C(K.boxplot, { type: "errorbar", pointArrayMap: ["low", "high"], toYData: function (a) { return [a.low, a.high] }, pointValKey: "high", doQuartiles: !1, drawDataLabels: K.arearange ? K.arearange.prototype.drawDataLabels : ka, getColumnMetrics: function () { return this.linkedParent && this.linkedParent.columnMetrics || K.column.prototype.getColumnMetrics.call(this) } }); aa.waterfall = A(aa.column, { lineWidth: 1, lineColor: "#333", dashStyle: "dot", borderColor: "#333", dataLabels: {inside: !0}, states: {hover: {lineWidthPlus: 0}} }); K.waterfall = C(K.column, { type: "waterfall", upColorProp: "fill", pointValKey: "y", translate: function () { var a = this.options, b = this.yAxis, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m, n = z(a.minPointLength, 5), q = a.threshold, t = a.stacking; K.column.prototype.translate.apply(this); this.minPointLengthOffset = 0; k = l = q; d = this.points; c = 0; for (a = d.length; c < a; c++) e = d[c], h = this.processedYData[c], f = e.shapeArgs, m = (g = t && b.stacks[(this.negStacks && h < q ? "-" : "") + this.stackKey]) ? g[e.x].points[this.index + "," + c] : [0, h], e.isSum ? e.y = h : e.isIntermediateSum && (e.y = h - l), g = G(k, k + e.y) + m[0], f.y = b.translate(g, 0, 1), e.isSum ? (f.y = b.translate(m[1], 0, 1), f.height = Math.min(b.translate(m[0], 0, 1), b.len) - f.y + this.minPointLengthOffset) : e.isIntermediateSum ? (f.y = b.translate(m[1], 0, 1), f.height = Math.min(b.translate(l, 0, 1), b.len) - f.y + this.minPointLengthOffset, l = m[1]) : (0 !== k && (f.height = 0 < h ? b.translate(k, 0, 1) - f.y : b.translate(k, 0, 1) - b.translate(k - h, 0, 1)), k += h), 0 > f.height && (f.y += f.height, f.height *= -1), e.plotY = f.y = R(f.y) - this.borderWidth % 2 / 2, f.height = G(R(f.height), .001), e.yBottom = f.y + f.height, f.height <= n && (f.height = n, this.minPointLengthOffset += n), f.y -= this.minPointLengthOffset, f = e.plotY + (e.negative ? f.height : 0) - this.minPointLengthOffset, this.chart.inverted ? e.tooltipPos[0] = b.len - f : e.tooltipPos[1] = f }, processData: function (a) { var b = this.yData, c = this.options.data, d, e = b.length, f, g, h, k, l, m; g = f = h = k = this.options.threshold || 0; for (m = 0; m < e; m++) l = b[m], d = c && c[m] ? c[m] : {}, "sum" === l || d.isSum ? b[m] = g : "intermediateSum" === l || d.isIntermediateSum ? b[m] = f : (g += l, f += l), h = Math.min(g, h), k = Math.max(g, k); Y.prototype.processData.call(this, a); this.dataMin = h; this.dataMax = k }, toYData: function (a) { return a.isSum ? 0 === a.x ? null : "sum" : a.isIntermediateSum ? 0 === a.x ? null : "intermediateSum" : a.y }, getAttribs: function () { K.column.prototype.getAttribs.apply(this, arguments); var a = this, b = a.options, c = b.states, d = b.upColor || a.color, b = Q.Color(d).brighten(.1).get(), e = A(a.pointAttr), f = a.upColorProp; e[""][f] = d; e.hover[f] = c.hover.upColor || b; e.select[f] = c.select.upColor || d; t(a.points, function (b) { b.options.color || (0 < b.y ? (b.pointAttr = e, b.color = d) : b.pointAttr = a.pointAttr) }) }, getGraphPath: function () { var a = this.data, b = a.length, c = R(this.options.lineWidth + this.borderWidth) % 2 / 2, d = [], e, f, g; for (g = 1; g < b; g++) f = a[g].shapeArgs, e = a[g - 1].shapeArgs, f = ["M", e.x + e.width, e.y + c, "L", f.x, e.y + c], 0 > a[g - 1].y && (f[2] += e.height, f[5] += e.height), d = d.concat(f); return d }, getExtremes: ka, drawGraph: Y.prototype.drawGraph }); (function () { function a(a, b, c) { a.call(this, b, c); this.chart.polar && (this.closeSegment = function (a) { var b = this.xAxis.center; a.push("L", b[0], b[1]) }, this.closedStacks = !0) } function b(a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = this.options.animation, e = this.group, m = this.markerGroup, n = this.xAxis.center, q = c.plotLeft, t = c.plotTop; c.polar ? c.renderer.isSVG && (!0 === d && (d = {}), b ? (c = { translateX: n[0] + q, translateY: n[1] + t, scaleX: .001, scaleY: .001 }, e.attr(c), m && m.attr(c)) : (c = { translateX: q, translateY: t, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, e.animate(c, d), m && m.animate(c, d), this.animate = null)) : a.call(this, b) } var c = Y.prototype, d = yb.prototype, e; c.searchPointByAngle = function (a) { var b = this.chart, c = this.xAxis.pane.center; return this.searchKDTree({ clientX: 180 + -180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(a.chartX - c[0] - b.plotLeft, a.chartY - c[1] - b.plotTop) }) }; qa(c, "buildKDTree", function (a) { this.chart.polar && (this.kdByAngle ? this.searchPoint = this.searchPointByAngle : this.kdDimensions = 2); a.apply(this) }); c.toXY = function (a) { var b, c = this.chart, d = a.plotX; b = a.plotY; a.rectPlotX = d; a.rectPlotY = b; b = this.xAxis.postTranslate(a.plotX, this.yAxis.len - b); a.plotX = a.polarPlotX = b.x - c.plotLeft; a.plotY = a.polarPlotY = b.y - c.plotTop; this.kdByAngle ? (c = (d / Math.PI * 180 + this.xAxis.pane.options.startAngle) % 360, 0 > c && (c += 360), a.clientX = c) : a.clientX = a.plotX }; K.area && qa(K.area.prototype, "init", a); K.areaspline && qa(K.areaspline.prototype, "init", a); K.spline && qa(K.spline.prototype, "getPointSpline", function (a, b, c, d) { var e, m, n, q, t, p, r; this.chart.polar ? (e = c.plotX, m = c.plotY, a = b[d - 1], n = b[d + 1], this.connectEnds && (a || (a = b[b.length - 2]), n || (n = b[1])), a && n && (q = a.plotX, t = a.plotY, b = n.plotX, p = n.plotY, q = (1.5 * e + q) / 2.5, t = (1.5 * m + t) / 2.5, n = (1.5 * e + b) / 2.5, r = (1.5 * m + p) / 2.5, b = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(q - e, 2) + Math.pow(t - m, 2)), p = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n - e, 2) + Math.pow(r - m, 2)), q = Math.atan2(t - m, q - e), t = Math.atan2(r - m, n - e), r = Math.PI / 2 + (q + t) / 2, Math.abs(q - r) > Math.PI / 2 && (r -= Math.PI), q = e + Math.cos(r) * b, t = m + Math.sin(r) * b, n = e + Math.cos(Math.PI + r) * p, r = m + Math.sin(Math.PI + r) * p, c.rightContX = n, c.rightContY = r), d ? (c = ["C", a.rightContX || a.plotX, a.rightContY || a.plotY, q || e, t || m, e, m], a.rightContX = a.rightContY = null) : c = ["M", e, m]) : c = a.call(this, b, c, d); return c }); qa(c, "translate", function (a) { var b = this.chart; a.call(this); if (b.polar && (this.kdByAngle = b.tooltip && b.tooltip.shared, !this.preventPostTranslate)) for (a = this.points, b = a.length; b--;) this.toXY(a[b]) }); qa(c, "getSegmentPath", function (a, b) { var c = this.points; this.chart.polar && !1 !== this.options.connectEnds && b[b.length - 1] === c[c.length - 1] && null !== c[0].y && (this.connectEnds = !0, b = [].concat(b, [c[0]])); return a.call(this, b) }); qa(c, "animate", b); K.column && (e = K.column.prototype, qa(e, "animate", b), qa(e, "translate", function (a) { var b = this.xAxis, c = this.yAxis.len, d = b.center, e = b.startAngleRad, m = this.chart.renderer, n, q; this.preventPostTranslate = !0; a.call(this); if (b.isRadial) for (b = this.points, q = b.length; q--;) n = b[q], a = n.barX + e, n.shapeType = "path", n.shapeArgs = { d: m.symbols.arc(d[0], d[1], c - n.plotY, null, { start: a, end: a + n.pointWidth, innerR: c - z(n.yBottom, c) }) }, this.toXY(n), n.tooltipPos = [n.plotX, n.plotY], n.ttBelow = n.plotY > d[1] }), qa(e, "alignDataLabel", function (a, b, d, e, l, m) { this.chart.polar ? (a = b.rectPlotX / Math.PI * 180, null === e.align && (e.align = 20 < a && 160 > a ? "left" : 200 < a && 340 > a ? "right" : "center"), null === e.verticalAlign && (e.verticalAlign = 45 > a || 315 < a ? "bottom" : 135 < a && 225 > a ? "top" : "middle"), c.alignDataLabel.call(this, b, d, e, l, m)) : a.call(this, b, d, e, l, m) })); qa(d, "getCoordinates", function (a, b) { var c = this.chart, d = {xAxis: [], yAxis: []}; c.polar ? t(c.axes, function (a) { var e = a.isXAxis, f = a.center, n = b.chartX - f[0] - c.plotLeft, f = b.chartY - f[1] - c.plotTop; d[e ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"].push({ axis: a, value: a.translate(e ? Math.PI - Math.atan2(n, f) : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(n, 2) + Math.pow(f, 2)), !0) }) }) : d = a.call(this, b); return d }) })(); O(Q, { Color: pa, Point: Ga, Tick: xa, Renderer: lb, SVGElement: ja, SVGRenderer: lb, arrayMin: D, arrayMax: Ia, charts: ra, dateFormat: Pa, error: L, format: X, pathAnim: { init: function (a, b, c) { b = b || ""; var d = a.shift, e = -1 < b.indexOf("C"), f = e ? 7 : 3, g; b = b.split(" "); c = [].concat(c); var h, k, l = function (a) { for (g = a.length; g--;) "M" === a[g] && a.splice(g + 1, 0, a[g + 1], a[g + 2], a[g + 1], a[g + 2]) }; e && (l(b), l(c)); a.isArea && (h = b.splice(b.length - 6, 6), k = c.splice(c.length - 6, 6)); if (d <= c.length / f && b.length === c.length) for (; d--;) c = [].concat(c).splice(0, f).concat(c); a.shift = 0; if (b.length) for (a = c.length; b.length < a;) d = [].concat(b).splice(b.length - f, f), e && (d[f - 6] = d[f - 2], d[f - 5] = d[f - 1]), b = b.concat(d); h && (b = b.concat(h), c = c.concat(k)); return [b, c] }, step: function (a, b, c, d) { var e = [], f = a.length; if (1 === c) e = d; else if (f === b.length && 1 > c) for (; f--;) d = parseFloat(a[f]), e[f] = isNaN(d) ? a[f] : c * parseFloat(b[f] - d) + d; else e = b; return e } }, getOptions: function () { return la }, hasBidiBug: Sb, isTouchDevice: Jb, setOptions: function (a) { la = A(!0, la, a); Db(); return la }, addEvent: ga, removeEvent: ma, createElement: ca, discardElement: gb, css: E, each: t, map: Ea, merge: A, splat: S, stableSort: fb, extendClass: C, pInt: F, svg: sa, canvas: za, vml: !sa && !za, product: "Highcharts 4.2.1", version: "/Highstock 4.2.1" }); return Q }); (function (v) { "object" === typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = v : v(Highcharts) })(function (v) { var L = v.win, ba = L.document, A = v.Chart, F = v.addEvent, ha = v.removeEvent, W = v.fireEvent, ia = v.createElement, r = v.discardElement, p = v.css, P = v.merge, M = v.each, u = v.extend, B = v.splat, S = Math.max, oa = v.isTouchDevice, E = v.Renderer.prototype.symbols, ca = v.getOptions(), C; u(ca.lang, { printChart: "Print chart", downloadPNG: "Download PNG image", downloadJPEG: "Download JPEG image", downloadPDF: "Download PDF document", downloadSVG: "Download SVG vector image", contextButtonTitle: "Chart context menu" }); ca.navigation = { menuStyle: {border: "1px solid #A0A0A0", background: "#FFFFFF", padding: "5px 0"}, menuItemStyle: {padding: "0 10px", background: "none", color: "#303030", fontSize: oa ? "14px" : "11px"}, menuItemHoverStyle: {background: "#4572A5", color: "#FFFFFF"}, buttonOptions: { symbolFill: "#E0E0E0", symbolSize: 14, symbolStroke: "#666", symbolStrokeWidth: 3, symbolX: 12.5, symbolY: 10.5, align: "right", buttonSpacing: 3, height: 22, theme: {fill: "white", stroke: "none"}, verticalAlign: "top", width: 24 } }; ca.exporting = { type: "image/png", url: "http://export.highcharts.com/", buttons: { contextButton: { menuClassName: "highcharts-contextmenu", symbol: "menu", _titleKey: "contextButtonTitle", menuItems: [{ textKey: "printChart", onclick: function () { this.print() } }, {separator: !0}, { textKey: "downloadPNG", onclick: function () { this.exportChart() } }, { textKey: "downloadJPEG", onclick: function () { this.exportChart({type: "image/jpeg"}) } }, { textKey: "downloadPDF", onclick: function () { this.exportChart({type: "application/pdf"}) } }, { textKey: "downloadSVG", onclick: function () { this.exportChart({type: "image/svg+xml"}) } }] } } }; v.post = function (n, q, p) { var C; n = ia("form", P({method: "post", action: n, enctype: "multipart/form-data"}, p), {display: "none"}, ba.body); for (C in q) ia("input", {type: "hidden", name: C, value: q[C]}, null, n); n.submit(); r(n) }; u(A.prototype, { sanitizeSVG: function (n) { return n.replace(/zIndex="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/isShadow="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/symbolName="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/jQuery[0-9]+="[^"]+"/g, "").replace(/url\([^#]+#/g, "url(#").replace(/.*?$/, "").replace(/(fill|stroke)="rgba\(([ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+),([ 0-9\.]+)\)"/g, '$1="rgb($2)" $1-opacity="$3"').replace(/ /g, "\u00a0").replace(/­/g, "\u00ad").replace(//g, "<$1title>").replace(/height=([^" ]+)/g, 'height="$1"').replace(/width=([^" ]+)/g, 'width="$1"').replace(/hc-svg-href="([^"]+)">/g, 'xlink:href="$1"/>').replace(/ id=([^" >]+)/g, ' id="$1"').replace(/class=([^" >]+)/g, 'class="$1"').replace(/ transform /g, " ").replace(/:(path|rect)/g, "$1").replace(/style="([^"]+)"/g, function (n) { return n.toLowerCase() }) }, getChartHTML: function () { return this.container.innerHTML }, getSVG: function (n) { var q = this, p, C, N, E, S, D = P(q.options, n), A = D.exporting.allowHTML; ba.createElementNS || (ba.createElementNS = function (n, q) { return ba.createElement(q) }); C = ia("div", null, { position: "absolute", top: "-9999em", width: q.chartWidth + "px", height: q.chartHeight + "px" }, ba.body); N = q.renderTo.style.width; S = q.renderTo.style.height; N = D.exporting.sourceWidth || D.chart.width || /px$/.test(N) && parseInt(N, 10) || 600; S = D.exporting.sourceHeight || D.chart.height || /px$/.test(S) && parseInt(S, 10) || 400; u(D.chart, {animation: !1, renderTo: C, forExport: !0, renderer: "SVGRenderer", width: N, height: S}); D.exporting.enabled = !1; delete D.data; D.series = []; M(q.series, function (n) { E = P(n.options, {animation: !1, enableMouseTracking: !1, showCheckbox: !1, visible: n.visible}); E.isInternal || D.series.push(E) }); n && M(["xAxis", "yAxis"], function (q) { M(B(n[q]), function (n, p) { D[q][p] = P(D[q][p], n) }) }); p = new v.Chart(D, q.callback); M(["xAxis", "yAxis"], function (n) { M(q[n], function (q, r) { var C = p[n][r], u = q.getExtremes(), v = u.userMin, u = u.userMax; !C || void 0 === v && void 0 === u || C.setExtremes(v, u, !0, !1) }) }); N = p.getChartHTML(); D = null; p.destroy(); r(C); A && (C = N.match(/<\/svg>(.*?$)/)) && (C = '' + C[1] + "", N = N.replace("", C + "")); N = this.sanitizeSVG(N); return N = N.replace(/(url\(#highcharts-[0-9]+)"/g, "$1").replace(/"/g, "'") }, getSVGForExport: function (n, q) { var p = this.options.exporting; return this.getSVG(P({chart: {borderRadius: 0}}, p.chartOptions, q, { exporting: { sourceWidth: n && n.sourceWidth || p.sourceWidth, sourceHeight: n && n.sourceHeight || p.sourceHeight } })) }, exportChart: function (n, q) { var p = this.getSVGForExport(n, q); n = P(this.options.exporting, n); v.post(n.url, { filename: n.filename || "chart", type: n.type, width: n.width || 0, scale: n.scale || 2, svg: p }, n.formAttributes) }, print: function () { var n = this, q = n.container, p = [], r = q.parentNode, C = ba.body, u = C.childNodes; n.isPrinting || (n.isPrinting = !0, n.pointer.reset(null, 0), W(n, "beforePrint"), M(u, function (n, q) { 1 === n.nodeType && (p[q] = n.style.display, n.style.display = "none") }), C.appendChild(q), L.focus(), L.print(), setTimeout(function () { r.appendChild(q); M(u, function (n, q) { 1 === n.nodeType && (n.style.display = p[q]) }); n.isPrinting = !1; W(n, "afterPrint") }, 1E3)) }, contextMenu: function (n, q, r, C, v, B, P) { var D = this, E = D.options.navigation, A = E.menuItemStyle, ca = D.chartWidth, oa = D.chartHeight, W = "cache-" + n, L = D[W], pa = S(v, B), ja, xa, Xa, Ya = function (q) { D.pointer.inClass(q.target, n) || xa() }; L || (D[W] = L = ia("div", {className: n}, { position: "absolute", zIndex: 1E3, padding: pa + "px" }, D.container), ja = ia("div", null, u({ MozBoxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888", WebkitBoxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888", boxShadow: "3px 3px 10px #888" }, E.menuStyle), L), xa = function () { p(L, {display: "none"}); P && P.setState(0); D.openMenu = !1 }, F(L, "mouseleave", function () { Xa = setTimeout(xa, 500) }), F(L, "mouseenter", function () { clearTimeout(Xa) }), F(ba, "mouseup", Ya), F(D, "destroy", function () { ha(ba, "mouseup", Ya) }), M(q, function (n) { if (n) { var q = n.separator ? ia("hr", null, null, ja) : ia("div", { onmouseover: function () { p(this, E.menuItemHoverStyle) }, onmouseout: function () { p(this, A) }, onclick: function (q) { q && q.stopPropagation(); xa(); n.onclick && n.onclick.apply(D, arguments) }, innerHTML: n.text || D.options.lang[n.textKey] }, u({cursor: "pointer"}, A), ja); D.exportDivElements.push(q) } }), D.exportDivElements.push(ja, L), D.exportMenuWidth = L.offsetWidth, D.exportMenuHeight = L.offsetHeight); q = {display: "block"}; r + D.exportMenuWidth > ca ? q.right = ca - r - v - pa + "px" : q.left = r - pa + "px"; C + B + D.exportMenuHeight > oa && "top" !== P.alignOptions.verticalAlign ? q.bottom = oa - C - pa + "px" : q.top = C + B - pa + "px"; p(L, q); D.openMenu = !0 }, addButton: function (n) { var q = this, p = q.renderer, r = P(q.options.navigation.buttonOptions, n), B = r.onclick, M = r.menuItems, E, D, S = {stroke: r.symbolStroke, fill: r.symbolFill}, A = r.symbolSize || 12; q.btnCount || (q.btnCount = 0); q.exportDivElements || (q.exportDivElements = [], q.exportSVGElements = []); if (!1 !== r.enabled) { var F = r.theme, ca = F.states, oa = ca && ca.hover, ca = ca && ca.select, L; delete F.states; B ? L = function (n) { n.stopPropagation(); B.call(q, n) } : M && (L = function () { q.contextMenu(D.menuClassName, M, D.translateX, D.translateY, D.width, D.height, D); D.setState(2) }); r.text && r.symbol ? F.paddingLeft = v.pick(F.paddingLeft, 25) : r.text || u(F, { width: r.width, height: r.height, padding: 0 }); D = p.button(r.text, 0, 0, L, F, oa, ca).attr({ title: q.options.lang[r._titleKey], "stroke-linecap": "round" }); D.menuClassName = n.menuClassName || "highcharts-menu-" + q.btnCount++; r.symbol && (E = p.symbol(r.symbol, r.symbolX - A / 2, r.symbolY - A / 2, A, A).attr(u(S, { "stroke-width": r.symbolStrokeWidth || 1, zIndex: 1 })).add(D)); D.add().align(u(r, {width: D.width, x: v.pick(r.x, C)}), !0, "spacingBox"); C += (D.width + r.buttonSpacing) * ("right" === r.align ? -1 : 1); q.exportSVGElements.push(D, E) } }, destroyExport: function (n) { n = n.target; var q, p; for (q = 0; q < n.exportSVGElements.length; q++) if (p = n.exportSVGElements[q]) p.onclick = p.ontouchstart = null, n.exportSVGElements[q] = p.destroy(); for (q = 0; q < n.exportDivElements.length; q++) p = n.exportDivElements[q], ha(p, "mouseleave"), n.exportDivElements[q] = p.onmouseout = p.onmouseover = p.ontouchstart = p.onclick = null, r(p) } }); E.menu = function (n, q, r, p) { return ["M", n, q + 2.5, "L", n + r, q + 2.5, "M", n, q + p / 2 + .5, "L", n + r, q + p / 2 + .5, "M", n, q + p - 1.5, "L", n + r, q + p - 1.5] }; A.prototype.callbacks.push(function (n) { var q, r = n.options.exporting, p = r.buttons; C = 0; if (!1 !== r.enabled) { for (q in p) n.addButton(p[q]); F(n, "destroy", n.destroyExport) } }) }); (function (v) { "object" === typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = v : v(Highcharts) })(function (v) { var L = v.win.document, ba = v.each, A = v.pick, F = v.inArray, ha = v.splat, W, ia = function (r, p) { this.init(r, p) }; v.extend(ia.prototype, { init: function (r, p) { this.options = r; this.chartOptions = p; this.columns = r.columns || this.rowsToColumns(r.rows) || []; this.firstRowAsNames = A(r.firstRowAsNames, !0); this.decimalRegex = r.decimalPoint && new RegExp("^(-?[0-9]+)" + r.decimalPoint + "([0-9]+)$"); this.rawColumns = []; this.columns.length ? this.dataFound() : (this.parseCSV(), this.parseTable(), this.parseGoogleSpreadsheet()) }, getColumnDistribution: function () { var r = this.chartOptions, p = this.options, P = [], M = function (r) { return (v.seriesTypes[r || "line"].prototype.pointArrayMap || [0]).length }, u = r && r.chart && r.chart.type, B = [], S = [], A = 0, E; ba(r && r.series || [], function (r) { B.push(M(r.type || u)) }); ba(p && p.seriesMapping || [], function (r) { P.push(r.x || 0) }); 0 === P.length && P.push(0); ba(p && p.seriesMapping || [], function (p) { var C = new W, n, q = B[A] || M(u), H = v.seriesTypes[((r && r.series || [])[A] || {}).type || u || "line"].prototype.pointArrayMap || ["y"]; C.addColumnReader(p.x, "x"); for (n in p) p.hasOwnProperty(n) && "x" !== n && C.addColumnReader(p[n], n); for (E = 0; E < q; E++) C.hasReader(H[E]) || C.addColumnReader(void 0, H[E]); S.push(C); A++ }); p = v.seriesTypes[u || "line"].prototype.pointArrayMap; void 0 === p && (p = ["y"]); this.valueCount = {global: M(u), xColumns: P, individual: B, seriesBuilders: S, globalPointArrayMap: p} }, dataFound: function () { this.options.switchRowsAndColumns && (this.columns = this.rowsToColumns(this.columns)); this.getColumnDistribution(); this.parseTypes(); !1 !== this.parsed() && this.complete() }, parseCSV: function () { var r = this, p = this.options, v = p.csv, M = this.columns, u = p.startRow || 0, B = p.endRow || Number.MAX_VALUE, A = p.startColumn || 0, F = p.endColumn || Number.MAX_VALUE, E, ca, C = 0; v && (ca = v.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n").split(p.lineDelimiter || "\n"), E = p.itemDelimiter || (-1 !== v.indexOf("\t") ? "\t" : ","), ba(ca, function (n, q) { var p = r.trim(n), v = 0 === p.indexOf("#"); q >= u && q <= B && !v && "" !== p && (p = n.split(E), ba(p, function (n, q) { q >= A && q <= F && (M[q - A] || (M[q - A] = []), M[q - A][C] = n) }), C += 1) }), this.dataFound()) }, parseTable: function () { var r = this.options, p = r.table, v = this.columns, M = r.startRow || 0, u = r.endRow || Number.MAX_VALUE, B = r.startColumn || 0, A = r.endColumn || Number.MAX_VALUE; p && ("string" === typeof p && (p = L.getElementById(p)), ba(p.getElementsByTagName("tr"), function (p, r) { r >= M && r <= u && ba(p.children, function (p, C) { ("TD" === p.tagName || "TH" === p.tagName) && C >= B && C <= A && (v[C - B] || (v[C - B] = []), v[C - B][r - M] = p.innerHTML) }) }), this.dataFound()) }, parseGoogleSpreadsheet: function () { var r = this, p = this.options, v = p.googleSpreadsheetKey, M = this.columns, u = p.startRow || 0, B = p.endRow || Number.MAX_VALUE, A = p.startColumn || 0, F = p.endColumn || Number.MAX_VALUE, E, L; v && jQuery.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/" + v + "/" + (p.googleSpreadsheetWorksheet || "od6") + "/public/values?alt=json-in-script&callback=?", error: p.error, success: function (p) { p = p.feed.entry; var n, q = p.length, v = 0, P = 0, N; for (N = 0; N < q; N++) n = p[N], v = Math.max(v, n.gs$cell.col), P = Math.max(P, n.gs$cell.row); for (N = 0; N < v; N++) N >= A && N <= F && (M[N - A] = [], M[N - A].length = Math.min(P, B - u)); for (N = 0; N < q; N++) n = p[N], E = n.gs$cell.row - 1, L = n.gs$cell.col - 1, L >= A && L <= F && E >= u && E <= B && (M[L - A][E - u] = n.content.$t); r.dataFound() } }) }, trim: function (r, p) { "string" === typeof r && (r = r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), p && /^[0-9\s]+$/.test(r) && (r = r.replace(/\s/g, "")), this.decimalRegex && (r = r.replace(this.decimalRegex, "$1.$2"))); return r }, parseTypes: function () { for (var r = this.columns, p = r.length; p--;) this.parseColumn(r[p], p) }, parseColumn: function (r, p) { var v = this.rawColumns, M = this.columns, u = r.length, B, A, L, E, W = this.firstRowAsNames, C = -1 !== F(p, this.valueCount.xColumns), n = [], q = this.chartOptions, H, X = (this.options.columnTypes || [])[p], q = C && (q && q.xAxis && "category" === ha(q.xAxis)[0].type || "string" === X); for (v[p] || (v[p] = []); u--;) B = n[u] || r[u], L = this.trim(B), E = this.trim(B, !0), A = parseFloat(E), void 0 === v[p][u] && (v[p][u] = L), q || 0 === u && W ? r[u] = L : +E === A ? (r[u] = A, 31536E6 < A && "float" !== X ? r.isDatetime = !0 : r.isNumeric = !0, void 0 !== r[u + 1] && (H = A > r[u + 1])) : (A = this.parseDate(B), C && "number" === typeof A && !isNaN(A) && "float" !== X ? (n[u] = B, r[u] = A, r.isDatetime = !0, void 0 !== r[u + 1] && (B = A > r[u + 1], B !== H && void 0 !== H && (this.alternativeFormat ? (this.dateFormat = this.alternativeFormat, u = r.length, this.alternativeFormat = this.dateFormats[this.dateFormat].alternative) : r.unsorted = !0), H = B)) : (r[u] = "" === L ? null : L, 0 !== u && (r.isDatetime || r.isNumeric) && (r.mixed = !0))); C && r.mixed && (M[p] = v[p]); if (C && H && this.options.sort) for (p = 0; p < M.length; p++) M[p].reverse(), W && M[p].unshift(M[p].pop()) }, dateFormats: { "YYYY-mm-dd": { regex: /^([0-9]{4})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{2})$/, parser: function (r) { return Date.UTC(+r[1], r[2] - 1, +r[3]) } }, "dd/mm/YYYY": { regex: /^([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{4})$/, parser: function (r) { return Date.UTC(+r[3], r[2] - 1, +r[1]) }, alternative: "mm/dd/YYYY" }, "mm/dd/YYYY": { regex: /^([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{4})$/, parser: function (r) { return Date.UTC(+r[3], r[1] - 1, +r[2]) } }, "dd/mm/YY": { regex: /^([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{2})$/, parser: function (r) { return Date.UTC(+r[3] + 2E3, r[2] - 1, +r[1]) }, alternative: "mm/dd/YY" }, "mm/dd/YY": { regex: /^([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{1,2})[\-\/\.]([0-9]{2})$/, parser: function (r) { return Date.UTC(+r[3] + 2E3, r[1] - 1, +r[2]) } } }, parseDate: function (r) { var p = this.options.parseDate, v, A, u = this.options.dateFormat || this.dateFormat, B; if (p) v = p(r); else if ("string" === typeof r) { if (u) p = this.dateFormats[u], (B = r.match(p.regex)) && (v = p.parser(B)); else for (A in this.dateFormats) if (p = this.dateFormats[A], B = r.match(p.regex)) { this.dateFormat = A; this.alternativeFormat = p.alternative; v = p.parser(B); break } B || (B = Date.parse(r), "object" === typeof B && null !== B && B.getTime ? v = B.getTime() - 6E4 * B.getTimezoneOffset() : "number" !== typeof B || isNaN(B) || (v = B - 6E4 * (new Date(B)).getTimezoneOffset())) } return v }, rowsToColumns: function (r) { var p, v, A, u, B; if (r) for (B = [], v = r.length, p = 0; p < v; p++) for (u = r[p].length, A = 0; A < u; A++) B[A] || (B[A] = []), B[A][p] = r[p][A]; return B }, parsed: function () { if (this.options.parsed) return this.options.parsed.call(this, this.columns) }, getFreeIndexes: function (r, p) { var v, A, u = [], B = [], F; for (A = 0; A < r; A += 1) u.push(!0); for (v = 0; v < p.length; v += 1) for (F = p[v].getReferencedColumnIndexes(), A = 0; A < F.length; A += 1) u[F[A]] = !1; for (A = 0; A < u.length; A += 1) u[A] && B.push(A); return B }, complete: function () { var r = this.columns, p, v = this.options, A, u, B, S, L = [], E; if (v.complete || v.afterComplete) { for (B = 0; B < r.length; B++) this.firstRowAsNames && (r[B].name = r[B].shift()); A = []; u = this.getFreeIndexes(r.length, this.valueCount.seriesBuilders); for (B = 0; B < this.valueCount.seriesBuilders.length; B++) E = this.valueCount.seriesBuilders[B], E.populateColumns(u) && L.push(E); for (; 0 < u.length;) { E = new W; E.addColumnReader(0, "x"); B = F(0, u); -1 !== B && u.splice(B, 1); for (B = 0; B < this.valueCount.global; B++) E.addColumnReader(void 0, this.valueCount.globalPointArrayMap[B]); E.populateColumns(u) && L.push(E) } 0 < L.length && 0 < L[0].readers.length && (E = r[L[0].readers[0].columnIndex], void 0 !== E && (E.isDatetime ? p = "datetime" : E.isNumeric || (p = "category"))); if ("category" === p) for (B = 0; B < L.length; B++) for (E = L[B], u = 0; u < E.readers.length; u++) "x" === E.readers[u].configName && (E.readers[u].configName = "name"); for (B = 0; B < L.length; B++) { E = L[B]; u = []; for (S = 0; S < r[0].length; S++) u[S] = E.read(r, S); A[B] = {data: u}; E.name && (A[B].name = E.name); "category" === p && (A[B].turboThreshold = 0) } r = {series: A}; p && (r.xAxis = {type: p}); v.complete && v.complete(r); v.afterComplete && v.afterComplete(r) } } }); v.Data = ia; v.data = function (r, p) { return new ia(r, p) }; v.wrap(v.Chart.prototype, "init", function (r, p, A) { var F = this; p && p.data ? v.data(v.extend(p.data, { afterComplete: function (u) { var B, L; if (p.hasOwnProperty("series")) if ("object" === typeof p.series) for (B = Math.max(p.series.length, u.series.length); B--;) L = p.series[B] || {}, p.series[B] = v.merge(L, u.series[B]); else delete p.series; p = v.merge(u, p); r.call(F, p, A) } }), p) : r.call(F, p, A) }); W = function () { this.readers = []; this.pointIsArray = !0 }; W.prototype.populateColumns = function (r) { var p = !0; ba(this.readers, function (p) { void 0 === p.columnIndex && (p.columnIndex = r.shift()) }); ba(this.readers, function (r) { void 0 === r.columnIndex && (p = !1) }); return p }; W.prototype.read = function (r, p) { var v = this.pointIsArray, A = v ? [] : {}, u; ba(this.readers, function (u) { var F = r[u.columnIndex][p]; v ? A.push(F) : A[u.configName] = F }); void 0 === this.name && 2 <= this.readers.length && (u = this.getReferencedColumnIndexes(), 2 <= u.length && (u.shift(), u.sort(), this.name = r[u.shift()].name)); return A }; W.prototype.addColumnReader = function (r, p) { this.readers.push({columnIndex: r, configName: p}); "x" !== p && "y" !== p && void 0 !== p && (this.pointIsArray = !1) }; W.prototype.getReferencedColumnIndexes = function () { var r, p = [], v; for (r = 0; r < this.readers.length; r += 1) v = this.readers[r], void 0 !== v.columnIndex && p.push(v.columnIndex); return p }; W.prototype.hasReader = function (r) { var p, v; for (p = 0; p < this.readers.length; p += 1) if (v = this.readers[p], v.configName === r) return !0 } }); (function (v) { "object" === typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = v : v(Highcharts) })(function (v) { function L() { return !!this.points.length } function ba() { this.hasData() ? this.hideNoData() : this.showNoData() } var A = v.seriesTypes, F = v.Chart.prototype, ha = v.getOptions(), W = v.extend, ia = v.each; W(ha.lang, {noData: "No data to display"}); ha.noData = { position: {x: 0, y: 0, align: "center", verticalAlign: "middle"}, attr: {}, style: {fontWeight: "bold", fontSize: "12px", color: "#60606a"} }; ia(["pie", "gauge", "waterfall", "bubble"], function (r) { A[r] && (A[r].prototype.hasData = L) }); v.Series.prototype.hasData = function () { return this.visible && void 0 !== this.dataMax && void 0 !== this.dataMin }; F.showNoData = function (r) { var p = this.options; r = r || p.lang.noData; p = p.noData; this.noDataLabel || (this.noDataLabel = this.renderer.label(r, 0, 0, null, null, null, p.useHTML, null, "no-data").attr(p.attr).css(p.style).add(), this.noDataLabel.align(W(this.noDataLabel.getBBox(), p.position), !1, "plotBox")) }; F.hideNoData = function () { this.noDataLabel && (this.noDataLabel = this.noDataLabel.destroy()) }; F.hasData = function () { for (var r = this.series, p = r.length; p--;) if (r[p].hasData() && !r[p].options.isInternal) return !0; return !1 }; F.callbacks.push(function (r) { v.addEvent(r, "load", ba); v.addEvent(r, "redraw", ba) }) }); (function (v) { "object" === typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = v : v(Highcharts) })(function (v) { function L(p, n, q) { var r; n.rgba.length && p.rgba.length ? (p = p.rgba, n = n.rgba, r = 1 !== n[3] || 1 !== p[3], p = (r ? "rgba(" : "rgb(") + Math.round(n[0] + (p[0] - n[0]) * (1 - q)) + "," + Math.round(n[1] + (p[1] - n[1]) * (1 - q)) + "," + Math.round(n[2] + (p[2] - n[2]) * (1 - q)) + (r ? "," + (n[3] + (p[3] - n[3]) * (1 - q)) : "") + ")") : p = n.input || "none"; return p } var ba = function () { }, A = v.getOptions(), F = v.each, ha = v.extend, W = v.format, ia = v.pick, r = v.wrap, p = v.Chart, P = v.seriesTypes, M = P.pie, u = P.column, B = v.Tick, S = v.fireEvent, oa = v.inArray, E = 1; F(["fill", "stroke"], function (p) { v.Fx.prototype[p + "Setter"] = function () { this.elem.attr(p, L(v.Color(this.start), v.Color(this.end), this.pos)) } }); ha(A.lang, {drillUpText: "\u25c1 Back to {series.name}"}); A.drilldown = { activeAxisLabelStyle: { cursor: "pointer", color: "#0d233a", fontWeight: "bold", textDecoration: "underline" }, activeDataLabelStyle: {cursor: "pointer", color: "#0d233a", fontWeight: "bold", textDecoration: "underline"}, animation: {duration: 500}, drillUpButton: {position: {align: "right", x: -10, y: 10}} }; v.SVGRenderer.prototype.Element.prototype.fadeIn = function (p) { this.attr({opacity: .1, visibility: "inherit"}).animate({opacity: ia(this.newOpacity, 1)}, p || {duration: 250}) }; p.prototype.addSeriesAsDrilldown = function (p, n) { this.addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown(p, n); this.applyDrilldown() }; p.prototype.addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown = function (p, n) { var q = p.series, r = q.xAxis, v = q.yAxis, u; u = p.color || q.color; var A, B = [], D = [], L, M; this.drilldownLevels || (this.drilldownLevels = []); L = q.options._levelNumber || 0; (M = this.drilldownLevels[this.drilldownLevels.length - 1]) && M.levelNumber !== L && (M = void 0); n = ha({color: u, _ddSeriesId: E++}, n); A = oa(p, q.points); F(q.chart.series, function (n) { n.xAxis !== r || n.isDrilling || (n.options._ddSeriesId = n.options._ddSeriesId || E++, n.options._colorIndex = n.userOptions._colorIndex, n.options._levelNumber = n.options._levelNumber || L, M ? (B = M.levelSeries, D = M.levelSeriesOptions) : (B.push(n), D.push(n.options))) }); u = { levelNumber: L, seriesOptions: q.options, levelSeriesOptions: D, levelSeries: B, shapeArgs: p.shapeArgs, bBox: p.graphic ? p.graphic.getBBox() : {}, color: u, lowerSeriesOptions: n, pointOptions: q.options.data[A], pointIndex: A, oldExtremes: {xMin: r && r.userMin, xMax: r && r.userMax, yMin: v && v.userMin, yMax: v && v.userMax} }; this.drilldownLevels.push(u); u = u.lowerSeries = this.addSeries(n, !1); u.options._levelNumber = L + 1; r && (r.oldPos = r.pos, r.userMin = r.userMax = null, v.userMin = v.userMax = null); q.type === u.type && (u.animate = u.animateDrilldown || ba, u.options.animation = !0) }; p.prototype.applyDrilldown = function () { var p = this.drilldownLevels, n; p && 0 < p.length && (n = p[p.length - 1].levelNumber, F(this.drilldownLevels, function (q) { q.levelNumber === n && F(q.levelSeries, function (q) { q.options && q.options._levelNumber === n && q.remove(!1) }) })); this.redraw(); this.showDrillUpButton() }; p.prototype.getDrilldownBackText = function () { var p = this.drilldownLevels; if (p && 0 < p.length) return p = p[p.length - 1], p.series = p.seriesOptions, W(this.options.lang.drillUpText, p) }; p.prototype.showDrillUpButton = function () { var p = this, n = this.getDrilldownBackText(), q = p.options.drilldown.drillUpButton, r, v; this.drillUpButton ? this.drillUpButton.attr({text: n}).align() : (v = (r = q.theme) && r.states, this.drillUpButton = this.renderer.button(n, null, null, function () { p.drillUp() }, r, v && v.hover, v && v.select).attr({ align: q.position.align, zIndex: 9 }).add().align(q.position, !1, q.relativeTo || "plotBox")) }; p.prototype.drillUp = function () { for (var p = this, n = p.drilldownLevels, q = n[n.length - 1].levelNumber, r = n.length, v = p.series, u, A, B, D, E = function (n) { var q; F(v, function (p) { p.options._ddSeriesId === n._ddSeriesId && (q = p) }); q = q || p.addSeries(n, !1); q.type === B.type && q.animateDrillupTo && (q.animate = q.animateDrillupTo); n === A.seriesOptions && (D = q) }; r--;) if (A = n[r], A.levelNumber === q) { n.pop(); B = A.lowerSeries; if (!B.chart) for (u = v.length; u--;) if (v[u].options.id === A.lowerSeriesOptions.id && v[u].options._levelNumber === q + 1) { B = v[u]; break } B.xData = []; F(A.levelSeriesOptions, E); S(p, "drillup", {seriesOptions: A.seriesOptions}); D.type === B.type && (D.drilldownLevel = A, D.options.animation = p.options.drilldown.animation, B.animateDrillupFrom && B.chart && B.animateDrillupFrom(A)); D.options._levelNumber = q; B.remove(!1); D.xAxis && (u = A.oldExtremes, D.xAxis.setExtremes(u.xMin, u.xMax, !1), D.yAxis.setExtremes(u.yMin, u.yMax, !1)) } this.redraw(); 0 === this.drilldownLevels.length ? this.drillUpButton = this.drillUpButton.destroy() : this.drillUpButton.attr({text: this.getDrilldownBackText()}).align(); this.ddDupes.length = [] }; u.prototype.supportsDrilldown = !0; u.prototype.animateDrillupTo = function (p) { if (!p) { var n = this, q = n.drilldownLevel; F(this.points, function (n) { n.graphic && n.graphic.hide(); n.dataLabel && n.dataLabel.hide(); n.connector && n.connector.hide() }); setTimeout(function () { n.points && F(n.points, function (n, p) { var r = p === (q && q.pointIndex) ? "show" : "fadeIn", v = "show" === r ? !0 : void 0; if (n.graphic) n.graphic[r](v); if (n.dataLabel) n.dataLabel[r](v); if (n.connector) n.connector[r](v) }) }, Math.max(this.chart.options.drilldown.animation.duration - 50, 0)); this.animate = ba } }; u.prototype.animateDrilldown = function (p) { var n = this, q = this.chart.drilldownLevels, r, v = this.chart.options.drilldown.animation, u = this.xAxis; p || (F(q, function (q) { n.options._ddSeriesId === q.lowerSeriesOptions._ddSeriesId && (r = q.shapeArgs, r.fill = q.color) }), r.x += ia(u.oldPos, u.pos) - u.pos, F(this.points, function (n) { n.graphic && n.graphic.attr(r).animate(ha(n.shapeArgs, {fill: n.color}), v); n.dataLabel && n.dataLabel.fadeIn(v) }), this.animate = null) }; u.prototype.animateDrillupFrom = function (p) { var n = this.chart.options.drilldown.animation, q = this.group, r = this; F(r.trackerGroups, function (n) { if (r[n]) r[n].on("mouseover") }); delete this.group; F(this.points, function (r) { var u = r.graphic, A = function () { u.destroy(); q && (q = q.destroy()) }; u && (delete r.graphic, n ? u.animate(ha(p.shapeArgs, {fill: p.color}), v.merge(n, {complete: A})) : (u.attr(p.shapeArgs), A())) }) }; M && ha(M.prototype, { supportsDrilldown: !0, animateDrillupTo: u.prototype.animateDrillupTo, animateDrillupFrom: u.prototype.animateDrillupFrom, animateDrilldown: function (p) { var n = this.chart.drilldownLevels[this.chart.drilldownLevels.length - 1], q = this.chart.options.drilldown.animation, r = n.shapeArgs, u = r.start, A = (r.end - u) / this.points.length; p || (F(this.points, function (p, C) { p.graphic.attr(v.merge(r, { start: u + C * A, end: u + (C + 1) * A, fill: n.color }))[q ? "animate" : "attr"](ha(p.shapeArgs, {fill: p.color}), q) }), this.animate = null) } }); v.Point.prototype.doDrilldown = function (p, n) { var q = this.series.chart, r = q.options.drilldown, v = (r.series || []).length, u; q.ddDupes || (q.ddDupes = []); for (; v-- && !u;) r.series[v].id === this.drilldown && -1 === oa(this.drilldown, q.ddDupes) && (u = r.series[v], q.ddDupes.push(this.drilldown)); S(q, "drilldown", { point: this, seriesOptions: u, category: n, points: void 0 !== n && this.series.xAxis.ddPoints[n].slice(0) }); u && (p ? q.addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown(this, u) : q.addSeriesAsDrilldown(this, u)) }; v.Axis.prototype.drilldownCategory = function (p) { var n, q, r = this.ddPoints[p]; for (n in r) (q = r[n]) && q.series && q.series.visible && q.doDrilldown && q.doDrilldown(!0, p); this.chart.applyDrilldown() }; v.Axis.prototype.getDDPoints = function (p, n) { var q = this.ddPoints; q || (this.ddPoints = q = {}); q[p] || (q[p] = []); q[p].levelNumber !== n && (q[p].length = 0); return q[p] }; B.prototype.drillable = function () { var p = this.pos, n = this.label, q = this.axis, r = q.ddPoints && q.ddPoints[p]; n && r && r.length ? (n.basicStyles || (n.basicStyles = v.merge(n.styles)), n.addClass("highcharts-drilldown-axis-label").css(q.chart.options.drilldown.activeAxisLabelStyle).on("click", function () { q.drilldownCategory(p) })) : n && n.basicStyles && (n.styles = {}, n.css(n.basicStyles), n.on("click", null)) }; r(B.prototype, "addLabel", function (p) { p.call(this); this.drillable() }); r(v.Point.prototype, "init", function (p, n, q, r) { var u = p.call(this, n, q, r); p = (q = n.xAxis) && q.ticks[r]; q = q && q.getDDPoints(r, n.options._levelNumber); u.drilldown && (v.addEvent(u, "click", function () { n.xAxis && !1 === n.chart.options.drilldown.allowPointDrilldown ? n.xAxis.drilldownCategory(r) : u.doDrilldown() }), q && (q.push(u), q.levelNumber = n.options._levelNumber)); p && p.drillable(); return u }); r(v.Series.prototype, "drawDataLabels", function (p) { var n = this.chart.options.drilldown.activeDataLabelStyle; p.call(this); F(this.points, function (p) { p.drilldown && p.dataLabel && p.dataLabel.attr({"class": "highcharts-drilldown-data-label"}).css(n) }) }); var ca, A = function (p) { p.call(this); F(this.points, function (n) { n.drilldown && n.graphic && n.graphic.attr({"class": "highcharts-drilldown-point"}).css({cursor: "pointer"}) }) }; for (ca in P) P[ca].prototype.supportsDrilldown && r(P[ca].prototype, "drawTracker", A) }); ; if (window.jQuery) (function ($) { if ($.browser.msie) try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true) } catch (e) { } ; $.fn.rating = function (options) { if (this.length == 0) return this; if (typeof arguments[0] == 'string') { if (this.length > 1) { var args = arguments; return this.each(function () { $.fn.rating.apply($(this), args); }); } ; $.fn.rating[arguments[0]].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1) || []); return this; } ; var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.rating.options, options || {}); $.fn.rating.calls++; this.not('.star-rating-applied').addClass('star-rating-applied').each(function () { var control, input = $(this); var eid = (this.name || 'unnamed-rating').replace(/\[|\]/g, '_').replace(/^\_+|\_+$/g, ''); var context = $(this.form || document.body); var raters = context.data('rating'); if (!raters || raters.call != $.fn.rating.calls) raters = {count: 0, call: $.fn.rating.calls}; var rater = raters[eid]; if (rater) control = rater.data('rating'); if (rater && control) control.count++; else { control = $.extend({}, options || {}, ($.metadata ? input.metadata() : ($.meta ? input.data() : null)) || {}, { count: 0, stars: [], inputs: [] }); control.serial = raters.count++; rater = $(''); input.before(rater); rater.addClass('rating-to-be-drawn'); if (input.attr('disabled') || input.hasClass('disabled')) control.readOnly = true; if (input.hasClass('required')) control.required = true; } ; var star = $('
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'addClass' : 'removeClass']('star-rating-readonly'); }, select: function (value, wantCallBack) { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; if (control.readOnly) return; control.current = null; if (typeof value != 'undefined') { if (typeof value == 'number') return $(control.stars[value]).rating('select', undefined, wantCallBack); if (typeof value == 'string') $.each(control.stars, function () { if ($(this).data('rating.input').val() == value) $(this).rating('select', undefined, wantCallBack); }); } else control.current = this[0].tagName == 'INPUT' ? this.data('rating.star') : (this.is('.rater-' + control.serial) ? this : null); this.data('rating', control); this.rating('draw'); var input = $(control.current ? control.current.data('rating.input') : null); if ((wantCallBack || wantCallBack == undefined) && control.callback) control.callback.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', control.current)[0]]); }, readOnly: function (toggle, disable) { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; control.readOnly = toggle || toggle == undefined ? true : false; if (disable) $(control.inputs).attr("disabled", "disabled"); else $(control.inputs).removeAttr("disabled"); this.data('rating', control); this.rating('draw'); }, disable: function () { this.rating('readOnly', true, true); }, enable: function () { this.rating('readOnly', false, false); } }); $.fn.rating.options = {cancel: 'Cancel Rating', cancelValue: '', split: 0, starWidth: 16}; })(jQuery); ; if (window.jQuery) (function ($) { if ($.browser.msie) try { document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true) } catch (e) { } ; $.fn.rating = function (options) { if (this.length == 0) return this; if (typeof arguments[0] == 'string') { if (this.length > 1) { var args = arguments; return this.each(function () { $.fn.rating.apply($(this), args); }); } ; $.fn.rating[arguments[0]].apply(this, $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1) || []); return this; } ; var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.rating.options, options || {}); $.fn.rating.calls++; this.not('.star-rating-applied').addClass('star-rating-applied').each(function (k, v) { var control, input = $(this); var eid = (this.name || 'unnamed-rating').replace(/\[|\]/g, '_').replace(/^\_+|\_+$/g, ''); var context = $(this.form || document.body); var raters = context.data('rating'); if (!raters || raters.call != $.fn.rating.calls) raters = {count: 0, call: $.fn.rating.calls}; var rater = raters[eid]; if (rater) control = rater.data('rating'); if (rater && control) control.count++; else { control = $.extend({}, options || {}, ($.metadata ? input.metadata() : ($.meta ? input.data() : null)) || {}, { count: 0, stars: [], inputs: [] }); control.serial = raters.count++; rater = $(''); input.before(rater); rater.addClass('rating-to-be-drawn'); if (input.attr('disabled') || input.hasClass('disabled')) control.readOnly = true; if (input.hasClass('required')) control.required = true; } ; var star = $(''); rater.append(star); if (this.id) star.attr('id', this.id); if (this.className) star.addClass(this.className); if (control.half) control.split = 2; if (typeof control.split == 'number' && control.split > 0) { var stw = ($.fn.width ? star.width() : 0) || control.starWidth; var spi = (control.count % control.split), spw = Math.floor(stw / control.split); star.width(spw).find('a').css({'margin-left': '-' + (spi * spw) + 'px'}) } ; if (control.readOnly) star.addClass('star-rating-readonly'); else star.addClass('star-rating-live').mouseover(function () { $(this).rating('fill'); $(this).rating('focus'); }).mouseout(function () { $(this).rating('draw'); $(this).rating('blur'); }).click(function () { $(this).rating('select'); }); if (this.checked) control.current = star; if (this.nodeName == "A") { if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) control.current = star; } ; input.hide(); input.change(function () { $(this).rating('select'); }); star.data('rating.input', input.data('rating.star', star)); control.stars[control.stars.length] = star[0]; control.inputs[control.inputs.length] = input[0]; control.rater = raters[eid] = rater; control.context = context; input.data('rating', control); rater.data('rating', control); star.data('rating', control); context.data('rating', raters); }); $('.rating-to-be-drawn').rating('draw').removeClass('rating-to-be-drawn'); return this; }; $.extend($.fn.rating, { calls: 0, focus: function () { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; if (!control.focus) return this; var input = $(this).data('rating.input') || $(this.tagName == 'INPUT' ? this : null); if (control.focus) control.focus.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', input.data('rating.star'))[0]]); }, blur: function () { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; if (!control.blur) return this; var input = $(this).data('rating.input') || $(this.tagName == 'INPUT' ? this : null); if (control.blur) control.blur.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', input.data('rating.star'))[0]]); }, fill: function () { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; if (control.readOnly) return; this.rating('drain'); this.prevAll().andSelf().filter('.rater-' + control.serial).addClass('star-rating-hover'); }, drain: function () { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; if (control.readOnly) return; control.rater.children().filter('.rater-' + control.serial).removeClass('star-rating-on').removeClass('star-rating-hover'); }, draw: function () { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; this.rating('drain'); if (control.current) { control.current.data('rating.input').attr('checked', 'checked'); control.current.prevAll().andSelf().filter('.rater-' + control.serial).addClass('star-rating-on'); } else $(control.inputs).removeAttr('checked'); this.siblings()[control.readOnly ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('star-rating-readonly'); }, select: function (value, wantCallBack) { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; if (control.readOnly) return; control.current = null; if (typeof value != 'undefined') { if (typeof value == 'number') return $(control.stars[value]).rating('select', undefined, wantCallBack); if (typeof value == 'string') $.each(control.stars, function () { if ($(this).data('rating.input').val() == value) $(this).rating('select', undefined, wantCallBack); }); } else control.current = this[0].tagName == 'INPUT' ? this.data('rating.star') : (this.is('.rater-' + control.serial) ? this : null); this.data('rating', control); this.rating('draw'); var input = $(control.current ? control.current.data('rating.input') : null); if ((wantCallBack || wantCallBack == undefined) && control.callback) control.callback.apply(input[0], [input.val(), $('a', control.current)[0]]); }, readOnly: function (toggle, disable) { var control = this.data('rating'); if (!control) return this; control.readOnly = toggle || toggle == undefined ? true : false; if (disable) $(control.inputs).attr("disabled", "disabled"); else $(control.inputs).removeAttr("disabled"); this.data('rating', control); this.rating('draw'); }, disable: function () { this.rating('readOnly', true, true); }, enable: function () { this.rating('readOnly', false, false); } }); $.fn.rating.options = {cancel: 'Cancel Rating', cancelValue: '', split: 0, starWidth: 16}; })(jQuery); (function ($) { $.extend({ tablesorter: new function () { var parsers = [], widgets = []; this.defaults = { cssHeader: "header", cssAsc: "headerSortUp", cssDesc: "headerSortDown", cssChildRow: "expand-child", sortInitialOrder: "asc", sortMultiSortKey: "shiftKey", sortForce: null, sortAppend: null, sortLocaleCompare: true, textExtraction: "simple", parsers: {}, widgets: [], widgetZebra: {css: ["even", "odd"]}, headers: {}, widthFixed: false, cancelSelection: true, sortList: [], headerList: [], dateFormat: "us", decimal: '/\.|\,/g', onRenderHeader: null, selectorHeaders: 'thead th', debug: false }; function benchmark(s, d) { log(s + "," + (new Date().getTime() - d.getTime()) + "ms"); } this.benchmark = benchmark; function log(s) { if (typeof console != "undefined" && typeof console.debug != "undefined") { console.log(s); } else { alert(s); } } function buildParserCache(table, $headers) { if (table.config.debug) { var parsersDebug = ""; } if (table.tBodies.length == 0) return; var rows = table.tBodies[0].rows; if (rows[0]) { var list = [], cells = rows[0].cells, l = cells.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { var p = false; if ($.metadata && ($($headers[c]).metadata() && $($headers[c]).metadata().sorter)) { p = getParserById($($headers[c]).metadata().sorter); } else if ((table.config.headers[c] && table.config.headers[c].sorter)) { p = getParserById(table.config.headers[c].sorter); } if (!p) { p = detectParserForColumn(table, rows, -1, c); } if (table.config.debug) { parsersDebug += "column:" + c + " parser:" + p.id + "\n"; } list.push(p); } } if (table.config.debug) { log(parsersDebug); } return list; }; function detectParserForColumn(table, rows, rowIndex, cellIndex) { var l = parsers.length, node = false, nodeValue = false, keepLooking = true; while (nodeValue == '' && keepLooking) { rowIndex++; if (rows[rowIndex]) { node = getNodeFromRowAndCellIndex(rows, rowIndex, cellIndex); nodeValue = trimAndGetNodeText(table.config, node); if (table.config.debug) { log('Checking if value was empty on row:' + rowIndex); } } else { keepLooking = false; } } for (var c = 1; c < l; c++) { if (parsers[c].is(nodeValue, table, node)) { return parsers[c]; } } return parsers[0]; } function getNodeFromRowAndCellIndex(rows, rowIndex, cellIndex) { return rows[rowIndex].cells[cellIndex]; } function trimAndGetNodeText(config, node) { return $.trim(getElementText(config, node)); } function getParserById(name) { var l = parsers.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { if (parsers[c].id.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { return parsers[c]; } } return false; } function buildCache(table) { var b = table.tBodies[0], totalRows = (b && b.rows.length) || 0, totalCells = (b.rows[0] && b.rows[0].cells.length) || 0, parsers = table.config.parsers, cache = { row: [], normalized: [] }, t, i, j, c, cols, cacheTime; if (table.config.debug) { cacheTime = new Date(); } for (i = 0; i < totalRows; ++i) { c = $(b.rows[i]); cols = []; if (c.hasClass(table.config.cssChildRow)) { cache.row[cache.row.length - 1] = cache.row[cache.row.length - 1].add(c); continue; } cache.row.push(c); for (j = 0; j < totalCells; ++j) { t = trimAndGetNodeText(table.config, c[0].cells[j], j); cols.push(parsers[j].format(t, table, c[0].cells[j], j)); } cols.push(cache.normalized.length); cache.normalized.push(cols); } if (table.config.debug) { benchmark("Building cache for " + totalRows + " rows", cacheTime); } table.config.cache = cache; return cache; } function getElementText(config, node) { var text = ""; if (!node) return ""; if (!config.supportsTextContent) config.supportsTextContent = node.textContent || false; if (config.textExtraction == "simple") { if (config.supportsTextContent) { text = node.textContent; } else { if (node.childNodes[0] && node.childNodes[0].hasChildNodes()) { text = node.childNodes[0].innerHTML; } else { text = node.innerHTML; } } } else { if (typeof(config.textExtraction) == "function") { text = config.textExtraction(node); } else { text = $(node).text(); } } return text; } function appendToTable(table, cache) { if (table.config.debug) { console.log(table); var appendTime = new Date() } var c = cache, r = c.row, n = c.normalized, totalRows = n.length, checkCell = (n[0].length - 1), tableBody = $(table.tBodies[0]), rows = []; for (var c = 0; c < totalRows; c++) { var pos = n[c][checkCell]; rows.push(r[pos]); if (!table.config.appender) { var l = r[pos].length; for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { tableBody[0].appendChild(r[pos][j]); } } } if (table.config.appender) { table.config.appender(table, rows); } rows = null; if (table.config.debug) { benchmark("Rebuilt table:", appendTime); } applyWidget(table); setTimeout(function () { $(table).trigger("sortEnd"); }, 0); } function buildHeaders(table) { if (table.config.debug) { var time = new Date(); } var meta = ($.metadata) ? true : false; var header_index = computeTableHeaderCellIndexes(table); $tableHeaders = $(table.config.selectorHeaders, table).each(function (index) { this.column = header_index[this.parentNode.rowIndex + "-" + this.cellIndex]; this.order = formatSortingOrder(table.config.sortInitialOrder); this.count = this.order; if (checkHeaderMetadata(this) || checkHeaderOptions(table, index)) this.sortDisabled = true; if (checkHeaderOptionsSortingLocked(table, index)) this.order = this.lockedOrder = checkHeaderOptionsSortingLocked(table, index); if (!this.sortDisabled) { var $th = $(this).addClass(table.config.cssHeader); if (table.config.onRenderHeader) table.config.onRenderHeader.apply($th); } table.config.headerList[index] = this; }); if (table.config.debug) { benchmark("Built headers:", time); log($tableHeaders); } return $tableHeaders; } function computeTableHeaderCellIndexes(t) { var matrix = []; var lookup = {}; var thead = t.getElementsByTagName('THEAD')[0]; var trs = thead.getElementsByTagName('TR'); for (var c = 0; c < trs.length; c++) { var cells = trs[c].cells; for (var j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) { var c = cells[j]; var rowIndex = c.parentNode.rowIndex; var cellId = rowIndex + "-" + c.cellIndex; var rowSpan = c.rowSpan || 1; var colSpan = c.colSpan || 1 var firstAvailCol; if (typeof(matrix[rowIndex]) == "undefined") { matrix[rowIndex] = []; } for (var k = 0; k < matrix[rowIndex].length + 1; k++) { if (typeof(matrix[rowIndex][k]) == "undefined") { firstAvailCol = k; break; } } lookup[cellId] = firstAvailCol; for (var k = rowIndex; k < rowIndex + rowSpan; k++) { if (typeof(matrix[k]) == "undefined") { matrix[k] = []; } var matrixrow = matrix[k]; for (var l = firstAvailCol; l < firstAvailCol + colSpan; l++) { matrixrow[l] = "x"; } } } } return lookup; } function checkCellColSpan(table, rows, row) { var arr = [], r = table.tHead.rows, c = r[row].cells; for (var c = 0; c < c.length; c++) { var cell = c[c]; if (cell.colSpan > 1) { arr = arr.concat(checkCellColSpan(table, headerArr, row++)); } else { if (table.tHead.length == 1 || (cell.rowSpan > 1 || !r[row + 1])) { arr.push(cell); } } } return arr; } function checkHeaderMetadata(cell) { if (($.metadata) && ($(cell).metadata().sorter === false)) { return true; } ; return false; } function checkHeaderOptions(table, c) { if ((table.config.headers[c]) && (table.config.headers[c].sorter === false)) { return true; } ; return false; } function checkHeaderOptionsSortingLocked(table, c) { if ((table.config.headers[c]) && (table.config.headers[c].lockedOrder)) return table.config.headers[c].lockedOrder; return false; } function applyWidget(table) { var c = table.config.widgets; var l = c.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { getWidgetById(c[c]).format(table); } } function getWidgetById(name) { var l = widgets.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { if (widgets[c].id.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) { return widgets[c]; } } }; function formatSortingOrder(v) { if (typeof(v) != "Number") { return (v.toLowerCase() == "desc") ? 1 : 0; } else { return (v == 1) ? 1 : 0; } } function isValueInArray(v, a) { var l = a.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { if (a[c][0] == v) { return true; } } return false; } function setHeadersCss(table, $headers, list, css) { $headers.removeClass(css[0]).removeClass(css[1]); var h = []; $headers.each(function (offset) { if (!this.sortDisabled) { h[this.column] = $(this); } }); var l = list.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { h[list[c][0]].addClass(css[list[c][1]]); } } function fixColumnWidth(table, $headers) { var c = table.config; if (c.widthFixed) { var colgroup = $(''); $("tr:first td", table.tBodies[0]).each(function () { colgroup.append($('').css('width', $(this).width())); }); $(table).prepend(colgroup); } ; } function updateHeaderSortCount(table, sortList) { var conf = table.config, l = sortList.length; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { var s = sortList[c], o = conf.headerList[s[0]]; o.count = s[1]; o.count++; } } function multisort(table, sortList, cache) { if (table.config.debug) { var sortTime = new Date(); } var dynamicExp = "var sortWrapper = function(a,b) {", l = sortList.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { try { var c = sortList[i][0]; var order = sortList[i][1]; } catch (err) { var c = 0; var order = 1; } var s = (table.config.parsers[c].type == "text") ? ((order == 0) ? makeSortFunction("text", "asc", c) : makeSortFunction("text", "desc", c)) : ((order == 0) ? makeSortFunction("numeric", "asc", c) : makeSortFunction("numeric", "desc", c)); var e = "e" + c; dynamicExp += "var " + e + " = " + s; dynamicExp += "if(" + e + ") { return " + e + "; } "; dynamicExp += "else { "; } var orgOrderCol = cache.normalized[0].length - 1; dynamicExp += "return a[" + orgOrderCol + "]-b[" + orgOrderCol + "];"; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { dynamicExp += "}; "; } dynamicExp += "return 0; "; dynamicExp += "}; "; if (table.config.debug) { benchmark("Evaling expression:" + dynamicExp, new Date()); } eval(dynamicExp); cache.normalized.sort(sortWrapper); if (table.config.debug) { benchmark("Sorting on " + sortList.toString() + " and dir " + order + " time:", sortTime); } return cache; }; function makeSortFunction(type, direction, index) { var a = "a[" + index + "]", b = "b[" + index + "]"; if (type == 'text' && direction == 'asc') { return "(" + a + " == " + b + " ? 0 : (" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : (" + a + " < " + b + ") ? -1 : 1 )));"; } else if (type == 'text' && direction == 'desc') { return "(" + a + " == " + b + " ? 0 : (" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " < " + a + ") ? -1 : 1 )));"; } else if (type == 'numeric' && direction == 'asc') { return "(" + a + " === null && " + b + " === null) ? 0 :(" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : " + a + " - " + b + "));"; } else if (type == 'numeric' && direction == 'desc') { return "(" + a + " === null && " + b + " === null) ? 0 :(" + a + " === null ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : (" + b + " === null ? Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : " + b + " - " + a + "));"; } }; function makeSortText(c) { return "((a[" + c + "] < b[" + c + "]) ? -1 : ((a[" + c + "] > b[" + c + "]) ? 1 : 0));"; }; function makeSortTextDesc(c) { return "((b[" + c + "] < a[" + c + "]) ? -1 : ((b[" + c + "] > a[" + c + "]) ? 1 : 0));"; }; function makeSortNumeric(c) { return "a[" + c + "]-b[" + c + "];"; }; function makeSortNumericDesc(c) { return "b[" + c + "]-a[" + c + "];"; }; function sortText(a, b) { if (table.config.sortLocaleCompare) return a.localeCompare(b); return ((a < b) ? -1 : ((a > b) ? 1 : 0)); }; function sortTextDesc(a, b) { if (table.config.sortLocaleCompare) return b.localeCompare(a); return ((b < a) ? -1 : ((b > a) ? 1 : 0)); }; function sortNumeric(a, b) { return a - b; }; function sortNumericDesc(a, b) { return b - a; }; function getCachedSortType(parsers, c) { return parsers[c].type; }; this.construct = function (settings) { return this.each(function () { if (!this.tHead || !this.tBodies) return; var $this, $document, $headers, cache, config, shiftDown = 0, sortOrder; this.config = {}; config = $.extend(this.config, $.tablesorter.defaults, settings); $this = $(this); $.data(this, "tablesorter", config); $headers = buildHeaders(this); this.config.parsers = buildParserCache(this, $headers); cache = buildCache(this); var sortCSS = [config.cssDesc, config.cssAsc]; fixColumnWidth(this); $headers.click(function (e) { var totalRows = ($this[0].tBodies[0] && $this[0].tBodies[0].rows.length) || 0; if (!this.sortDisabled && totalRows > 0) { $this.trigger("sortStart"); var $cell = $(this); var c = this.column; this.order = this.count++ % 2; if (this.lockedOrder) this.order = this.lockedOrder; if (!e[config.sortMultiSortKey]) { config.sortList = []; if (config.sortForce != null) { var a = config.sortForce; for (var j = 0; j < a.length; j++) { if (a[j][0] != c) { config.sortList.push(a[j]); } } } config.sortList.push([c, this.order]); } else { if (isValueInArray(c, config.sortList)) { for (var j = 0; j < config.sortList.length; j++) { var s = config.sortList[j], o = config.headerList[s[0]]; if (s[0] == c) { o.count = s[1]; o.count++; s[1] = o.count % 2; } } } else { config.sortList.push([c, this.order]); } } ; setTimeout(function () { setHeadersCss($this[0], $headers, config.sortList, sortCSS); appendToTable($this[0], multisort($this[0], config.sortList, cache)); }, 1); return false; } }).mousedown(function () { if (config.cancelSelection) { this.onselectstart = function () { return false }; return false; } }); $this.bind("update", function () { var me = this; setTimeout(function () { me.config.parsers = buildParserCache(me, $headers); cache = buildCache(me); }, 1); }).bind("updateCell", function (e, cell) { var config = this.config; var pos = [(cell.parentNode.rowIndex - 1), cell.cellIndex]; cache.normalized[pos[0]][pos[1]] = config.parsers[pos[1]].format(getElementText(config, cell), cell); }).bind("sorton", function (e, list) { $(this).trigger("sortStart"); config.sortList = list; var sortList = config.sortList; updateHeaderSortCount(this, sortList); setHeadersCss(this, $headers, sortList, sortCSS); appendToTable(this, multisort(this, sortList, cache)); }).bind("appendCache", function () { appendToTable(this, cache); }).bind("applyWidgetId", function (e, id) { getWidgetById(id).format(this); }).bind("applyWidgets", function () { applyWidget(this); }); if ($.metadata && ($(this).metadata() && $(this).metadata().sortlist)) { config.sortList = $(this).metadata().sortlist; } if (config.sortList.length > 0) { $this.trigger("sorton", [config.sortList]); } applyWidget(this); }); }; this.addParser = function (parser) { var l = parsers.length, a = true; for (var c = 0; c < l; c++) { if (parsers[c].id.toLowerCase() == parser.id.toLowerCase()) { a = false; } } if (a) { parsers.push(parser); } ; }; this.addWidget = function (widget) { widgets.push(widget); }; this.formatFloat = function (s) { var c = parseFloat(s); return (isNaN(c)) ? 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this.COMMA : this.PERIOD; } else { this.decimalValue = decimal; } this.separatorValue = separator; } function setCommasNF(isC) { this.setSeparators(isC, this.COMMA, this.PERIOD); } function setCurrencyNF(isC) { this.hasCurrency = isC; } function setCurrencyValueNF(val) { this.currencyValue = val; } function setCurrencyPrefixNF(cp) { this.setCurrencyValue(cp); this.setCurrencyPosition(this.LEFT_OUTSIDE); } function setCurrencyPositionNF(cp) { this.currencyPosition = cp } function setPlacesNF(p, tr) { this.roundToPlaces = !(p == this.NO_ROUNDING); this.truncate = (tr != null && tr); this.places = (p < 0) ? 0 : p; } function addSeparatorsNF(nStr, inD, outD, sep) { nStr += ''; var dpos = nStr.indexOf(inD); var nStrEnd = ''; if (dpos != -1) { nStrEnd = outD + nStr.substring(dpos + 1, nStr.length); nStr = nStr.substring(0, dpos); } var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(nStr)) { nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, '$1' + sep + '$2'); } return nStr + nStrEnd; } function toFormattedNF() { var pos; var nNum = this.num; var nStr; var splitString = new Array(2); if (this.roundToPlaces) { nNum = this.getRounded(nNum); nStr = this.preserveZeros(Math.abs(nNum)); } else { nStr = this.expandExponential(Math.abs(nNum)); } if (this.hasSeparators) { nStr = this.addSeparators(nStr, this.PERIOD, this.decimalValue, this.separatorValue); } else { nStr = nStr.replace(new RegExp('\\' + this.PERIOD), this.decimalValue); } var c0 = ''; var n0 = ''; var c1 = ''; var n1 = ''; var n2 = ''; var c2 = ''; var n3 = ''; var c3 = ''; var negSignL = (this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) ? this.LEFT_PAREN : this.DASH; var negSignR = (this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) ? this.RIGHT_PAREN : this.DASH; if (this.currencyPosition == this.LEFT_OUTSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n1 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n2 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c0 = this.currencyValue; } else if (this.currencyPosition == this.LEFT_INSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n0 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n3 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c1 = this.currencyValue; } else if (this.currencyPosition == this.RIGHT_INSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n0 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n3 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c2 = this.currencyValue; } else if (this.currencyPosition == this.RIGHT_OUTSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n1 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n2 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c3 = this.currencyValue; } nStr = c0 + n0 + c1 + n1 + nStr + n2 + c2 + n3 + c3; if (this.negativeRed && nNum < 0) { nStr = '' + nStr + ''; } return (nStr); } function toPercentageNF() { nNum = this.num * 100; nNum = this.getRounded(nNum); return nNum + '%'; } function getZerosNF(places) { var extraZ = ''; var c; for (c = 0; c < places; c++) { extraZ += '0'; } return extraZ; } function expandExponentialNF(origVal) { if (isNaN(origVal)) return origVal; var newVal = parseFloat(origVal) + ''; var eLoc = newVal.toLowerCase().indexOf('e'); if (eLoc != -1) { var plusLoc = newVal.toLowerCase().indexOf('+'); var negLoc = newVal.toLowerCase().indexOf('-', eLoc); var justNumber = newVal.substring(0, eLoc); if (negLoc != -1) { var places = newVal.substring(negLoc + 1, newVal.length); justNumber = this.moveDecimalAsString(justNumber, true, parseInt(places)); } else { if (plusLoc == -1) plusLoc = eLoc; var places = newVal.substring(plusLoc + 1, newVal.length); justNumber = this.moveDecimalAsString(justNumber, false, parseInt(places)); } newVal = justNumber; } return newVal; } function moveDecimalRightNF(val, places) { var newVal = ''; if (places == null) { newVal = this.moveDecimal(val, false); } else { newVal = this.moveDecimal(val, false, places); } return newVal; } function moveDecimalLeftNF(val, places) { var newVal = ''; if (places == null) { newVal = this.moveDecimal(val, true); } else { newVal = this.moveDecimal(val, true, places); } return newVal; } function moveDecimalAsStringNF(val, left, places) { var spaces = (arguments.length < 3) ? this.places : places; if (spaces <= 0) return val; var newVal = val + ''; var extraZ = this.getZeros(spaces); var re1 = new RegExp('([0-9.]+)'); if (left) { newVal = newVal.replace(re1, extraZ + '$1'); var re2 = new RegExp('(-?)([0-9]*)([0-9]{' + spaces + '})(\\.?)'); newVal = newVal.replace(re2, '$1$2.$3'); } else { var reArray = re1.exec(newVal); if (reArray != null) { newVal = newVal.substring(0, reArray.index) + reArray[1] + extraZ + newVal.substring(reArray.index + reArray[0].length); } var re2 = new RegExp('(-?)([0-9]*)(\\.?)([0-9]{' + spaces + '})'); newVal = newVal.replace(re2, '$1$2$4.'); } newVal = newVal.replace(/\.$/, ''); return newVal; } function moveDecimalNF(val, left, places) { var newVal = ''; if (places == null) { newVal = this.moveDecimalAsString(val, left); } else { newVal = this.moveDecimalAsString(val, left, places); } return parseFloat(newVal); } function getRoundedNF(val) { val = this.moveDecimalRight(val); if (this.truncate) { val = val >= 0 ? Math.floor(val) : Math.ceil(val); } else { val = Math.round(val); } val = this.moveDecimalLeft(val); return val; } function preserveZerosNF(val) { var c; val = this.expandExponential(val); if (this.places <= 0) return val; var decimalPos = val.indexOf('.'); if (decimalPos == -1) { val += '.'; for (c = 0; c < this.places; c++) { val += '0'; } } else { var actualDecimals = (val.length - 1) - decimalPos; var difference = this.places - actualDecimals; for (c = 0; c < difference; c++) { val += '0'; } } return val; } function justNumberNF(val) { newVal = val + ''; var isPercentage = false; if (newVal.indexOf('%') != -1) { newVal = newVal.replace(/\%/g, ''); isPercentage = true; } var re = new RegExp('[^\\' + this.inputDecimalValue + '\\d\\-\\+\\(\\)eE]', 'g'); newVal = newVal.replace(re, ''); var tempRe = new RegExp('[' + this.inputDecimalValue + ']', 'g'); var treArray = tempRe.exec(newVal); if (treArray != null) { var tempRight = newVal.substring(treArray.index + treArray[0].length); newVal = newVal.substring(0, treArray.index) + this.PERIOD + tempRight.replace(tempRe, ''); } if (newVal.charAt(newVal.length - 1) == this.DASH) { newVal = newVal.substring(0, newVal.length - 1); newVal = '-' + newVal; } else if (newVal.charAt(0) == this.LEFT_PAREN && newVal.charAt(newVal.length - 1) == this.RIGHT_PAREN) { newVal = newVal.substring(1, newVal.length - 1); newVal = '-' + newVal; } newVal = parseFloat(newVal); if (!isFinite(newVal)) { newVal = 0; } if (isPercentage) { newVal = this.moveDecimalLeft(newVal, 2); } return newVal; } $(document).ready(function () { $("#add-test-level").click(function () { var url = getUrl(); if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) { url = url.substr(0, url.indexOf("?")); } var is_method = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')); if (is_method.substr(-3, 3) == ".do") url = url.substr(0, url.length - is_method.length); var count = $("#ajax-test-level-result tr").length; $.post(url + "/addTestlevel.do", {count: count}, function (data) { $("#ajax-test-level-result").append(data); }); }); }); function removeTestlevel(item) { $(item).parent().parent().remove(); 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paramHash[kv[0]] = kv[1]; } Picup2.callbackHandler(paramHash); } }, urlForOptions: function (action, options) { var url = Picup2.customURLScheme + action + '?'; var params = []; for (var param in options) { optionValue = options[param]; paramLowerCase = param.toLowerCase(); if ((paramLowerCase == 'callbackurl' || paramLowerCase == 'cancelurl') && Picup2.shouldConvertCallbackURLScheme) { browserName = MobileBrowserName(); if (browserName == 'Opera') { optionValue = optionValue.replace(/^http/, 'ohttp'); } else if (browserName == 'Chrome') { optionValue = optionValue.replace(/^http/, 'googlechrome'); } } params.push(param + '=' + optionValue); } var uploadURL = url + params.join('&'); return uploadURL; }, isMobileIOS: function () { var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return (agent.indexOf('iphone') != -1) || (agent.indexOf('ipad') != -1); } }; function MobileBrowserName() { var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (agent.indexOf('opera') != -1) { return 'Opera'; } else if (agent.indexOf('crios') != -1) { return 'Chrome'; 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'javascript:false' : 'about:blank' }, options); var veto = {}; this.trigger('form-pre-serialize', [this, options, veto]); if (veto.veto) { log('ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-pre-serialize trigger'); return this; } if (options.beforeSerialize && options.beforeSerialize(this, options) === false) { log('ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSerialize callback'); return this; } var traditional = options.traditional; if (traditional === undefined) { traditional = $.ajaxSettings.traditional; } var elements = []; var qx, a = this.formToArray(options.semantic, elements); if (options.data) { options.extraData = options.data; qx = $.param(options.data, traditional); } if (options.beforeSubmit && options.beforeSubmit(a, this, options) === false) { log('ajaxSubmit: submit aborted via beforeSubmit callback'); return this; } this.trigger('form-submit-validate', [a, this, options, veto]); if (veto.veto) { log('ajaxSubmit: submit vetoed via form-submit-validate trigger'); return this; } var q = $.param(a, traditional); if (qx) { q = (q ? 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